Saffiyah bint huyayee Flashcards
What wife was she?
He was her father
Huyayee bin akhtab chieftain of banu nadheer
Who was her mother?
Barah bint shamwal
Who was she first married to?
Salam bin mashkam well they separated
he wish she married to next
Kananah bin rabi who was killed in battle of khaibar and she was. Taken as a prisoner of war.
Who chose her first?
Dahyah kalbi the slave girl and the profit let him choose and he chose her. The other suggested that she was the chief daughter so the profit should keep her and given another to him they decided to marry her.
What’s another narration of how they got married?
The profit asked for their opinion about safia and they told him that she would be suitable for him and he freed her married her
How was her life?
Her father and paternal uncle abu yasir loved her deeply and would live in Medina when Mohammed migrated and came there he stayed in the valley of banu amr binauf both of them went to see him and returned. They looked tired and disappointed. They do not pay attention to her which was unusual. Her uncle asked her father if this was the same man then her uncle asked for his opinion about the stranger father applied that he was always treat this man as an enemy
How did the battle start?
So the treaty was signed and the prof returned after quraish prevented him from entering Mecca and spread that the Muslims have bound down and excepted the unfair treaty and with the Jews found out they decided it was appropriate time to prepare to attack Medina when the prophet heard about this he took with him 1400 people who had set out to doumrah with him returned from huadibaih in the month of dhuk hajj he first sighted khaibar he told his army to stop and he started praying as he usually does and they came to that as it was night and he was so principal that he would not attack at night. The people in the city were underwear and were shocked to see a whole army camped at the doorstep soon at early Dawn prayer Mohammed ordered them to advise an attack and they started scattering towards their homes. The Muslim and her father killed. Her husband was captured and killed for the crime of government and she was made a prisoner.
on the return journey to Medina. What happened
The prophet camped with his army 12 miles away from the city and one of the SahabIs got safia ready in her bridal
How was she?
Intelligent, beautiful God-fearing and noble patient tolerant and dignified
The story about the injury above her eye
Mohammed saw the mark of injury above her eye and asked her how she got hurt. She answered that she had dreamt that the moon had fallen into her lap and when she told her husband about the dream, he slapped her hard to say that it meant she was in love with the king of. Yathrib
How old was she when she got married to the prophet?
What happened between ayesha and safia?
When the word came that he married the young beautiful daughter of the Jewish leader ayesha was disturbed. The profit did not consider it proper take his new bread and his wife’s houses and he went directly to the house of. Harithah bin numan ansari the ladies of Medina came there to meet her after sometime he went to his daughter fatima and his grandchildren and visited each wife. He found it strange how I reacted but best ignore it for now asked for her opinion and she was very dry that she had seen the jewess the profit said that safia should no longer be referred to as that as she is converted
Another story about her
Once safia moved into her own place, she just displayed her noble upbringing by adopting a friendly attitude, she brought expensive jewelry with her khaibar for the other wives she loved the profit. Daughter fatima gave her gold earrings. She tried to win a place of affection and ayesha and hafsah heart she narrated that hasfssh called her a the daughter of a jew the profit told her that she should have said that her husband was Mohammed her father was Harun and her uncle Moses as they were all sent to the banu israel another occasion ayesha spoke up safia about very very bad way and the prophet said if it was thrown into the ocean, it would become better
What happened when she came to him?
in the last 10 days of Ramadan the profit was by in atakaf went to visit him and when she got up to leave, he also wenty outside the two of the anssr saw him and he asked him to stop and explain to them that the lady was his wife. They felt bad and he said that he didn’t want to Satan to say any evil in their heart.
What is it about crying and?
Every time she would read the Quran she would cry and it said that a true believer dog that and the companions gathered in her apartment and she told them that the voluntary prayer recitation remembrance of a lower all good but they should weep to the law and purify the heart Eyes tears
What’s the story about her and her slave. Girl.
So a slave girl went and told the Khalif umar the her mistress had converted to Islam and but she it was late discovered that her slaves would tell him that and she asked why she did this and she said very innocently that it was Satan and so she immediately said three days ago still observed the Saturday of the Jews and she also kept good terms with the Jews and so he met with her questioned her and after Allah had told Muslims about the blessing of Friday she should stop doing it Saturday and that as far as it turns with the Jews they were her relatives and she was following. Good and was good with her family.
When did she pass?
Caliphate of muawiyah 50th after hijrah jannatul baqee
What did she leave behind?
100,000 dirhams to be distributed per her will