10.2 Musculature of the Lower Leg Flashcards
List all the muscles of the leg, including anterior, posterior, and lateral compartments
- Tibialis anterior
- Extensor hallucis/digitorum longus
- Gastroc
- Soleus
- Plantaris
- Flexor hallucis/digitorum longus
- Tibialis posterior
- Fibularis longus/brevis
O and I of Tib Anterior
Origin: Upper tibia
Insertion: MediAl cuneiform
O and I of flexor digitorum longus
Origin: Medial tibia
Insertion: Plantar surface of digits
O and I of flexor hallucis longus
Origin: Posterior fibula (crosses over leg)
Insertion: Inferior surface of hallux
O and I of extensor digitorum longus. Which muscle is it superficial to?
Origin: Lateral proximal tibia
Insertion: Dorsal aspect of digits
Superficial to extensor hallucis longus.
O and I of extensor hallucis longus. Which muscle is it deep to?
Origin: Lateral tibia
Insertion: Dorsal surface of hallux
Deep to extensor digitorum longus
O and I of tibialis posterior
Origin: proximal posterior leg, across tibia, fibula, and interosseus membrane
Insertion: Plantar surface of navicular
O and I of fibularis longus/brevis
Origin (brevis): inferolateral fibula
Origin (longus): head of fibula
Insertion (brevis): base of fifth metatarsal
Insertion (longus): plantar surface of fifth metatarsal
Origin and insertion of gastroc
Origin: Femoral condyles (medial/lateral head)
Insertion: Achilles tendon (calcaneal tuberosity)
O and I of soleus
Origin: fibula head and “soleal line” on lateral proximal tibia
Insertion: Achilles tendon (calcaneal tuberosity)
O and I of plantaris
Origin: Lateral distal femur
Insertion: achilles tendon (calcaneal tuberosity)