1. Anatomy Flashcards
investing layer that encircles the neck
Superficial cervical fascia
superficial cervical fascia splits splits to enclose the
trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles
thin layer that is attached above the laryngeal cartilages
pretracheal layer
forms a false capsule of the thyroid gland
pretracheal layer
surrounds the thyroid and parathyroid glands forming a sheath that encloses the infrahyoid m.
pretracheal layer
thick layer that passes like a septum across the neck behind the pharynx and esophagus and in front of prevertebral mscles and vertebral column
prevertebral layer
froms the fascial floor of the POSTERIOR TRIANGLE
Prevertebral layer
forms the fascial floor of the posterior triangle
prevertebral layer
extends laterally over the first rub into the axilla to form the axillary sheath
prevertebral layer
local condensation of the prevertebral, pretracheal and investing layers of he deep cervical fascia
carotid sheath
lateral part of carotid sheath
internaj jugular vein
carotid sheath
vasgus nerve
carotid sheath
common and internal carotid artery
sheath is thinnest over the
carotid sheath fuses with _____ under the sternocleidomastod
pretracheal fascia
investing fascia
escaping from the upper carotid sheath are
glossopharyngeal (IX)
superior laryngeal branch of vagus (X)
spinal root of accessory(XI)
hypoglossal nerves (XII)
between the layers of the deep fascia is loose connective tissue that forms potential spaces
masticatory spaces
it is possible for blood, pus, or air in this space to spread downward into the superior mediastinum
retropharyngeal space
potential space bounded by deep cervical fascia
lies between the vertebral and visceral compartments and contains loose connective tissue
retropharyngeal space
lateral to retropharyngeal space
carotid sheaths
posterior to retropharyngeal space
prevertebral fascia
anterior to retropharyngeal space
visceral part of pretracheal fascia
in ludwig’s angina, this space is the primary site of infection
submandibular space
this structure is in the carotid sheath over the internal jugular vein
ansa cervicalis
broad, thin sheath of muscle in the subcutaenous tissue of the enck
is platysma considered a muscle of facial expression
Yes because it is supplied by cervical branch of facial nerve
hyoid bone is at what level of cervical vertebra
Hyoid muscles includes
suprahyoid muscles 1. digastric 2. mylohyoid 3. stylohyoid 4. geniohyoid infrahyoid muscles A. deep group 1. thyrohyoid 2. sternohyoid B. superficial grop 1. omohyoid 2. sternohyoid
nerve supply
digastric - anterior belly
nerve to mylohyoid
nerve supply
digastric posterior belly
nerve supply
nerve supply
nerve to mylohyoid
nerve supply
genihyoid m.
first cervical
elevates hydroi bone
nerve supply
Ansa cervicalis
C1, C2, C3
nerve supply
Ansa cervicalis
nerve supply
Ansa cervicalis
nerve supply
first cervical
depresses hyoid
all infrahyoid m. (omohyoid, sternohyoid, thyrohyoid) except sternothyoid (depresses larynx)
depresses hyoid
elevates larynx
the only bone that does not articulate with another bone
hyoid bone
serves as a moveable base of the tongue
hyoid bone
triangles of the neck
anterior triangle
posterior triangle
anterior triangle is divided into 4 smaller triangles by 2 bellies of the digastric muscle superiorly and superior belly of the omohyoid muscle inferiorly
submandibular/ digastric
muscular / omotracheal
posterior triangle includes
occipital triangle
boundaries of submental triangle
apex: symphysis menti
base: body of the hyoid bone
on each side: anterior belly of the digastric muscle
floor: 2 mylohyoid muscles with their median raphe
contents of submental triangle
submental lymph nodes
submental vessels
digastric triangle is also known as
submandibular triangle
digastric/ submandibular triangle
anterior and posterior bellies of digastric m.
