10 Codes Flashcards
Return to quarters
Call your quarters or other unit.
Call dispatcher by telephone
The message has been received, is understood, and will be complied with.
Repeat message
Stand by
Verify address/location
Request shall be specific in nature.
In service by radio
A unit leaving the scene of an incident where it had either operated or stood fast is on the air and available. This signal is also used when the AT/SP or PC/ATS is not in service and a unit is leaving quarters. This signal is not used when unit is leaving quarters for non-emergency response.
Code 1: Used only by a Division or Battalion to indicate it is in-service by radio when leaving a quarters other than its own at which it had been off the air and to which its alarms had been routed.
Code 2: Used by any unit to indicate it is on the air outside its response area.
When a unit returns to its response Rea, dispatch must be notified.
Off the air
A unit will be out of radio contact. (State the reason: entering tunnel; visiting quarters; at a fire or emergency, etc.). A 10-8 is to be transmitted, with code if necessary, when radio contact is re-established.
Unit location
A request is made for a units location.
Radio test count
Preliminary report requested by chief or dispatcher from first arriving unit.
Roster staffed engine company
Firefighter on house watch shall acknowledge via 10-14 button for four man engine company.
Return all units except one engine AND one truck.
Return all units except one engine OR one ladder.
Proceed at reduced speed. No warning devices are to be used, and all traffic laws followed.
Brush fire
Outside rubbish
ADV fire
No value other than salvage and no owner can be located.
Auto fire
A fire in a vehicle with plates and having a value greater than that of salvage.
Manhole fire
Code 1: fire has extended from manhole, conduit or transformer into a building.
Code 2: fire has blown one or more manhole covers, or smoke is issuing under pressure.
Code 3: smoke is seeping from a manhole.
Code 4: fire or smoke from a transformer at any location. (Pole, vault, room)
No code: everything else
Utility company will dispatch emergency crew immediately for codes 1 and 4
Food on the stove
Compactor or incinerator fire
Fire had not extended from compactor or shaft
Subway or railways system
Code 1: structural fire
Code 2: non-structural fire (e.g. train fire, rubbish on the tracks)
Code 3: non-medical emergency
Assist civilian
All calls for assistance other than medical. Protecting ems on highway, good intention calls, calls handled by other agencies, any type of investigation, searches and complaints, elevator emergencies, and lockouts.
Defective oil burner
Fire has not extended from the firebox
Odor condition
Code 1: odor of smoke. Odors caused by nearby working fires such as barbecues, salamanders, etc
Code 2: any other type of odor
Sprinkler system emergency
Code 1: defective sprinkler, broke pipe
Code 2: unwarranted sprinkler alarm, not defective ( surge in pressure, people working on system)
Code 3: activation by heat source not associated with an accidental fire
Unwarranted or unnecessary alarm activation
Any alarm system activation that is unwarranted or unnecessary, excluding a sprinkler system alarm (use 10-34 Code 1, 2 or 3) or an alarm system activation resulting from a utility power fluctuation (use 10-40 Code 2).
No Code - Unwarranted alarm.
Alarm system activation caused by the defective condition of alarm device, equipment or system. (e.g., low battery condition, alarm activations without a known cause or when no condition is found warranting an emergency response).
Codes 1-4 - Unnecessary alarm.
Alarm device, equipment or system operating properly but unnecessarily activated by lack of due care. DO NOT use this code when there is a fire or other condition warranting an emergency response.
Code 1: Unnecessary alarm caused by alarm system testing or servicing.
Code 2: Unnecessary alarm caused by construction activities.
Code 3: Unnecessary alarm caused by ordinary household activities (toast, steam, aerosol spray).
Code 4: Unnecessary alarm caused by other known cause. (e.g., alarms resulting from cigarette smoking in unauthorized areas). When this code is used, a NYFIRS report must be completed setting forth the cause of the unnecessary alarm and the relevant particulars.
Select appropriate code based on best information available, whether observed by or reported to responding unit.
Vehicle accident or emergency
Code 1: vehicle accident or emergency requiring washdown
Code 2: vehicle accident, no injuries or washdown
Code 3: vehicle accident with injuries
Code 4: vehicle accident, with or without injuries, with a trapped victim requiring extrication
No code: vehicle emergency other than described above
Medical assignment not associated with fire
Code 1: Victim deceased.
Code 2: Victim/Patient is NOT breathing and requires resuscitation or may be suffering from a serious, apparently life threatening injury or illness.
Code 3: Victim/Patient IS breathing and suffering from a non-serious, apparently not life threatening injury or illness.
