Book 7 umar ra Flashcards
What was the job of Umar when he was younger?
1400 years ago he lived and worked in the hot desert of Arabia and his dad gave him the job of looking after a big flock of cables making sure they were fed and looked after his dad would hit him sometimes to make him work harder and he had a tiring job.
What was his financial state like when he was younger?
He did not have any luxuries that we have like beds soft clothes his clothes are made from a rough wall and we’re very uncomfortable
Was he an ordinary little boy?
No, because he could read and was extremely smart and reading with a skill that only a few children had at his time
What happened when he passed by the areas where he used to work?
When he got older on his way from hajj he went by the area and he began to praise Allah he was talking about how he would tend the camels well and garments and would get beat and now he’s a great man and he accepted Islam and now he has Allah and his messenger Islam
How did his job as a child affect him now?
Although it was difficult, it made him courageous and patient he was not only a shepherd. He was a good sportsman at wrestling, riding, horsemanship and was always interested in the affairs of his society and was eager to learn the history of the Arabs.
As he got older, what was his life like?
He was a good businessman and had a lot of well and became one of the rich noble men of Mecca. He had a Noble family background which got him high status among the Arabs and book because of his smartness people would come to him when they had arguments. He was respected by people.
Where would you go for trading?
Syria and summer and Yemen in winter and many people got to know him from different cities
What was he like according to the traditions of the quraysh
He would add to them very strictly and had a sensitive approach to what he believed in and would defend it to your last breath. He would never give up and was courageous and honest and did not fear anyone.
Why did he not accept Islam at the beginning?
Because Islam went against everything the quraysh believed in and he feared that the new religion would make Mecca lose its status and would cause a community to fall out on trades so he decided to fight Muslims that he could protect his tribe.
What is the story about Abu bakr free slave
Since Omar would beat the Muslim so much once abu bakrm walked past a Muslim slave when she was being tortured by umar and felt very sad that she was suffering so he purchased her freedom so she would be set free
What was his appearance like?
Strong, two, solid, bold, hard white skin with a reddish complexion, big feet and hands. He spoke clearly I walked quickly and when he hit caused extreme pain.
What was he personality wise?
Intelligent noble, strong clever
At what age age did he convert?
What were the quraysh -panning for a long time
I bet they were going to bring into Isla and they were becoming more and more worried about losing their power and status
How did Omar reach his sisters house?
One day the tribe held a meeting where they plotted to end Islam by killing the messenger or volunteered for the task and what’s the meeting finish? He took his sword and went out under the Sun looking for the messenger and his companion. News that the messenger and his companion were in. Dar al arqam where Muslims would seek knowledge at the foot of the mount of safa.
On the way he met a man by the name of nuaym ibn abdullah asked where he was going he said he’s going to the sabi (one who converts) insulted the intelligence scrutinise their religion and slaughtered their gods and he’s going to kill him. He became worried and felt the messengers life was in danger so told him that his family excepted the slump and he asked who and he said your sister cousin and brother-in-law
Why did he begin to beat them?
He went to his sister’s house knocked on the door while they were reading quran and at that moment when he arrived khabbab ra hid and panicked but left the paper with the quran. he asked what all the whispering was for and they said they were just talking and he said perhaps you have changed your religion and his brother-in-law sa’id what is the truth? Other than your religion. At that moment he be anti-beat him was sitting on his chest and his sister came to help her husband but he pushed her so hard that she started to bleed and when he regretted it and began to calm down
How did he get the will to convert?
He asked the paper that they were reading and she explained that he was unclean and needed to take a bath and so he took a bath and began to read the first verses from surah taha and the 16th he charted the one who says this should be worshipped khabbab then came out hearing this telling him that the messenger prayed that him or abu jahl convert then he realised that the messagenger made prayer for him to support Islam.
Where did he convert
He went to dar al arqam where the messenger was. He knocked and companions in the house became scared when they opened the door. They gripped his arms and brought him inside. The messenger instructed them to let go of him then he grabbed his garments and said what brings you here, oh son of al khattab? And that he doesn’t think that he will stop until a less sense of calamity upon him. Omar replied calmly that he has calm believing a lot and his passenger. The messenger got very happy and exclaimed is great and the companies realised he accepted us, so now meant that they could leave their house without fairing
What number was he in converting?
What did Abdullah Eben Massoud say about his acceptance?
