112 NATOPS Fundamentals Flashcards
Discuss the purpose of the NATOPS program
Prescribes general instructions for improving combat readiness and reducing mishaps
State the responsibilities of the CNO NATOPS Coordinator
An individual assigned to the NATOPS products administrator, who represents CNO NATOPS policy at all NATOPS reviews
State the responsibilities of the NATOPS Advisory Group
Consists of all the big-name commanders and commandants who oversee all the NATOPS happenings in their respective command areas of influence and make corrections as necessary
State the responsibilities of the NATOPS Coordinator
Coordinates NATOPS and all its changes
State the responsibilities of the NATOPS Model Manager
The unit commander or head of department designated by the cognizant command to administer the NATOPS program for a specific aircraft model or aviation-related system. (HSC-3)
State the responsibilities of the NATOPS Program Manager
An individual within the MMU assigned by the model manager to perform administrative responsibilities for the NATOPS program and who is given written authority to act on behalf of the model manager in NATOPS-related matters.
State the responsibilities of the NATOPS evaluator
A highly qualified aircrew member assigned to a NATOPS evaluation unit. Designations shall be in writing by the NATOPS model manager.
State the responsibilities of the NATOPS instructor
A highly qualified aircrew member whose primary duty should be administering the NATOPS evaluation program within a squadron or unit. Shall receive initial and subsequent NATOPS standardization evaluations from the appropriate NATOPS evaluator and be designated in writing by the CO.
State the responsibilities of the Individual Aircrewman
Operate within the NATOPS program and educate yourself on all operating procedures and changes
State the meaning of a Warning
Could cause injury or death
State the meaning of a Caution
Could cause damage to equipment
State the meaning of a Note
Essential to emphasize
State the meaning of Shall
State the meaning of Should
Highly recommended but not mandatory
State the meaning of May
Up to the user’s discretion
State the meaning of Will
Used to indicate futurity, never the level of shall, should, etc.
State the purpose of a NATOPS evaluation
Makes sure everyone is on the same page and following the rules set forth by NATOPS
State the purpose of the NAVFLIRS
Naval Flight Record Subsystem- Serves as the go-to flight data for the Aviation Maintenance and Material Management people. Standardized Navy flight activity data collection system
Explain and describe the process for submitting Routine Change Recommendations
Submitted to review conferences, do not require immediate distro to the fleet. Forward recommendation via chain of command to DC
Explain and describe the process for submitting Urgent Chain Recommendations
Change needed ASAP due to safety issue
Explain and describe the process for submitting Interim Change Recommendations
Same as routing changes but slightly faster
Discuss Circadian Rhythm
Natural sleep pattern
Discuss Flight Time
Too much flight time induces fatigue. Too little flight time= not proficient
Discuss Nutrition
Healthy body = healthy mind = healthy performance. Eat well.
Discuss Drugs (prescription)
May cause sleepiness and/or inhibit performance. Make sure they’re cleared by the flight doc
Discuss Illness
Decreases performance. Dangerous to the crew depending on level of illness
Discuss Pregnancy
Can fly up to 3rd trimester with flight doc approval
Discuss Immunization/Injections/Blood Donation
Shots- 12 hrs
Blood donation- 4 weeks before, 4 days after, 4 months between donations
Discuss Hypobaric Exposure
Low pressure for too long can induce illness/death. Not a good idea to be without oxygen. It messes you up.
Discuss Performance Maintenance during Continuous and Sustained Operations
Discuss Flight Simulators
Helps performance
Discuss Crew Rest
At least 8 hrs within a 24 hr period
Explain the purpose and entries required of Master Flight Files
Only official flight record of Naval Aircraft
Explain the purpose and entries of Aviators Log Book
Track flight time, NVD time, landings, etc.
Explain the purpose and entries required of NATOPS Training Jacket
Track qualifications and expirations
Ezplain R1/RP-1
Aircrew Refresher NASTP Training for Class 1 Aircraft
Explain R2/RP-2
Aircrew Refresher NASTP Training for Class 2 Aircraft
Explain R3/RP-3
Aircrew Refresher NASTP Training for Class 3 Aircraft
Explain R4/RP-4
Aircrew Refresher NASTP Training for Class 4 Aircraft
Define Class 1 Aircraft
Aircraft (other than rotorcraft and aircraft composed primarily of composite material) of 5,700 kg maximum certificated takeoff weight or less
Define Class 2 Aircraft
Aircraft (other than rotorcraft and aircraft composed primarily of composite materials) over 5,700 kg maximum certificated takeoff weight and up to, and including, 34,200 kg maximum certificated takeoff weight.
Define Class 3 Aircraft
Aircraft, by make and model, (other than rotorcraft and aircraft composed primarily of composite material) over 34,200 kg maximum certificated takeoff weight
Define Class 4 Aircraft
Rotorcraft (other than rotorcraft composed primarily of composite material) of 2,736 kg maximum certificated takeoff weight or less
Duty in a status not involving flying
Duty involving flying crewman
Personnel under training to become crewmembers
Explain annual flight hours and CEFIP requirements
Career enlisted flight incentive pay- not given to personnel who are not career fliers. 48 hrs for crewman and 100 for pilots per year
TYCOM-Type Commander. First character A-M, 2nd character A-Z
Explain the visual identification system for TYCOM COMNAVAIRPAC
First character N-Z, Second character A-Z
Explain the visual identification system for TYCOM CNATRA
(Chief of Naval Air Training) 1 character A-G, no second character