inferior border of mandible
floor: mylohyoid
what is the muscle that separates the submandibular and sublingual space
what triangle of the neck is bounded by posterior belly of the digastric muscle, superior belly of omohyoid muscle and anterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle
carotid triangle
this triangle of the neck is bounded by midline hyoid bone, superior belly of omohyoid muscle and sternocleidomastoid muscle
Muscular or omotracheal triangle
latin term cervical means
of the neck
the midline in the front of the neck has a prominence of the thyroid cartilage termed
laryngeal prominence
is on the side of the neck and is bounded superiorly by the lower border of the body of the mandible and the mastoid process, inferiorly by the clavicle, anteriorly by a midline in front of the neck, and posteriorly by the trapezius muscle.
quadrangular area
the cervical; portion of the spine has this curve
gentle forward curve / cervical lordosis
A quadrangular area can be delineated on the side of the neck. This quadrangular area is subdivided by an obliquely prominent sternocleidomastoid muscle into an
anterior cervical triangle
posterior cervical triangle
boundaries of anterior cervical triangle
The anterior cervical triangle is bounded by the midline anteriorly, mandible superiorly, and sternocleidomastoid muscle inferolaterally.
bounded by the mandible and 2 bellies of the digastric muscle.
submandibular triangle
submandibular triangle contains
submandibular salivary gland, hypoglossal nerve, mylohyoid muscle, and facial artery.
bounded by the sternocleidomastoid muscle, posterior belly of the digastric muscle, and superior belly of the omohyoid muscle.
carotid triangle
carotid triangle contains
carotid arteries and branches, internal jugular vein and vagus nerve
carotid triangle contains
carotid arteries and branches, internal jugular vein, and vagus nerve.
this triangle is bounded by the midline, hyoid bone, superior belly of the omohyoid muscle, and sternocleidomastoid muscle.
muscular or omotracheal triangle
muscular or omotracheal triangle
It includes the infrahyoid musculature and thyroid glands with the parathyroid glands.
located beneath the chin, bounded by the mandible, hyoid, and anterior belly of the digastric muscle.
submental triangle
bounded by the clavicle inferiorly, sternocleidomastoid muscle anterosuperiorly, and trapezius muscle posteriorly.
posterior cervical triangle
The posterior cervical triangle is divided into upper occipital triangle and lower subclavian triange by this structure
inferior belly of the omohyoid
anterior triangle: 2 bellies of the digastric muscle + superior belly of the omohyoid muscle inferiorly
posterior triangle: inferior belly of the omohyoid
structure that divides the anterior cervical triangle and posterior cervical triangle
anterior triangle: 2 bellies of the digastric muscle + superior belly of the omohyoid muscle inferiorly
posterior triangle: inferior belly of the omohyoid
bounded anteriorly by the sternocleidomastoid muscle, posteriorly by the trapezius, and inferiorly by the omohyoid muscle
occipital triangle
occipital triangle contains
contents include the accessory nerve, supraclavicular nerves, and upper brachial plexus.
bounded superiorly by the inferior belly of the omohyoid muscle, inferiorly by the clavicle, and anteriorly by the sternocleidomastoid muscle
subclavian triangle
subclavian triangle contains
supraclavicular nerves, subclavian vessels, brachial plexus, suprascapular vessels, transverse cervical vessels, external jugular vein, and nerve to the subclavius muscle.
this cervical vertebrae has 2 concave superior facets that articulate with the occipital condyles of the skull.
It has has no vertebral body and no spinous process.
C1 / atlas
the globe
C1/ atlas
has a conelike projection from the vertebral body that articulates within the atlas.
