Zainab bint khazeemah ra (women in islam) Flashcards
What is her full name?
Zainab bint khazeema
what was zainab ras title?
- Zainab ra was known as ‘the mother of the poor and needy’, as she was the most generous in the household
how many years before prophethood was she born?
what happened when the makkans found out about prophethood?
- When nabi saw told people he was a prophet the makkans became his enemy and wanted to kill him, some believed him including Zainab ra
what did nabi saw say to hamnah bint jahsh?
- husband of hamnah bint jahash was also shahid and she was deeply saddened. nabi saw said ‘the place a husband held in his wife’s heart could not be taken by any other’.
what did she ask nabi saw to do? Who did she marry?
- she was mainly sad about her orphan children and asked nabi saw to pray that Allah gives her patience & strength, she then married the companion Talhah bin abdullah ra, who was a great husband and father.
who was zainab ra married to before?
- She was married to Abdullah bin Jahash ra who became shahid in the battle of uhud.
why did zainab ra marry nabi saw?
widows and orphans of the martyrs married other companions to protect, zainab ra married nabi saw
how was she when nabi saw sent the proposal?
- Zainab ra and Hamnah ra were feeling the same way, but zainab ra didn’t appeal to anyone so would just devote herself to pray, meditation and Allah. Then when nabi saw sent a proposal she was very happy with Allah.
what was her dowry?
- her dowry was 400 dirhams and an apartment near aisha ra and hafsah ra, she became a women of the household.
how were aisha and hafsah ra to her?
- aisha ra and hafsah ra welcomed her greatly and tried their best to be sympathetic as they knew about the death of her husband, because of their kindness zainab ra’s grief lightened and she felt at peace.
what did Allah say to the ladies of the household?
- Allah swt said to them:
“Allah wishes only to remove evil deed from you, O member of the family, and to purify you with a thorough purification.”
“O wives of the prophet, you are not like any other woman”
in what poems was zainab ra praised in?
- she was praised in poems by poets.
1. Ibn Katheer wrote she earned the title because of her charity and generosity.
2. Qastalani wrote she was known by this name before Islamic times.
how many months did she live for after marriage?
8 months
how old was she when she passed?
who led her funeral prayer and where was she buried?
nabi saw, jannatul baqee
What number wife was she?