Code 4: Medical assignment where the unit is 10-84, has no patient contact and EMS is on-scene.
Carbon monoxide response
Any type of Carbon Monoxide Response
Code 1: Detector Activation: Carbon Monoxide Investigation (low battery, defective detector, unwarranted alarm, etc.)
Code 2: Detector Activation: Carbon Monoxide Incident (CO Meter Reading of 1-9ppm)
Code 3: Detector Activation: Carbon Monoxide Emergency (CO Meter Reading of greater than 9ppm)
Code 4: No Detector Activation: Carbon Monoxide Incident or Emergency (Specify) e.g.: no detector present in affected area, detector present in affected area, but did not activate.
FD standing by
Interagency incident, e.g. Suspicious package
Utility emergency
Code 1: Gas Emergency (Gas main leak, Gas leak in structure, Defective gas appliance, etc.)
Code 2: Electrical Emergency (Wires Down, Sparking Fixture, Short Circuit, etc.)
Code 3: Water Condition - any type of water leak or flooding condition
Code 4: Steam Leak - any type of steam leak
Fire marshal investigation required (specify code)
Code 1: Occupied Structure or Vehicle
A structure (commercial, residential, public), or vehicle (car, bus or train) which is occupied at the time of the fire. This also includes a vacant apartment in an occupied building, or a store with a dwelling above, or an occupied detached garage, shed or similar structure.
Code 2: Unoccupied Structure
A structure (commercial, residential, public), normally occupied which is unoccupied at the time of the fire.
Code 3: Unoccupied Vehicle
A vehicle, (car, bus or train) with or without plates, which is unoccupied at the time of the fire.
Code 4: Vacant Structure, or Structures not intended for Dwelling Purposes.
Examples include, but are not limited to the following: Vacant buildings, buildings under construction/demolition, detached garages, sheds or similar structures.
If any of the above are occupied at the time of the fire, transmit 10-40 code 1.
Request for ambulance
Request for ambulance response from EMS command. Specify the reason and type (if possible)
Civilian DOA or serious injury (fire related)
Deceased Black Code 1
Life Threatening Injury Red/Orange Code 2
Non-Life Threatening Yellow Code 3
Non-Serious/Ambulatory Green Code 4
Police response
For crowd control, traffic, security, apprehension, etc. dispatcher shall be advised of specific reason for request.
Police response for harassment
Firefighters are being harmed, need PD immediately
Suspension of outside activities
Major emergency response
Major emergency incident with potential for multiple casualties e.g. Collapse of a PD, subways car derailment
Missing, lost, trapped or seriously injured member and additional resources are required.
Water supply is required
Notification of a fire or emergency
Notification if fire in a high-rise building
Notification of a fire in a high-rise multiple dwelling
Hazardous materials incidents
10-80 No Code
An incident that can be controlled by the on-scene unit(s) and requires no additional resources. The Haz-Mat Battalion (HB01) and Haz-Mat Co. 1 (HM01) can be contacted via the dispatcher, 800 MHz radio, or cell phone for technical information if necessary. HB01 and HM01 may be requested to respond to the incident if necessary.
Guidelines for transmitting Signal 10-80 No Code include:
- Release is of a small quantity (e.g., gas leak in a stove).
- The material and its hazards have been identified.
- Firefighters’ PPE provides adequate protection against the identified hazards.
- Special equipment and specialized training are not needed.
10-80 Code 1
An incident requiring additional resources and/or specialized equipment not carried by regular field units to assist the IC in assessing the hazards and identifying the resources necessary to manage the spill or release.
First unit to arrive
Fire Marshall requires emergency assistance (specify reason)
High expansion foam operation
Medical emergency EMS - fire unit not required
Malicious false alarm
Unit will be operating at least 30 minutes. Unit is to state reason it will be unavailable
10-8 code 1
Used only by a Division or Battalion to indicate it is in-service by radio when leaving a quarters other than its own at which it had been off the air and to which its alarms had been routed.
10-8 code 2
Used by any unit to indicate it is on the air outside its response area.
10-25 code 1
fire has extended from manhole, conduit or transformer into a building.
10-25 code 2
fire has blown one or more manhole covers, or smoke is issuing under pressure.