C2/ axis
has a nonbifid and a prominent posterior spinous process that can be felt distinctly at the base of the neck.
these vertebrae have foramina in each of the transverse processes and bifid spinous processes
travels in the foramina of the transverse processes.
vertebral artery
the contents of the upper portion of the carotid sheath are crossed obliquely and anteriorly by the
posterior belly of the digastric
the bifurcation of the common carotid artery into the internal and externl carotid arteries can easily be palpated
just beneath the anterior border of SCM at the level of the superior border of the thyroid cartilage
what artery is found in occipital triangle
occipital artery
what nerve crosses occipital triangle
accessory nerve
accessory nerve lesion will present with
weakness of the trapezius muscle
difficulty in elevating the scapula/ shrugging the shoulder
difficulty in laterally rotating the scapula during abduction of the arm
main contents of the posterior triangle
a. 3 trunks of the brachial plexus
b. 4 cutaneoius branches of the cervical plexus
1. lesser occipital
2. greatr auricular
3. transverse cervical
4. supraclavicular nervs
c. spinal accessory
arteries of the posterior triangle
- 3/4 part of the subclavian artery
- suprascapular artery
- transverse cervical artery
- occipital artery
veins of posterior triangle
subclavian vein
external jugular vein
the superficial landmark of supraclavicular triangle/ subclavian triangle/ omoclavicular
is the
supraclavicular fossa
this triangle is crossed by the external jugular vein and subclavian artery
supraclavicular triangle
isthmus is at the level of ___ tracheal rings
second, third, and fourth
base of thyroid at level of
4th-5th tracheal rings
thyroid gland is surrounded by this fascia
pretracheal layer of deep fascia
thyroid gland weighs
20 grams
pyramidal lobe is often present, projects upward from the isthmus, usually to the
left of the midline
fibrous of muscular band frequently connect the pyramidal lobe to the hyoid bone
levator glandulae thyroidea
blood supply of the thyroid gland
superior thyroid artery- from external carotid
inferior thyroid artery- from thyrocervical trunk
venous drainage of thyroid gland
superior thyroid - IJV
Middle thyroid - IJV
Inferior thyroid - brachiocephalic trunk
A 45 y/o woman is undergoing thyroid surgery for suspected thyroid cancer
The surgeon has taken a midline approach and encounters significant bleeding below the isthmus of the thyroid gland
What is the source of bleeding
Thyroidea Ima artery
thyroidea ima artery is present in
12% of individuals
thyroidea ima artery arises fro
aortic arch or brachiocephalic trunk and reaches the thyroid ishtmus inferiorly
first endocrine gland to develop
thyroid gland
thyroid gland develops
24 days after fertilization
where does the thyroid diverticulum arise from
median endodermal thickening in the floor of the PRIMORDIAL PHARYNX
the develoing thyroid gland is connected to the tongue by this narrow tube
thyroglossal duct
ectopic thyroid most common location
shallow depression in the posterior dorsal midline of the tongue that is the remnant of the more cranial part of the embryonic duct from which the thyroid gland developed.
foramen cecum
normaly thyroglossal duct atrophies and disappears but a remnant may persist forming
thyroglossal duct cyst
what will form following infection of the thyroglossal duct
perforation of the skin that opens in the median plane of the neck -> thyroglossal duct SINUS
Cervical Lymphnodes
I- submental and submandibular II- upper jugular III- middle jugular IV- lower jugular V - posterior triangle VI - anterior compartment VII - paratracheal
primary tumors within the oral cavity and lip metastasize nodes in levels
primary tumors within oropharynx, hypopharynx, and larynx
metastasize to nodes in levels
levels III, III, IV
primary tumors within nasopharynx and thyroid
metastasize to nodes in level/s
Level V
cancer cells in thyroid malignancy will metastasized first to this group of cervical lymph nodes
cervical LN V
also known as throat
common passageway of respiratory and digestive systems
3 divisible portions of pharynx
contains the opening of the auditory tube and pharyngeal tonsils
contains the palatine and lingual tonsils
open into larynx and esophagus
pharynx has a musculomembranous wall which is deficient
present openings of pharynx
auditory tubes
2 posterior nares
muscles of the pharynx / deglutition
superior constrictor middle constrictor inferior constrictor cricopharyngeus stylopharyngeus salphingopharyngeus palatopharyngeus
gag reflex is also known as
pharyngeal reflex
afferent fibers that innervate the pharyngeal mucosa are branches of which of the following nerves
glossopharyngeal n.
