06b: Nasal and Oral Cavities Flashcards
The nasal cavity is separated from (X) above by (Y) of the (Z) bone.
X = anterior cranial fossa Y = cribiform plate Z = ethmoid bone
Where is the ethmoidal air sinus relative to nasal cavity?
Lateral to upper half of lateral nasal wall
Which space exists just lateral to ethmoidal air sinus?
Where is the maxillary sinus relative to nasal cavity?
Lateral to lower half of lateral nasal wall
Below floor of nasal cavity is (X). What’s the partition that separates these two spaces?
X = oral cavity;
Hard palate
Posterior to nasal cavity is (X). What separates these two spaces?
X = nasopharynx
Nothing - they’re continuous
Roof of nasal cavity comprised of:
- Nasal cartilages and nasal bone
- Frontal bone (nasal spine)
- Ethmoid bone (Cribiform plate)
- Sphenoid (ant and inferior body)
Floor of nasal cavity comprised of:
- Maxilla (palatine process)
2. Palatine bone
Medial wall of nasal cavity is formed by (X), which is composed of (Y) components.
X = nasal septum Y = septal cartilage, vertical plate of ethmoid, vomer
Key contributors of lateral nasal wall:
- Maxilla
- Ethmoid
- Inferior concha
Which bone provides the superior, middle, and inferior conchae?
Superior and middle from ethmoid bone; inferior concha is separate bone
There are many ridges on (X) wall of nasal cavity to increase surface area for (Y).
X = lateral; Y = respiratory epithelium
The (X) divide nasal cavity into passages. List them.
X = conchae
- Sphenoethmoidal
- Superior, middle, and inferior meatus
(X) drains into sphenoethmoidal recess.
X = sphenoid
(X) drains into superior meatus.
X = posterior ethmoidal
(X) is a curved depression found in (Y) meatus of nasal cavity.
X = hiatus semilunaris Y = middle
(X) is a swelling of the (Y) bone on the superior border of hiatus semilunaris. What’s its function?
X = bulla ehtmoidalis Y = ethmoid
Drains middle ethmoidal sinuses
(X) drains into inferior meatus.
X = nasolacrimal duct
Blood supply to nasal cavities comes from which systems that anastamose at this location?
List arteries that supply nasal cavity and the source of each artery.
- Anterior and posterior ethmoidal (ICA)
- Lateral nasal (Facial artery, ECA)
- Greater palatine (ECA)
- Sphenopalatine (ECA)
Generally, which nerves responsible for giving off branches to innervate nasal cavity?
Trigeminal (V1 and V2 divisions)
Frontal sinus drains through (X) duct into the (Y) of nasal cavity.
X = frontonasal Y = hiatus semilunaris (of middle meatus)
Anterior ethmoidal cells drain into (X) via (Y).
X = middle nasal meatus Y = frontonasal duct
Middle ethmoidal cells drain into (X).
X = middle nasal meatus
Posterior ethmoidal cells drain into (X).
X = superior nasal meatus
Ethmoidal bulla is formed by (X) draining into (Y).
X = middle ethmoidal cells Y = middle meatus
Sphenoidal sinuses are located in (X) part of sphenoid bone.
X = body (may extend into wings)
T/F: The sphenoidal sinuses are unevenly divided and separated by bony septum.
Thin plate of bone separates sphenoid sinuses from:
- Optic nerves/chiasm
- Pituitary gland
- Cavernous sinuses
Largest of the paranasal sinuses.
Medial wall of maxillary sinus forms (X) of (Y) cavity.
X = inferior part of lateral wall Y = nasal
Roof of maxillary sinus formed by (X) of (Y).
X = floor Y = orbit
Floor of maxillary sinus formed by (X) of (Y) cavity.
X = alveolar part of maxilla Y = oral
Each maxillary sinus drains (superiorly/inferiorly/laterally/medially) into (X) via (Y) openings.
X = semilunar hiatus (middle nasal meatus) Y = maxillary ostium
Vestibule in oral cavity exists between:
Teeth and mucosal lining lips/cheek
Space between upper and lower dental arches is formally called:
Oral cavity proper
External midline feature of lip (under nasal septum) is formally called:
Buccinator is fairly (superficial/deep) and more closely related to (X) (mucosa/skin).
X = buccal;
(X) contracts to keep food in (Y) space and out of (Z) space.
X = buccinator Y = oral cavity Z = oral vestibule
(X) raphe is tendinous thickening of (Y). Buccinator has an attachment here.
X = pterygomandibular Y = buccopharyngeal fascia
Parotid duct opens in (X) space, opposite to crown of (Y) molar.
X = oral vestibule Y = second
Part(s) of tooth protruding into oral cavity.
Crown and neck
Part(s) of tooth inserted into (X) bone by (Y) articulation.
