10-1-Running1000milesFreedom Flashcards
What aspects of the slave system and assumptions about race and gender allowed the Crafts to thwart the system?
The assumption that white men own black men. The assumption that if it looks like a man, and acts like a man it must be a man…
What is the title/author of the articles?
William and Ellen Craft by William Craft (1860)
Polly Shine by WPA Interview (1938)
How did the characters in both narratives (The Crafts and Polly Shine reject and resist assumptions about black people that were fundamental to the slave system? On what personal resources did they draw to make their challenges?
Rejects the assumption that black men don’t care about their families. Rejects the notion that slavery is good for the enslaved. In 1807 outlawed slave trade from abroad. Therefore slave owners needed to take care of their slaves.
Whites try to justify this as good… slaves reject that notion. The Polly Shine story shows the rejection of white notion that whites have control of black sexuality.
What do these stories tell about the forces shaping love and other intimate relations among black people under slavery?