gag reflex afferent limb
pharyngeal branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve (supplies sensory innervation to the mucosa of the upper pharynx), vagus nerve (lower pharynx and larynx)
efferent limb gag reflex
pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve
nerve supply of pharynx
nasal pharynx - Maxillary nerve (V2)
Oral pharynx - glossopharyngeal nerve
Laryngeal pharynx - internal laryngeal nerve of the vagus
blood suply of the pharynx
ascending pharyngeal, tonsillar branches of the FACIAL ARTERY; branches of MAXILLARY and LINGUAL ARTERIES
lymph drainage of pharynx
deep cervical lymph nodes
lymphoid tissue that surrounds the opening into the respiratory and digestive systems
forming a ring
waldeyer ring of lymphoid tissue
lateral component of waldeyer ring
palatine and tubal tonsils
upper component of waldeyer ring
pharyngeal tonsil
lower component of waldeyer ring
organ that provides a protective sphincter at the inlet of air passages
responsible for voice production
situated below the tongue and hyoid bone
Larynx lies at the level of
4th, 5th, 6th cervical vertebrae
what cartilage forms the laryngeal prominence in the neck
thyroid cartilage
formed by the angle of the thyroid cartilage surrounding the larynx seen especially in males.
laryngeal cartilages
unpaired cartilages:
paired cartilages:
largest laryngeal cartilage
thyroid cartilage
laryngeal cartilage
shaped like a signet ring; hyaline carilage
laryngeal cartilage
leaf shaped lamina of lastic cartilage behind the root of the tongue
laryngeal cartilage
pryamid shapred
located at the back of the larynx
laryngeal cartilage
small rod shaped
laryngeal cartilage
small conical shaped
connects the upper margin of the thyroid cartilage to the hyoid bone
thyrohyoid membrane
thyrohyoid membrane is pierced on each side by the
superior laryngeal vessels and internal laryngeal nerve
midline of thyrohyoid membrane is thickened to form the
thyrohyoid ligament
membranes/ ligaments of larynx
thyrohyoid membrane
cricotracheal ligament
quadrangular membrane
connects the cricoid cartilage to the first ring of trachea
cricothracheal membrane
extends between the epiglottis and the arytenoid cartilages
quadrangular area
quadrangular area
thickened inferior margin forms the ___
vestibular ligament
lower margin of the cricothyroid ligament is attached to the
upper border of cricoid cartilage
superior margin of the cricothyroid ligament is attached to the
medial surface of the thyroid cartilage
forms the vocal ligament on each side (forms interior of vocal folds/ cords)
cricothyroid ligament
an emergency critothyroidotomy is done due to airway collapse and severe laryngoedema
Which of the following is the most accurate description of the location of the cricothroid membrane
INFERIOR TO true vocal cords
cricoid cartilage lies at level
vertical incision is made through the following structures
skin superficial fascia investing layer of deep cervical fascia pretracheal fascia larynx
complications of cricothyroidomy
esophageal perforation
laryngeal fold
vestibular fold
voice production
laryngeal fold
vocal fold/ cord
formed by mucous membrane covering the vestibular ligament
vestibular fold
formed by mucous membrane the vocal ligament
vocal fold
laryngeal fold
pink in color
vestibular fold
avascular; white in color
laryngeal fold
vocal fold
in thyroidectomy, what nerve maybe injured during ligation of superior thyroid artery
superior laryngeal nerve
superior laryngeal nerve
2 branches
internal laryngeal nerve
external laryngeal nerve
sensory above the vocal area
internal laryngeal nerve
supplies cricothyroid
external laryngeal nerve
motor to muscles of phonation except cricothyroid
recurrent laryngeal nerve (inferior LN)
sensory below vocal cord area
recurrent laryngeal nerve
ligation of superior thyroid artery
will injure
external laryngeal nerve
in a parial surgical resection of the thyroid gland, the paralysis of the circothyroid muscle maybe a result of
severing the superior laryngeal nerve
what laryngeal muscle acts as a chief tensor of vocal cords
inability to abduct the vocal cords during quiet breathing which muscle is paralyzed
posterior cricoarytenoid
adductor of vocal cords
lateral cricoarytenoid
relaxor of vocal cords
Which of the following muscles is most important to allow air movement through the larynx?
