L10:文法 Flashcards
how to ask a questions comparing two items?
AとBと どちらのほうが(adjective)ですか。
instead of どちらのほう, you can say just どちら.
can also use どっちのほう and どっち. these are less formal
how to compare two items? (saying something is more [adjective] than the other thing)
Aのほうが Bより (property)。
“A is more (property) than B”
note: the order of A and B may be switched, so it is important to note the suffixes, not the word order, when differentiating between the two
how to ask a question comparing three+ items?
(list of items or general category) の中で (question word) が一番 (property)。
in what cases is 何 used in questions comparing 3+ items, and when is どれ used?
何: when the question is asking about a general category (like “sports”)
どれ: when items to choose from are listed
how to compare 3+ items? (saying that, out of all these things or this whole category, this thing is the most [adjective] out of them all)
(list of items or general category) の中でAが一番(property)。
how can we express if we’re unsure if our answer is correct?
use 思います
how do we avoid repeating a noun too many times and replace it with “one” (as in: “I have a black sweater. I have a red one too”)
replace the second mention of the noun with の, the indefinite noun. (only used for things, not people).
ex: 私はくろいセーターを持っています。あかいのも持っています。
how do we indicate something is someone’s without repeating the noun? (ex: “it this Sora’s bag?” “no, it’s Mary’s.”)
state ownership and just omit the second noun ex: 「これはソラさんのかばんですか。」 「いいえ、それはメアリーさんのです。」 メアリーさんのかばん ⇒ メアリーさんの
how do we describe what a person is planning/intending to do the future?
verb phrase (short form) + つもりです。
how do we talk about an intention we had that did not materialize?
(ex: “we were planning to visit a temple, but we didn’t, because the weather was not good”)
we use the past tense
ex: おてらを見に行くつもりでしたが、天気がよくなかったから、行きませんでした。
how do we use なる?
when it followed nouns or adjectives, it means something has become something (either implying absolute or relative change).
い adjectives: final い ⇒ くなる な adjectives: adjective ⇒ adjectiveになる nouns: noun ⇒ nounになる
how do we specify that the change we are talking about is relative?
(ex: Mary has become better at Japanese than before)
use comparison (like for two items) ex: メアリーさんは前より日本語が上手になりました。
how do we say “something” and “anything” for question words other than 何?
question word + か + additional particle (if applicable)
“nothing/no one/nowhere”:
question word + additional particle (if applicable) + も
(used with negative)
what particles can be used with something/nothing?
anything but は、が、and を
what is a new use of the particle で?
to describe means of transportation and use of instruments
how to say: “we eat our meals with chopsticks”?
how to say: “I saw a movie on the TV”?
how can we say we will do something somewhere else and will return to our current location (from which we are speaking)?
use て form of a verb + 来る.
how to say: “I will get mom a souvenir when I go to a place”?