10-25 code 3
Smoke seeping from manhole
10-25 code 4
fire or smoke from a transformer at any location. (Pole, vault, room)
10-25 no code
Everything else
10-28 code 1
Subway or railways system
Code one: structural fire
10-28 code 2
Subways or railways incident
Code 2: non-structural fire (e.g. train fire, rubbish on the tracks)
10-28 code 3
Subways or railways incident
Code 3: non-medical emergency
10-33 code 1
Odor condition
Code 1: odor of smoke. Odors caused by nearby working fires such as barbecues, salamanders, etc
10-33 code 2
Odor condition
Code 2: any other type of odor
10-34 code 1
Sprinkler system emergency
Code 1: defective sprinkler/ broken pipe
10-34 code 2
Sprinkler system emergency
Code 2: unwarranted sprinkler alarm, not defective ( surge in pressure, people working on system)
10-34 code 3
Sprinkler system emergency
Code 3: activation by heat source not associated with an accidental fire
10-35 no code
Unwarranted alarm
Alarm system activation caused by the defective condition of alarm device, equipment or system. (e.g., low battery condition, alarm activations without a known cause or when no condition is found warranting an emergency response).
10-35 code 1
Unwarranted or unnecessary alarm
Code 1: Unnecessary alarm caused by alarm system testing or servicing.
10-35 code 2
Code 2: Unnecessary alarm caused by construction activities.
10-35 code 3
Code 3: Unnecessary alarm caused by ordinary household activities (toast, steam, aerosol spray).
10-35 code 4
Code 4: Unnecessary alarm caused by other known cause. (e.g., alarms resulting from cigarette smoking in unauthorized areas). When this code is used, a NYFIRS report must be completed setting forth the cause of the unnecessary alarm and the relevant particulars.
10-36 code 1
Code 1: vehicle accident or emergency requiring washdown
10-36 code 2
Code 2: vehicle accident, no injuries or washdown
10-36 code 3
Code 3: vehicle accident with injuries
10-36 code 4
Code 4: vehicle accident, with or without injuries, with a trapped victim requiring extrication
10-36 no code
No code: vehicle emergency other than described above
10-37 code 1
Medical assignment not associated with fire
Code 1: Victim deceased.
10-37 code 2
Code 2: Victim/Patient is NOT breathing and requires resuscitation or may be suffering from a serious, apparently life threatening injury or illness.
10-37 code 3
Code 3: Victim/Patient IS breathing and suffering from a non-serious, apparently not life threatening injury or illness.
10-37 code 4
Code 4: Medical assignment where the unit is 10-84, has no patient contact and EMS is on-scene.
10-38 code 1
Carbon monoxide response
Any type of Carbon Monoxide Response
Code 1: Detector Activation: Carbon Monoxide Investigation (low battery, defective detector, unwarranted alarm, etc.)
10-38 code 2
Code 2: Detector Activation: Carbon Monoxide Incident (CO Meter Reading of 1-9ppm)
10-38 code 3
Code 3: Detector Activation: Carbon Monoxide Emergency (CO Meter Reading of greater than 9ppm)
10-38 code 4
Code 4: No Detector Activation: Carbon Monoxide Incident or Emergency (Specify) e.g.: no detector present in affected area, detector present in affected area, but did not activate.
10-40 code 1
Utility emergency
Code 1: Gas Emergency (Gas main leak, Gas leak in structure, Defective gas appliance, etc.)
10-40 code 2
Code 2: Electrical Emergency (Wires Down, Sparking Fixture, Short Circuit, etc.)
10-40 code 3
Code 3: Water Condition - any type of water leak or flooding condition
10-40 code 4
Code 4: Steam Leak - any type of steam leak
10-41 code 1
Fire Marshall investigation required (specify code)
Code 1: Occupied Structure or Vehicle
A structure (commercial, residential, public), or vehicle (car, bus or train) which is occupied at the time of the fire. This also includes a vacant apartment in an occupied building, or a store with a dwelling above, or an occupied detached garage, shed or similar structure
10-41 code 2
Code 2: Unoccupied Structure
A structure (commercial, residential, public), normally occupied which is unoccupied at the time of the fire.
10-41 code 3
Code 3: Unoccupied Vehicle
A vehicle, (car, bus or train) with or without plates, which is unoccupied at the time of the fire.
10-41 code 4
Code 4: Vacant Structure, or Structures not intended for Dwelling Purposes.
10-60 code 1
Major emergency response
Code 1: enhanced technical rescue resources required e.g. Tunneling, shoring, cutting structural members, complicated disentanglement
10-60 code 2
Code 2/second alarm: enhanced technical rescue required - large scale e.g. Collapse of 6 story MD, explosion with severe collateral structural damage, airplane crash (except JFK and LaGuardia airport boxes)
10-80 code 1
10-80 Code 1
An incident requiring additional resources and/or specialized equipment not carried by regular field units to assist the IC in assessing the hazards and identifying the resources necessary to manage the spill or release.