The posterior cricoarytenoid muscles are the only muscles that abduct the vocal folds and are necessary to widen the rima glottidis for breathing.
A 33-year-old woman underwent partial thyroidectomy for hyperthyroidism in which the thyroid failed to take up radioactive iodine. She is noted to have some hoarseness of voice 1 month later. Which of the following is the most likely explanation?
D. Injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve is common during thyroid surgery and may lead to the inability to tightly adduct the two vocal folds, resulting in hoarseness. In addition, the protective function of the rima glottidis may be lost, and food or liquid that does not go down the esophagus may flow into the trachea and cause a choking response.
A 15-year-old boy is eating a fish dinner and inadvertently has a bone “caught in his throat.” He complains of significant pain above the vocal cords. Which of the following nerves is responsible for carrying the sensation for this pain?
Superior laryngeal nerve
[ The laryngeal mucosa above the vocal cords is innervated by the superior laryngeal nerve, whereas it is innervated below the vocal cords by the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
A 25-year-old woman underwent thyroid surgery for a thyroid nodule. Two months later, she complains of dryness of skin and muscle spasms. Which of the following is the most likely explanation?
Hypocalcemia - due to excision of the parathyroid glands
superior laryngeal nerve lesion will present as
asymptomatic - because the fibers are mainly sensory
if external branch lesion- mild hoarseness/ monotonous speech
recurrent laryngeal nerve lesions result in
fixed vocal cord and transient hoarseness
Recurrent LN injured more commonly
LN that hooks around the arch of aorta
left recurrent LN
LN that hooks around right subclavian artery
right recurrent LN
unilateral injury to recurrent LN results in
ipsilateral paralysis of all intrinsic muscles of larynx except cricothyroid
median or paramedian position and does not move laterally on deep inspiration
tx for unilateral recurrent LN
no tx required
blood supply of larynx
upper half- superior laryngeal branch of the superior thyroid artery
lower half - inferior laryngeal branch of inferior thyroid artery
lymph drainage of larynx
deep cervical group of lymph nodes
dimensions of trachea
5 inches long
1 inch diameter
level of trachea
below the cricoid (C6) - lower border of sternal angle (T4)
blood supply of trachea
upper 2/3 - inferior thyroid arteries
lower 1/3 - bronchial arteries
lymph drainage of trachea
pretracheal and para tracheal lymph nodes and deep cervical nodes
nerve supply of trachea
recurrent laryngeal nerve
what is tracheostomy
opening is made in the trachea between 1st and 2nd or 2nd through 4th tracheal rings and tube is inserted into the trachea
abnormal communication between the trachea and esophagus
tracheoesophageal fistula
tracheoesophageal fistula results from
improper division of the foregut by the tracheoesophageal septum
most common type of esophageal atresia
esophageal atreasia with tracheoesophageal fistula at the distand end (85-90%)
dimension of parathyroid glands
6 mm long in diameter
blood supply of the Parathyrod gland
superior and inferior thyroid arteries
venous drainage of parathyroid glands
superior, middle and inferior thyroid veins
lymph drainage of thyroid gland
deep cervical nodes
paratracheal lymph node
the activity of osteoclast in releasing calcium orm bones is result of
what cells produces parathyroid hormone
chief cells
controls the production of PTH
calcium levels in blood
cells of parathyroid gland
chief cell oxyphil cell
thyroid gland cells
follicular cell
parafollicular cell
this hormone stimulates absorption of calcium from small intestine and reabsorption of calcium in the PCT of kidney
inferior parathyroid arise from
3rd pharyngeal pouch
superior parathyroid arise from
