Hafsah bint umar ra (women in islam) Flashcards
what is hafsah ras full name?
hafsah bint umar
who was her father?
umar bin khattab farooq
she was the niece of?
niece of Uthman Bin mazoon who nabi saw buried and led funeral prayer in jannatul baqee
how was her paternal uncle ‘superior’?
Zaid Bin Khattab accepted islam and became shahid before his brother
what is her brothers name?
Abdullah bin Umar ra
who were the 7 people from her family who participated in the battle of badr?
- her father, Umar bin khattab
- her paternal uncle, Zaid bin Khattab
- her husband, Khanees bin Hathafah
- four of her mothers brothers, (Uthman, Qudamah, Abdullah, Saib bin mazoon)
nabi saw said they will all enter jannah.
what was her character like?
religious, would fast and pray, good writer and orator.
Aisha ra said only she could compete with her as she has friendly nature.
what was the story of the black stone?
5 years before prophethood, the renovation of the kabah took place. Tribes started arguing over who will put the black stone in the wall of the kabah. It was then decided whoever enters the kabah first in the morning would. Nabi saw was known for his honesty and wisdom before prophethood and when he arrived first people were happy. Nabi saw was too wise to accept so he got a large sheet placed the black stone in the middle and got each chiefs of the tribe to hold the edge of the sheet.
how was her ubringing?
her whole family converted to islam early so she had an islamic upbringing, her father was a great wrestler and warrior
When the Quraysh heard of Khanees’s conversion what did they do?
- The Quraysh were very angry when they heard of his acceptance and were cruel and oppressive, forcing him to migrate to Abyssinia. He became homesick missing his childhood home and returned and suffered again. (nabi saw at that time had not started educating the new converts).
after nabi saw saw all the zulm what did he say to do?
migrate to madina
When Khanees and Hafsah migrated who wlecomed them in their house?
Rafah bin Abdul Manzar
who did nabi saw leave his stuff with?
when he migrated with abu bakr he left the stuff he was entrusted with to Ali ra
Where was nabi saw and abu bakrs first stop?
Cave Thour
What did Abu Jahal try do when the muslims migrated?
- Abu Jahal tried to give a reward for those who find them but nobody could as if Allah wants no harm then harm will not be done.
Who was Khanees called brothers with and why?
- At madina mujahireen and ansar became close. Such as abu abbas bin jaber ansai and khanees bin hazafah sehmi were called brothers in islam and both students of nabi saw.
What would hafsah and khanees ra do?
- Hafsah ra revised when there was a new ayah she would memorise it and interpret it. Khanees prepared for jihad.
What did Abu Jahal promise to do at the beginning of battle of badr?
- news came that Quraysh were marching towards madina. Abu jahal swore at the plains of badr there for 3 days, slaughter camels, dance and music before attacking muslims. He thought after hearing this they’ll be too scared to fight.
When Abu Jahals early was sighted what did nabi saw say?
He made dua to Allah that if they die there will be no one left on earth to worship Allah
What happened to Khanees in the battle of badr?
- Khanees got really injured but many leaders of the disbelievers were killed. Islam triumphed and the less equipped army won.
How many days did they stay at badr and why?
3 days so the injured could have medical attention
When hafsah ra heard her husbands situation what did she do?
- When hafsah ra heard of her husband’s heroic acts she was very happy but was cautious that she would have to take good care as he was badly injured. She recited this ayah of surah anfal which was revealed regarding to battle of badr
“Allah made it only as glad tidings, as that your hearts be at rest therewith. And there is no victory except from Allah. Verily Allah is All-mighty, All-wise.”
how did khanees pass?
- she took good care of him but it was his time to pass. When nabi saw heard he got him buried in jannatul baqee next to hafsah ras uncle and led the funeral prayer.
How did hafsah ra cope?
meditation, prayer and speaking to Allah she was barely 21
What did Umar ra decide to do?
- she was silently courageous, patient with prayers, study of the Quran but was still sad. Umar Ra decided to get her married.
Who did Umar ra first approach regarding to Hafsah ras re marriage?
- he first approached Uthman bin Affan ra, as his wife ruqayyah ra had just passed and they could relate. He lowered his eyes and said he needed time to think. Few days later he replied that he was not ready for marriage.