X = alveolar; Y = gomphosis
Lateral posterior palate has which foramen?
- Greater palatine
2. Lesser palatine (immediate posterior)
(X) located behind central incisors. Which nerves/vessels travel through here?
X = incisive canal/fossa
Nasopalatine nerve; Greater palatine artery
(X) travels through greater palatine foramen.
X = greater palatine artery and nerve
(X) travels through lesser palatine foramen.
X = lesser palatine artery and nerve
When swallowing, (X) (rises/falls) to close off (naso/oro)pharynx.
X = soft palate;
List the (X) that compose soft palate.
X = muscles
- Levator and tensor veli palatini
- Palatoglossus
- Palatopharyngeus
- Musculus uvulae
Levator veli palatini originates from (X) and inserts into (Y).
X = temporal bone Y = palatine aponeurosis
The interlacing tendons of soft palate form (X), which attaches to posterior border of hard palate.
X = palatine aponeurosis
(X) muscle acts to flatten and (tense/relax) the soft palate
X = tensor veli palatini
Tensor veli palatini originates from (X) and inserts on (Y).
X = scaphoid fossa (sphenoid bone) and auditory tube Y = palatine aponeurosis
Palatoglossus originates from (X) and inserts on (Y).
X = soft palate Y = lateral surface of intrinsic tongue muscles
Palatoglossus actions.
Elevates posterior tongue and draws soft palate to tongue
Palatopharyngeus originates from (X) and inserts on (Y).
X = soft palate/palatine aponeurosis Y = thyroid cartilage/pharynx
Palatopharyngeus actions.
Elevate pharynx and larynx; tenses soft palate
Musculus uvulae originates from (X) and acts to:
X = palatine bone/aponeurosis
Retract/elevate uvula
V-shaped groove dividing tongue into posterior (X) portion and anterior (Y).
X = 1/3 Y = 2/3
Sulcus terminalis
(X) are 8-10 rows of structures along sulcus terminalis of (Y). They contain (Z).
X = circumvallate papillae Y = tongue Z = taste buds
Which papillae on tongue contain taste buds?
Circumvallate and fungiform papillae
(X) papilla on tongue are keratinized and function to:
X = filiform;
Direct food
What are the two surfaces of the tongue?
Dorsal and sublingual (ventral)
(X) is a midline fold of (Y) that runs from lingual gingiva (posterior to central incisors) to ventral surface of tongue
X = lingual frenulum Y = mucous membrane
Submandibular gland duct opening is called (X) and located where?
X = sublingual papilla
On either side of frenulum
List the extrinsic muscles of tongue and the nerves that innervate each.
- Palatoglossus (CN X)
- Styloglossus (CN XII)
- Genioglossus (CN XII)
- Hyoglossus CN (XII)
Genioglossus actions.
Depresses and protrudes tongue
Hyoglossus actions.
Depresses and retracts tongue
Styloglossus actions.
Retracts tongue
T/F: All intrinsic tongue muscles innervated by hypoglossal nerve.
List intrinsic muscles of tongue.
- Superior and inferior longitudinal
- Transverse
- Vertical
Intrinsic muscles of tongue generally act to:
Change shape of tongue
Main artery to tongue is (X) off of (Y). List its branches.
X = lingual Y = ECA
- Deep lingual
- Dorsal lingual
- Sublingual
Deep lingual artery supplies:
Body of tongue
Dorsal lingual artery supplies:
Root of tongue and palatine tonsils
(X) artery supplies the tongue and sends branch to (Y) tonsils.
X = dorsal Y = palatine
Sublingual artery supplies:
Floor of mouth and sublingual gland
(X) veins can be seen on either side of lingual frenulum. They drain into (Y). All these veins eventually drain into (Z).
X = deep lingual Y = lingual Z = IJV
Floor of oral cavity primarily formed by:
Muscular diaphragm (mylohyoid and geniohyoid)
Mylohyoid attachments.
Mylohyoid line of mandible; median raphe and hyoid bone
T/F: Floor of oral cavity receives innervation from one nerve.
Geniohyoid attachments.
Inferior mental spines (mandible); Hyoid
Which glands/ducts present in floor of oral cavity?
- Sublingual gland and ducts
2. Submandibular ducts
Lingual nerve is joined by (X) branch of CN 7 upon its passing of which landmark?
X = chora tympani
As it emerges between medial and lateral pterygoids
On the floor of oral cavity, the lingual nerve loops (laterally/upward/downward) on surface of (X).
X = hyoglossus muscle
(X) and (Y) have a unique relationship in floor of mouth. (X) passes underneath (Y).
X = lingual nerve Y = submandibular duct
En route to tongue, the hypoglossal nerve can be found (deep/superficial) to which key muscles.
Between mylohyoid and hyoglossus; so deep to mylohyoid and superficial to hyoglossus