4th pharyngeal pouch
cervical plexus is formed by the
anterior rami of the first four cervical nerves
cervical plexus lie in front of
origins of levator scapulae
scalenus medius muscle
cervical plexus is covered
in front by prevertebral player of deep cervical fascia
related to the internal jugular vein
cervical plexus is anatomically close to this vein
internal jugular vei
cutaneous branches of cervical plexus
lesser occipital (C2) greater auricular (C2 and C3) Transverse cutaneous (C2 and C3) Supraclavicular (C3 and C4)
nerve supply of
lateral part of the occipital region and medial surface of the auricle
lesser occipital (C2)
nerve supply of
angle of the mandible
parotid gland
greater auricular (C2 and C3)
nerve supply of
transverse cutaneous
anterior and lateral surfaces of the necl
nerve supply of
chest wall, shoulder, and upper half of the deltoid region
supraclavicular (C3 and C4)
Muscular branches of the neck muscles
C2 and C3
C2 and C4
ansa cervicalis
motor nerve supply of
prevertebral m.; sternocleidomastoid (proprioceptive)
C2 and C3
motor nerve supply of
levator scapulae; trapezius (proprioceptive)
C2 and C4
motor nerve supply of omohyoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid
ansa cervicalis
formed by fibers from the union of hypoglossal and C1 nerves (descending branch) unites with descending cervical (C2 and C3)
ansa cervicalis
only motor nerve supply to the diaphragm
phrenic nerve
phrenic nerve arises from
C3, C4, C5
phrenic nerve location
posterior to subclavian vein
anterior to subclavian artery
lateral to common carotid
pain detected by the phrenic nerve from the diaphragmatic peritoneum from an inflammed gallbladder is referred to
C4 nerve distribution to the right shoulder tip via the SUPRACLAVICULAR NERVES
each phrenic nerve supplies
corresponding half of diaphragm
what can cause phrenic nerve injury
penetrating wounds in the neck
effect of phrenic nerve injury
paralyzed half of the diaphragm relaxes and is pushed up into the thorax - LOWER LOBE of AFFECTED SIDE will collapse
area of the neck immediately above the inlet into the thorax
root of the neck
key muscle; deeply placed and descends almost vertically from the vertebral column to first rib
scalenus anterior
scalenus anterior
important anatomic relations
anterior to carotid arteries, vagus nerve, IJV, deep cervical LN
Posterior to pleura, origin of the brachial plexus, 2nd part of the subclavian artery
Medial to vertebral artery and vein
lateral to- branches of the cervical plexus ; 3rd part of subclavian artery
Zone I of neck
includes the root of the neck
extends from the clavicles and manubriumto the level of the inferior border of CRICOID cartilage
zone II
extends from the cricoid cartilage to the level fo the angle of mandible
zone III
above thelevel of the angle of mandible
structures at risk Zone I
cervical pleurae, apices of the lungs
thyroid and parathyroid glands, trachea, esophagus , common carotid arteries, jugular veins and cervical region of the vertebral column
structures at risk zone II
superior poles of thyroid gland
thyroid and cricoid cartilages
larynx, laryngopharynx, carotid arteries , jugular veins, esophagus,
cervical region of vertebral column
structures at risk zone III
salivary glands, oral and nasal cavities, oropharynx and nasopharynx
these neck zones obstruct the airway and have the greatest risk for morbidity and mortality
Zone I and III
injury to this neck zone are most common
zone II
why injuries to neck zone II have lower morbidity and mortality
because vascular damage may be controlled by direct pressure and structures involved are easily visualized and treated
superior part of the trunk between the neck and abdomen
formed by 12 pairs of ribs, sternum, costal cartilages, and 12 thoracic vertebra, together with skin, fascia and muscles form the thoracic wall
thoracic cage
jugular notch is another name for
suprasternal notch
thorax is made up of 3 parts
