1/8 Class Flashcards
email: anuj.kapoor@business.utah.edu you will get an email about it utah-ds.sona-systems.com last week of jan last week of feb last week of mar last week of april
Chapter 1
look at aplia, it will help
will have book questions
class questions
and both
managing profitable customer relationships
four p’s
product, place(distribution), price, promotion
overall marketing view
assessing the environment
analyzing the marketing
approaching the market
using tactics
core concepts: value and exchanges
past marketing orientations
OOCP sessions explained
3 minute essay
paragraph about clear or not clear stuff
due at the end of class
they don’t advertise, they have amazing customer service
people giving up something to receive something that they would rather have
marketing view
write a book for your audience not for you
as long as you try to align an ideal outcome vs actual outcome, you will be ok.
once you are away from that you will do something or buy something
ex: the example of the biggest tv that you learn about when you thought yours the biggest. that is when your gap changes
goes from an idea
xerox research
the worlds first mouse
laser printer
internet hardware
steve jobs offered them 100000 in shares and made the mouse
value and exchange
what value are you getting
past marketing emphases
betamax vs vhs, betamax was more expensive
production orientation(version A)
focus on product quality, performance, and features
production orientation(version B)
focus on improving production efficiency and distribution
Sales Orientation
focus on encouraging customers to make more purchases
market orientation
focus on: understanding customers, delivering superior value, retaining customers for the long term
marketing miopia
short sitedness, not thinking about customer needs
social marketing orientation
focus on : the above, and also society’s long-term interests.
break even analysis
next time