02a: Neck Triangles Flashcards
SCM attachments.
Sternum, clavicle, mastoid process (temporal bone)
SCM nerve innervation.
Accessory (CN XI)
SCM actions
Unilat: ipsilateral lat flexion and contralateral rotation
Bilateral: Cervical flexion
List scalene muscles.
Anterior, posterior, middle
Scalene muscles are (superficial/deep) to SCM.
Scalene attachments.
From: Transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
To: first two ribs
Scalene actions
(Bilaterally) Assist in neck flexion and raise first two ribs
Scalene nerve innervation
Ventral rami of cervical nerves
List the suprahyoid muscles.
- Mylohyoid
- Digastric
- Stylohyoid
- Geniohyoid
List infrahyoid muscles.
- Omohyoid
- Sternothyroid
- Sternohyoid
- Thyrohyoid
Visceral layer of neck includes which gland(s)?
Thyroid and parathyroid
Thyroid gland produces (X) which functions to:
X =
- Thyroid hormone (controls metabolism rate)
- Calcitonin hormone (controls Ca metabolism)
Parathyroid gland produces (X) which functions to:
X = Parathyroid hormone (regulates Ca metabolism)
Platysma attaches to (X) tissue of (supra/infra)-clavicular regions.
X = subcutaneous
Both (supra and infra clavicular regions)
Superior attachments of platysma include:
- Base of mandible
- cheek skin
- angle of mouth
- Orbicularis oris
Superior attachments of platysma have which actions?
Tense skin, producing vertical skin ridges
Inferior attachments of platysma have which actions?
Depress mandible and draw corners of mouth inferiorly (grimace)
Platysma nerve innervation
Cervical branch of facial nerve
Cervical plexus roots.
Anterior rami C1-4
There are (X) number of cutaneous branches and (Y) number of motor branches off cervical plexus.
X = 4 Y = 2
List cutaneous branches off cervical plexus.
- Transverse cervical
- Greater auricular
- Lesser occipital
- Supraclavicular
List motor branches off cervical plexus.
- Ansa cervicalis
2. Phrenic
Ansa cervicalis innervates:
Infrahyoid muscles
Cutaneous nerves off cervical plexus innervate which area(s)?
- Side of neck
- Top of shoulder
- Lower part of face
- Skull behind ear
Cervical plexus branches emerge from “(X)”, which is at the (Y) border of which muscle?
X = Erb's point Y = (middle of) posterior
Which nerve(s) emerge from the same location as the branches of cervical plexus?
Accessory nerve (CN XI)
(X) is the first layer of cervical fascia. What does this layer contain?
X = superficial cervical fascia
Cutaneous nerves, blood/lymph vessels, superficial lymph nodes, fat, and platysma (anteriorly)
List the layers of the deep cervical fascia.
- Superficial (investing)
- Pretracheal
- Prevertebral
Superficial (investing) fascia encloses which structure(s)?
Traps and SCM
The (X) layer of cervical fascia extends inferiorly and blends with fibrous pericardium of heart.
X = pretracheal
The pretracheal layer of deep cervical fascia encloses which structure(s)?
- Infrahyoid muscles (in muscular layer)
2. Thyroid gland and trachea (in visceral layer)
The (X) fascia is the thin, (anterior/posterior) lamina of pretrachial fascia. It separates:
X = buccopharyngeal
Separates esophagus from prevertebral fascia
(X) fascia is large sheath enclosing scaliness, deep back muscles, vertebrae, etc. It also contributes to (anterior/posterior) portion of (Y).
X = prevertebral
Y = carotid sheath
The prevertebral fascia splits (anteriorly/posteriorly/laterally) into which laminae? Star the most anterior.
- Alar*
- Still Prevertebral fascia
T/F: The fascial spaces in neck are only potential spaces.
Retropharyngeal space anterior and posterior boundaries.
Ant: Buccopharyngeal fascia
Post: Alar fascia
Retropharyngeal space lateral boundaries.
Carotid sheaths
Retropharyngeal space superior and inferior boundaries.
Superior: base of skull
Inferior: Mediastinum
T/F: Retropharyngeal space is posterior to trachea and anterior to pharynx and larynx.
False - posterior to all three
The “danger” or (X) space has which anterior/posterior boundaries?
X = prevertebral
Ant: Alar fascia
Post: Prevertebral fascia
Prevertebral space extends from (X) to (Y) vertically.
X = base of skull Y = diaphragm
Anterior and posterior triangles are separated from each other by:
List the posterior triangle subdivisions. Star the larger.
- Occipital*
2. Omoclavicular/subclavian
Borders of occipital triangle.
- Traps
- Inferior belly of omohyoid
Contents of occipital triangle.
- Brachial plexus (trunks) and cervical plexus (branches)
- Transverse cervical a
- Cervical lymph nodes
Borders of subclavian (omoclavicular) triangle.
- Clavicle
- Inferior belly of omohyoid
Contents of subclavian (omoclavicular) triangle.
- Subclavian a and v
- Suprascapular a
- Supraclavicular lymph nodes
(X) is typical point of entry for central line placement.
X = subclavian vein
Borders of anterior triangle.
- Midline of neck
- Mandible (inferior border)
Anterior triangle can be subdivided into small triangles by (X).
X = omohyoid and digastric muscles
List subdivisions of anterior triangle.
- Submandibular
- Submental
- Carotid
- Muscular
Carotid triangle boundaries.
- Superior belly of omohyoid
- Posterior belly of digastric
Carotid triangle contents.
- Hypoglossal (CN XII)
- Ansa cervicalis
- Carotid sheath
- Sympathetic trunk
At (X) vertebra, which is also the level of (Y), the carotid pulse can be palpated.
X = C6 Y = cricoid cartilage
Muscular triangle boundaries.
- Hyoid and midline of neck
- Superior belly of omohyoid
Muscular triangle contents.
- Infrahyoid muscles
2. Thyroid and parathyroid glands
Submandibular triangle boundaries.
- Anterior digastric
- Mandible
- Posterior digastric
Submandibular triangle contents.
- Submandibular gland
- Facial a and v
- Submandibular lymph nodes
Submental triangle boundaries.
- Both anterior digastric bellies
2. Hyoid bone
Submental triangle contents.
- Submental lymph nodes
2. Tributaries of anterior jugular vein
Omohyoid attachments.
Scapula to clavicle to hyoid
Sternohyoid attachments.
Manubrium to hyoid
Sternothyroid attachments.
Manubrium to thyroid cartilage
Thyrohyoid attachments.
Thyroid cartilage to hyoid
Which (infra/supra)-hyoid muscles attach to floor of oral cavity.
Mylohyoid and geniohyoid