thoracic vertebrae
breastbone also known as
parts of the sternum
sternal angle of Louie
xiphoid process
clinical landmark when counting ribs
sternal angle of Louie
or manubriosternal joint
sternal angle coresponds this level of spine
T4 vertebra level
xiphoid process becomes bony by
40 years old
xiphisternal joint is at this thoracic level
what anatomic features occur at the level of sternal angle
- trachea bifurcates into right and left bronchi
- arch of the aorta arises from the ascending aorta
and continues as the descending aorta (The start and end of aortic arch) - azygous vein drains into the superior vena cava
True ribs
1st to 7th ribs
false ribs
8th to 12th ribs
false ribs proepr
8,9,10th ribs
floating ribs
11, 12th ribs
parts of ribs
head, neck
where the rib curves and twists
angle of rib
at the inferior border to protect IC nerve and blood vesels
costal groove
typical ribs
3-9th ribs
atypical ribs
broadest and most curved rib
prominent scalene tubercle for attachment of scalenus anterior muscle
rib 1
clinically immportant because of its close relationship to the lower nerves of brachial plexus and subclavian artery/ vein
first rib
muscles of thoracic wall that elevate the ribs
serratus post sup levator costarum ext intercostal innermost intercostal subcostal
muscles of thoracic wall that depress the ribs
serratus post inf
int intercostal
transverse thoracis
an imaginary plane passing from the sternal angle of Louise anteriorly to the lower border of T4 posteriorly (T4-T5)
divisions of mediastinum
inferior (anterior, middle, posterior)
inferior boundary of mediastinum
superior boundary of mediastinum
root of the neck
thoracic inlet
anterior boundary of mediastinum
sternum and costal cartilages
xiphisternal joint at level of t9 vertebra
posterior boundary of mediastinum
bodies of 12 thoracic vertebra
contents of superior mediastinum
thymus gland superior vena cava brachiocephalic artery/ vein left common carotid artery left subclavian artery arch of the aorta phrenic and vagus nerve trachea esophagus thoracic duct left recurrent laryngeal nerve lymhnodes sympathetic trunks
contents of anterior mediastinum
thymus (in children)
sternopericardial ligament
internal thoracic artery and branches
lymphatics and lymph nodes
contents of middle mediastinum
heart enclosed in pericardium
arteries: ascending aorta, pulmonary trunk with its right and left branches
veins: superior vena cava, termination of azygos, pulmonary veins
nerves: phrenic, deep cardiac plexus
bifurcation of trachea with 2 principal bronchi
tracheobronchial lymph nodes
contents of posterior mediastinum
descending aorta with its branches
veins: azygos, hemizygos, accessory hemizygos
nerves: vagus and splanchnic nerves
thoracic duct
lymph nodes: posterior mediastinal
boundaries of anterior mediastinum
ant: body of sternum
post: pericardium
lateral: mediastinal pleura
inf: diaphragm
improper development of third and fourth pharyngeal pouches
DiGeorge Syndrome
what glands would be absent in DiGeorge syndrome
thymus and
parathroid glands
double walled fibro-serous sac
pericardium location
anterior to T5-T6 vertebrae
posterior to body of sternum
2nd-6th costal cartilage
layers of pericardium
fibrous serous 1. parietal 2. visceral -paricardial cavity with pericardial fluid 30 mL
cardiac tamponade results from
results from accumulation of fluid in the pericardial cavity that compresses the chambers of the heart- decreased venous return and reduced cardiac output
distention of the veins of the neck on inspiration
kussmaul sign
kussmaul sign is seen in
pericardial effusion, cardiac tamponade
drainage of fluid
left 5-6th ICS near sternum
left xiphocostal angle
tissue layer penetrated during pericardiocentesis from superficial to deep
skin fascia rectus sheath rectus abdomins fibrous layer serous layer of parietal pericardium
normal weight of the heart
280-340 grams males
230-280 grams in females
