1 - Introducing Child Development Flashcards
What is the attachment theory?
A psychological model - how early experiences as child influences adult relationships
Who came up with the theory of attachment?
John Bowlby
Who classified age 18-25 as an emerging adult?
Jeffery Arnett
What occurs during this 18-25 period as suggested by Arnett?
Adolescents become more independent and explore various life possibilities
Argues that this developmental period can be isolated from adolescence and young adulthood
What are the types of attachment?
Secure, insecure (avoidant and resistant), disorganised
What is secure attachment?
- Positive internal working models
- Child’s self view
- Self in relation to others
- Social competence, especially with peers - Emotion regulation ability
- Expression and recognition skills
- Avoiding anxiety, dealing with stress
What are the stages in attachment development?
0-2 months: Pre-attachment
2-7 months: Attachment in the making
7-24 months: Clear-cut attachment
24 months+: Goal-corrected partnership
Who came up with the stages in attachment?
John Bowlby
When does stranger anxiety develop?
Around 10 months
When does separation distress occur?
Around 12 months
What are the functions of attachment?
Who studied monkeys to investigate child development?
Harlow and Harlow
What did the monkeys in Harlow and Harlow want most?
Warmth and comfort (motherly qualities)
What are the characteristics of attachment in young children?
Physical proximity seeking
Comfort and security
Separation distress
What did Ainsworth come up with?
‘The Strange Situation’ –> leaving child alone with stranger
What was the strange situation?
Procedure devised to observe attachment relationships between a caregiver and child
It applies to children between the age of nine and 18 months. The attachment styles were (1) secure, (2) insecure (ambivalent and avoidance). Later introduced the 3rd category, disorganised.
Child is observed playing while caregivers and strangers enter and leave the room, recreating the flow of the familiar and unfamiliar presence in most children’s lives. The situation varies in stressfulness and responses are observed.
What is insecure-avoidant insecure attachment shown in Ainsworth’s?
Infant avoids connection with caregiver and did not express distress upon separation.
Tend to cut selves off from partner in future and has greater sense of autonomy
What is insecure-resistant attachment shown in Ainsworth’s?
Child is upset by mother leaving. Explores very little
Fears rejection from parter, strong desire to maintain closeness
What is secure attachment shown in Ainsworth’s?
A child who is securely attached to its mother will explore and play freely. Will engage with stranger when caregiver present. May be upset when caregiver leaves.
Comfortable in relationships, able to seek support from partner
What age is distinction between 1ary caregiver and others made?
6-8 weeks
Who came up with the internal working model of self?
John Bowlby
What is the internal working model of self?
Mental representation of relationship with 1ary caregiver which becomes a template for future relationships. Allows individuals to process and control external world.