They felt a sense of pride when he converted as they cannot perform tawaf around the kabah openly and when he became Muslim, he fought them all until they left them alone and they prayed and made tawaf
w What did Omar say in front of the kabah
He didn’t fear that I deleted and would go to house saying he’s Muslim. Once he went in front of the place and proclaimed his faith in front of the mob of the non-Muslims immediately they jumped on him attacking him, but he was the strongest and fall back until he sat on one of their chest.
How keen was he to learn knowledge?
Uber had a neighbour among the ansar and would each take a turn to go to the house of the messenger? He would go one day and then his neighbour would go the other and they would each tell each other then you information they learnt
What would he try to do when the Quran was revealed?
He was keen on memorising every single verse and then it’s meanings and the reason for revelation
What was the Messages dream about Omar?
he had a dream that whilst he was sleeping a cup of milk was brought to him and he drank from a bit until he could see the wetness emerging from his fingertips and he gave the leftovers to Omar. The companions asked how he interpreted it and he said that he refers to knowledge. Omar was drinking from the knowledge given to the messenger. This proves his dedication to studying hard and learning.
What did the messenger say to umayr
The messenger asked umayr why he came he replied he came regarding a prisoner and that he should treat him well. The messenger asked why he’s wearing a sword. He replied they were useless sword and they didn’t benefit them in the battle of badr.
The messenger patiently asked tell me the truth. Why have you come. He replied he came for the prisoner.
Who did umar see coming for the propjet
Umar ibn wahab a disbeliever came to Medina with the attention of killing the messenger. He came close to the gate of the Masjid with his sword hanging by his side when Omar spotted him and said this is the enemy he is only come for evil purpose. He informed the messenger he told him to bring him in or grab the strap of his sword and told the companion to be God in case of any attempt to be made. The message then told her to let go of him
Why did umayr he actually come?
The messenger said calmly no you sat down with safwan ibn umayyah a place called al hijr and spoke about The people who had been killed in the battle and throw into the well. Then you said if it wasn’t for your dependence, you would go to kill the messenger. So safwan said that he would take responsibility for your debts on the case that you kill me but allah is protecting me from you. at that moment he converted he said that they disbelieve the news that he brought from the heaven but this is a matter which nobody else was present except them to. He set the prisoner free
How many Hadith’s did he narrate
Over 530 on all topics such as praying fasting, marriage etc
Who were the prophets most beloved companions
First Abu bakr then umar
When the messenger said Allah forbids you to swear by a forefathers, what did umar do
He said that he never saw by them since he had the messenger for bidding that and he never spoke of them whether he was speaking on his own behalf or narrating what someone else said
What is an incident that shows the messengers love for umar
One day he saw Omar wearing a white garment and asked if his garment was neat or I’ve been washed. Omar said it was washed so the messengers made dua saying you were new garments live praiseworthy life and die as a martyr
Who did the messenger marry related to umar
His daughter hafsa
Where was he when the messenger was on his deathbed
The messenger was 63 and was very ill and almost stood close by the side and helped him and took care of him as his illness was very bad and when he passed it was a shock for many companions such as Umar
What did Omar say when the profit passed?
He said the hypocrites are claiming that the profit has died, but the profit has not died. Rather he has gone back to his lord like Moses went away from his people for 40 days then came back to them after it was said he had died by law he will return back to us.
What did Abu bakr do to the prophet when he died
He went to the bus and got down from his mouth and whilst Omar was speaking to the people he went inside ayesha‘s house and saw the profit fully covered with a striped clerk in the corner of the room. He went and kissed his head while removing the cloth, then said that may his father and mother be sacrifice for him and that he will not have to face death again. He went out and told Omar to listen to him but he insisted on speaking and Sp Abu bakrm spoke to the people and got their attention and he said that their messenger has died but law is living and will never die and then recited verses, saying That they should not leave Islam because he has passed and that he was just a messenger and they all will die and reward those who are grateful
What happened when abu ❤️. Bakr sooke
Abu hurayrah said it was as if people did not not know these verses until he recited them and now they learnt it from him and it is on their lips. Umar said that when he decided that he began a few dizzy and his legs could not carry him and he fell to the ground knowing that the messenger died. Threaten to kill anyone who claimed that the messenger had died until the verses of the Quran recited when he came to the senses.
