umm habibah Ramlah bint Abi sufyan ra Flashcards
What number wife was she
Who were the four friends who would sit together and talk?
Waraqah bin naufil, Uthman bin haweerath bin asad, zaid bin amr bin nafeel and Obaidullah bin jahash
What were the four friends sad about?
About the spread of idle worship
What did 1 waraqah do?
Gave up idol worship, eating haram, knew Torah and injil by heart (story of quran revelation ) passed away before prophet announced his prophethood
What did 2 Uthman bin haweerath bin asad do?
Went to Syria, went to spread Christianity and then became a pope
What did 3 zaid bin amr bin nafeel do?
Was not a Christian or a Jewish, stopped worshipping idols or Haram food died before the prophet announced his prophethood
What did 4 Obaidullah bin jahash do?
Regrettably fell into doubts and did not know what to do and married the good daughter of abu sufyan the quraishi chieftain
Who accepted Islam when the prophet announced prophethood/
Ramlah, her husband, Abdullah, abu Ahmad (poet) , zainab and hamnah bin jahash (wife of a companion)
What did Obaidullah do in abysinniah
Reject Islam and turn to Christianity and began to drink and died a Christian
When `Obaidullah converted what did his wife do?
She did not convert and ultimately became a mother of the believers
What was their d daughters name?
Umm habibah
What dream did Ramla have?
She ripped the husband’s face was mutilated and was too nervous to talk to him about it later he told her that he used to be Christian and then reverted and that he is now again he told her to become Christian. She then told him about the dream but it was too late showing that his face had been mutilated.
What happened to Obaidullah
He became alcoholic and his wife would pray for steadfastness in her faith and he died of heavy drinking
After her husband passed? Who did she hang out with?
She would sometimes get together with the other Muslim ladies in abysinniah to talk about the latest developments ruqayyah ra, as a bint omais and laila bint abi hashmah.
What happened during her time?
Medina was attacked in battles continue to be fought and the treaty of hudaibiyah was signed and the revenge was finished
What was her second dream?
She dreamt someone called out to her mother of the believers and when she woke up, she felt ecstatic and during that time Mohammed migrated to Medina and someone while talking to him about the state of abysinniah mentioned her to him
When she was mentioned to him? What did he do?
He sent amr bin omayyah adhmiri to najashi with the message that if she liked she could marry him. When najashi got the message, he said his slave girl to her and she was very happy.
What did she give away to the slave girl?
Abraha it was given all the silver jewelry. She was wearing bangles and clips and rings.
How much was her dowry?
100 dinars
What did she give after her marriage?
She gave abaraha 50 dinars and apologise for not having rewarded her in a suitable manner. She asked that girl to make clothes and jury for herself. She then gave her expensive perfumes which najashi asked his wife to send her And the girl gave back the jewelries
What was the slave girls message
That she converted
How did her dad feel about this marriage?
He was happy and said that Mohammed was the youth who honoured?
When the tribe broke the treaty? He came to Medina to renew the treaty he visited his daughter and what happened there?
He was about to sit down when she quickly stepped forward and rolled up the mattress. He asked her if he was not worthy on the mattress or the mattress was not worthy of him. She said it was a mattress used by Mohammed worship it her dad was embarrassed and said she had forgotten manners. She answered that man Islam taught her different values.
What was her most desire?
That her father and brother would convert
What was the king’s true name?
Ashamah meaning gift and he was very generous and also become Muslim Yes
What was her rank amongst the mother of the believers?
Third first was ayesha second was salma
How many? Hadiths narrated by her.
What did she do on the fourth day of her father’s death?
Apply perfume because Mohammed told her
Did she pray for after finding out the Uthman bin Affan died
She prayed that the killers hand should be cut off and should be ashamed and disgraced in public and her praise were fulfilled. Someone entered him with a sword and his hands got cut off and he ran into the street holding his sheets with his teeth but could not manage it and fell off.
Whose caliphate did she pass?nand what year
Her brother muawiyah 44th after hijrah
What message did she send before her death?
to ayesha and salma apologise for any offence?