Who did Umar ra approach next?
- he then approached abu bakr ra, he too lowered his gaze and did not answer.
After the two rejections umar ra became sad and went to nabi saw, what did he say?
seeing this he was very upset and went to nabi saw and explained. nabi saw said that his daughter will find a man better than uthman ra and uthman ra will find a woman better than hafsah ra.
What did Abu Bakr say to Umar ra after the marriage of hafsah ra and nabi saw?
- After nabi saw and hafsah ra got married he told him the truth that nabi saw had mentioned marrying hafsah ra to him and if he didn’t they would marry hafsah to his son.
Umar ra then recited this ayah, “This is by the grace of my lord - to test me whether I am grateful or ungrateful, truly, his gratitude is for himself; and whoever is ungrateful. Certainly my lord is rich, bountiful.”
Who did Uthman ra end up marrying?
Umm Kulthum
On what day did hafsah and nabi saw get married?
- They got married in the 3rd year after hijrah before the battle of uhud. she was 22
After they got married what did umar ra say to hafsah ra?
- once they got married umar ra told her to not compete with aisha ra as she was tbe facing rite and should respect her and live happily.
What incident happened when Umm Mubasher, hafsah ra and nabi saw were talking?
- Jaber bin Abdullah Ansari ra narrates an incident which was related to him by Umm Mubasher ra. She, hafsah ra and the prophet saw were having a conversation. He said that s the people who converted at hudaibiyah under the tree will go jannah. She asked how and nabi saw got annoyed. So hafsah ra quoted an ayah from surah maryam. “There is not one of you but will pass over it (hell)”
- So in reply he quotes the next ayah “Then we shall save those who use to fear Allah and were dutiful to him. And we shall leave the wrongdoers there in to the their knees (in hell).”
- The news spread about their disagreement. Nabi saw was disturbed and when umar ra heard he scold hafsah ra she said that aisha ra talks to him like that and he told her that she should not compete with aisha ra or she will get into trouble.
Out of all the wives of nabi saw who were from the Quraysh tribe?
Aisha, Umm Habibah, Hafsah, Saudah RA
what was the honey incident?
- the prophet saw would routinely visit each of his wife’s house after asr everyday to see if they needed anything. Sometimes he would stay longer at zainab ra. The reason was that some relative bad sent her some honey and she would offer it to him and that’s why he would be late. Aisha ra got upset as she was very fond of nabi saw and so consulted saudah and hafsah ra and agreed to say there’s a smell coming from his mouth. When they told him he stopped eating it. This would be okay if they were normal people however since nabi saw is a prophet everything he does becomes a shariah law. So Allah sent an ayah from surah tahreem:
“O prophet! Why do you forbid (for yourself) that which Allah has allowed to you, seeking to please your wives? And Allah is oft-forgiving, most merciful.”
what happened when the wives of nabi saw asked for a increase in their allowance?
- By the 9th year after hijrah most of the land was under islamic government in madina. Storehouses were full and all riches were reaching different regions of Arabia.
- Many of the wives of nabi saw were brought up with luxury so asked for an increase in allowance. When umar ra heard this he told his daughter to ask him if he needs anything and not to disturb nabi saw. He also advised the other wives to not either. Umm Salamah ra did not like this and said that umar ra had a habit of interfering in matters she told him frankly he should refrain from meddling in their lives.
- It was at this time that nabi saw fell from a horse and was injured and to keep things in view he moved to an upper room to the apartment of aisha ra. The whole city was gossiping that he had divorced all his wives. But nobody was courageous enough to ask. Umar ra went and asked and was happy to hear he did not and after getting permission to tell everyone he told everyone.
- On the 29th day he came back to aisha ra and she said it had not been a month and he said there’s 29 days in a month.
- Hafsah ra promised to never ask for a raise to her father and she stood on that word to the end of her life.
how old was she when she passed?
In what state did she pass in?
when did she pass?
year 41th after hijrah
Who was her funeral prayer led by?
Marwan bin hakim (governor of madina)
who carried her shroud and buried her?
- Abu hurairah, Abu saeed carried shroud to jannatul baqee
- Abdullah and Asim bin Umar (her brothers) placed her in her grave.
What number wife was