How did they choose the next Muslim leader?
The ansar gathered around sa’d ibn ubadah In a place called saqifah bani sa’idah to decide who was the next leader. Abu bakr said to choose Omar or Abu ubaydah. Omar said that he should be the next leader as he was the most beloved of the messenger. He held his hand and saw allegiance to him and the people in the gathering did the same. Omar also said she tried that the messenger commanded him to leave the people in prayer during his last few days and he would feel comfortable putting himself above him. They said Allah forbid
The next day, what happened when? Abu bakr sat at the pulpit.
Almost next to him and spoke before him and said yesterday I said things that were not appropriate that he did not find in the quran or that the profits had said and he thought that the profit would lead them. I would be the last to die. He said Allah has left his book in guidance and his messenger and that, they should swear allegiance to Abu bakr as they were alone in the cave. Theyall did as they were told.
Why did Omar choose? Abu bakr
The misses were disagreement about the leader and he would say that he would lead to more arguments so to calm he gave allegiance to him as he was the best man on earth after the messengers
How did the book version of the quran come to me?
The quran was mainly memorised by people and written on parchments of animal skin, bones or large stones. They had not been written and many Muslims had memorised it but they died in the battle of yamamah so Omar told him that because of the battle less people know the quran and that he fears that it made us appear so they should write it. He said that how could he do something that the messenger did not do. Almost said that this is good and he was very persistent he swayed his opinion.
Who did Abu bakr tell to collect quran
He told companion zayd ibn thabit to collect all the stones and Palm leaves which it had been recorded on and to compile all of the verses in a single book. He said that by a lot if he had ordered him to move the mountain it would not have been as hard for him as collecting the quran.
What are two lessons you can learn from the quran incident?
1) many human memorises the quran had been killed battles
2) the company would talk and discuss matters calmly and with love they always placed the interest of the Muslims first
What happened when abu ❤️ Baker was on his deathbed?
He was getting old and more sick and he started together people to ask for advice saying that he sued going to die and that they are free of their allegiance to him and that they should appoint someone whilst he still alive so it will be less likely for them to be after he leaves. The company spoke to each other and all of them refused to take the position as they knew it was hard. They suggested other people, that they decided to leave it to him and he told them to give them time so he can choose someone.
Who are the people Abu Bakr asked for their opinion on `umar
1) abdur rahman ibn awf
He said that what he knows is that what he can seals is better than what he shows out with Lee and there’s no one else like him among them many other companies will ask the same and they all praised him saying he was God-fearing.
2) Talhah ibn ubaydullah
He was concerned saying that what will he say to his Lord when he asked about why he appointed or more over them and has he seen how harsh he is? He told him to sit him up and said are you trying to make me fit a lot and that he will say that he appointed over them the best of the people And the reason why Omar is harsh is because he thinks I am too soft and gentle when he is in charge he will change a great deal. He then wrote a letter to be read out to the Muslims.
What did the letter say?
It said that he is near the end of his life and he only tried to do good for a lot and his messenger and his religion for himself and for them and that Omar if he turns out fair and just then that is what I think I know him, but if he changes then will be responsible for what he does and that he intends good
What did Abu Bakr advise umar
He knew that the miser needed a strong leader and that Muslims were winning many land and a lot of wealth and they needed a new leader to look after it and not become correct
He told him to fit law and that there are some deeds to be done during the day which he will not accept at night and some deeds during the night. They are not accepted during the day and he doesn’t accept extra days until that compulsory deeds are done should be for heaven and hell, without hoping or despairing too much and if he listens to his advice that absent will be more hurtful to him than death
As soon as Abu bakr passed what happened?
They pleasure allegiance to Omar and he became the leaders
How much was his love for worship?
After he became leader, his worship increased he performed every year that is 10 hajj in a row. Once he became the leader he began to fast daily.
How humble was he?
He would wear wood clothing with patches after becoming the leader and would walk around the street and if he found any usable, he would pick it up and give it to the people to use at night he would walk around the street and Majid to check if everyone is safe
How did he look after the needy
One night talhah ra saiw umar ra walking to different houses he followed him quietly and in the morning he went to the house of the one that Omar went to. He found a blind old lady. He asked why that man came and she said he cleans the house and gives me what I need.
How did he pass?
He was stabbed while leading prayer by a person called abu lu’lu and a few days later he passed away from the wounds