11.5 Flashcards
If an aircraft is (IFR) rated what must it have?
More than one source for each instrument (alternate source)
ECAM meaning?
Electronic centralised aircraft monitoring
Where is the PFD located?
The outboard side in the cockpit with one for pilot one for co pilot
EHSI meaning?
Electronic horizontal situational indicator
EADI meaning?
Electronic altitude directional indicator
How many screen are there on a typical EFIS system (electronic flight instrument system)
What is contained in the basic T?
Right = Altimeter
Left = airspeed indicator
Top middle = artificial horizon
Bottom middle = compass or heading indicator
What are the additional important flight instruments?
-vertical speed indicator
-Mach meter
-temperature indicators
Where are altitude based instruments on the basic T?
Right hand side
Qualitive and quantitive meaning?
Qualitive = colour or visual indication
Quantitive= purely informational or numerative
What is pressure displayed in?
Inches of mercury or hectopascals
Which instruments work off of pressure?
-Air speed indicator
-Vertical speed indicator
What is the standard temperature at sea level?
15 degrees C
How much does temperature decrease with altitude?
2 degrees C per 1000 feet
What pressure type does an Altimeter measure from?
Static pressure
What is the pressure as a percentage of sea level at
-18,000 feet
-36,000 feet
-54,000 feet
18,000 = 50% of sea level
36,000 = 25% of sea level
54,000 = 12.5% of sea level
What happens to the altimeter at low level and what is done to negate this?
The altimeter is less accurate a radio altimeter is used instead below 2500 feet
How does an altimeter function?
As pressure decreases in the casing a bellow will expand this is measured, on larger aircraft this information is processed by the air data computer
Why is the aneroid capsule diaphragm corregated?
The higher surface are makes it more sensitive and therefore accurate
What is the meaning of the terms QNE, QNH and QFE?
QNE = used in cruise set to the standard pressure 1013.25 hPa
QNH = measured height above standard sea level
QFE = measured height above field elevation in terms of the closest airport
What pressure does the airspeed indicator read from?
Static and dynamic or total air pressure
What ports are connected to the airspeed indicator?
-Pitot and static
-pitot being connected to the bellows
-static is connected to the casing
What are the stall speed limits?
VFO = stall speed in landing configuration
VS1= stall speed in clean flight at maximum weight
VSE = maximum allowable speed with the flaps extended
VNO = maximum airspeed at cruise
VNE = maximum airspeed that cannot be exceeded
On an airspeed indicator what do green, white and yellow indicate?
Green = normal operation range
White = full flap operating range
Yellow = caution range