the sternocostal surface of the heart is formed primarily by
right ventricle
the pulmonary surface of the heart is formed primarily by
left ventricle
the diaphragmatic surface of the heart is formed primarily by
both ventricles mainly left ventricle
3 surfaces of the heart
sternocostal surface / anterior
diaphragmatic / inferior surface
pulmonary or left surface
4 borders of the heart
right - right atrium
inferior - right ventricle
left - left ventricle
superior- right and left atrium
outline of the heart
superior border - inferior border of the 2nd left costal cartilage to the superior border of the 3rd right costal cartilage
right border- 3rd right costal cartlage to the 6th right costal cartilage
inferior border- inferior end of the right border to the apex beat (5th ICS LMCL)
left border- line connecting the left ends of the superior and inferior borders
auscultatory site for pulmonary valve
2nd left ICS
auscultatory site for tricuspid valve
lower end of the sternum
auscultatory site for aortic valve
2nd right ICS
auscultatory site for mitral valve
surface anatomy
behind right half of sternum (4th ICS)
surface anatomy
behind left half of sternum (4th ICS)
surface anatomy
pulmonary surface of the heart
behind medial end of the 3rd left costal cartilage (T6-T7)
surface anatomy
behind the left half of the sternum (3rd ICS)
2nd heart sound (S2) represents closure of what valves
semilunar valves
aortic and pulmonary valves
S2 is normally split because
aortic valve (A2) closes before the pulmonary valve (P2).
arterial supply of the heart
right and left coronaries from ASCENDING AORTA
- right coronary artery
a. marginal
b. posterior interventricular - left coronary
a. anterior interventricular
b. circumflex
venous drainage of the heart
coronary sinus which drains into Right Atrium
Tributaries: GSM
Great cardiac vein
small cardiac vein
middle cardiac vein
-Anterior cardiac vein
-venae cordis minimae - opens directly to RA
A 19 year old came to the ER and his angiogram exhibited that he was bleeding from the vein that is accompanied by the posterior interventricular artery.
Which of the following veins is most likely ruptured
middle cardiac vein
small tributaries running throughout the myocardium
thebesian veins
main vein of the heart
coronary sinus
coronary sinus location
posterior surface in the coronary sulcus
which runs from left atrium and left ventricle
coronary sinus drains into
right atrium
within the right atrium, the opening of the coronary sinus is located between
right atrioventricular orifice
and inferior vena cava orifice
There are five tributaries which drain into the coronary sinus:
Great cardiac vein
small cardiac vein
middle cardiac vein
posterior surface:
left marginal vein
left posterior ventricular vein
main tributary of the coronary sinus
great cardiac vein
a cardiac vein
It originates at the apex of the heart and follows the anterior interventricular groove into the coronary sulcus and around the left side of the heart to join the coronary sinus.
great cardiac vein
cardiac vein
is also located on the anterior surface of the heart. This passes around the right side of the heart to join the coronary sinus.
small cardiac vein
Another vein which drains the right side of the heart is the__________. It is located on the posterior surface of the heart.
middle cardiac vein
cardiac vein
which runs along the posterior interventricular sulcus to join the coronary sinus.
left posterior ventricular vein
a cardiac vein on the left posterior side
left marginal vein
supplies the left atrium and left ventricle
left circumflex artery
supplies the right atrium and right ventricle
right coronary artery
supplies the right ventricle and left ventricle and interventricular septum
left anterior descending artery (left anterior interventricular artery)
posterior interventricular artery
supplies the left ventricle
left marginal artery
supplies the right ventricle and the apex
right marginal artery