10/7 Introduction to Upper Extremity and Superficial Back - Brauer | Scapular and Deltoid Region - Carter (Completed) Flashcards
What two bones make up the pectoral girdle? 2
What is the only limb joint that attaches the upper limb to the body? 3
the sternoclavicular joint
What kind of joint is the sternoclavicular joint? 3
synovial joint w/ two separate synovial cavities
What muscles do we describe as hypaxial? 5
flexors of arm and shoulder
What muscles do we describe as Epaxial? 5
If you had to pick a region, what region of the back would you say was hypaxial?
The superficial back muscles (primarily involved in moving the upper limb)
What are the muscles of Layer 1 (Superficial layer)? Where are these muscles derived from? What innervates these muscles? 7
Trapezius (CN 11 Accessory)
Latissimus Dorsi (Thoracodorsal n.)
Both are hypaxial muscles
What are the muscles of Layer 2 of the back (Intermediate Layer)? Where are these muscles derived from? What innervates these muscles? 7
Levator Scapulae m. (Dorsal Scapular n.)
Rhomboid Minor m. (Dorsal Scapular n.)
Rhomboid Major m. (Dorsal Scapular n.)
All are Hypaxial muscles
Where does the Trapezius m. originate from and insert into? What innervates it? What is its action? 8, 9
Superficial muscle
O –> nuchal ligament ( C7 - T12)
scapular spine
N –> Spinal Accessory n. CN 11 (also motor branches of C3 & C4)
Action: PURED P rotraction U pward rotation of scapula R etraction E levation D epression of scapula
Where does the Latissimus Dorsi m. originate from and insert into? What innervates it? What is its action? 10, 11
Superficial muscle
thoracolumbar fascia (T7 - T12)
Iliac crest
I –> intertubercular sulcus of humerus
N –> thoracodorsal nerve (C6 - C8)
Action: MAE
M edially rotates humerus
A dducts humerus
E xtends humerus
What are the borders of the triangle of Auscultation? 12
Trapezius m. (Spinal accessory CN 11)
Latissimus dorsi m. (thoracodorsal n.)
Medial scapular border
Where does the Levator scapulae m. originate from and insert into? What innervates it? What is its action? 14, 15
Deep Extrinsic Muscle
O –> post. tubercles of transverse processes (C1 - C4)
I –> medial superior scapula
N –> dorsal scapular n. (C5)
elevates scapula
Downward rotation scapula
Where does the Rhomboid minor m. originate from and insert into? What innervates it? What is its action? 14, 15
Deep Extrinsic Muscle
O –> nuchal ligament (C7 - T1)
I –> upper medial border of scapula
N –> dorsal scapular n. (C5)
Action: RED
R etraction
E levation of scapula
D ownward rotation
Where does the Rhomboid major m. originate from and insert into? What innervates it? What is its action? 14, 15
Deep Extrinsic Muscle
O –> spinous processes (T2 - T5)
I –> medial scapular border
N –> dorsal scapular n. (C5)
Action: RED
R etraction
E levation of scapula
D ownward rotation
Dorsal Rami innervate deep muscle and what else? 16
Dorsal Rami (epaxial) innervate deep muscles and then penetrate through ventral rami (hypaxial) to innervate cutaneously
What muscles make up the rotator cuff muscles? 17, 18
Supraspinatus m.
Infraspinatus m.
Teres minor m.