11.5.5- Avionics- Auto Flight Flashcards
What is flight envelope protection?
Monitors the operation of all modern auto flight systems to prevent any abnormal conditions.
What does FMGEC stand for?
Flight management guidance and envelope computer.
Compared to a human reaction time of 0.8s how quickly can the autopilot correct?
50 milliseconds
What function is part of the inner loop?
Stabilisation from the vertical gyro input.
What is a duplex system?
A three-channel autopilot that has an individual ‘pitch’, ‘roll’, and ‘yaw’ channel, each with its control loop where each axis is a channel.
What is a triplex system?
A three-channel autopilot that has an ‘A’, ‘B’, or ‘C’ lane with voted output, meaning each AP computer has its ‘pitch’ ‘roll’ and ‘yaw’ axis as a channel.
What does the term lane apply too?
Autopilot systems that are integrated into a flight control module.
How does a triplex identify faults or incorrect inputs?
Comparators monitoring all three outputs. Any variation is then fed to a voting system to decide which lane is at fault.
What type of system does a basic autopilot use?
Closed loop servo system.
What is the inner loop sometimes referred too as?
Control loop
What does SAS stand for?
Stability Augmentation System
To change altitude by 1000ft in 120s what rate of climb must you select?
500 feet per minute
What is VNAV mode?
Vertical navigation
How is the glideslope signal transmitted?
UHF 329.3 to 335.0 MHz
What does LOC mode do?
Localiser- allows the A/P to provide left/right guidance along the centre line of the runway.
What is the localiser mode divided into?
Capture on course
Approach on course
What does the Lateral Navigation mode use (LNAV)?
What two systems are under autothrottle?
Auto throttle
Auto thrust
What is auto throttle?
Autothrottle physically move throttle levers, and their signals or cables move the throttles on the engines.
What is auto thrust?
A digital signal directly to the Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC) computer of the engine. The system’s thrust levers do not move
What speed is the common throttle hold?
When is go around mode activated?
When auto throttle is engaged and the radio altitude is less than 2000ft
What is fail operational of the auto land system?
Overall system still functioning and not cause a downgrading of performance beyond the limits required for automatic landing.
What is the fail passive of the auto land system?
System can withstand failure without endangering the safety or deviating excessively from the flight path.
What is the dual dual system?
Commonly used on smaller passenger aircraft. It involves a two-computer, twin-channel autopilot where three of four channels are normally used to provide the required redundancy.