Saudah bint zamah Flashcards
What number wife was she?
What was her character?
Loyal, selfless, simple obedient generous
Who was her mother?
Shamoos was from the tribe of banu najjar a branch of the quraish
Who is her father?
He was also from a branch of the quraish banu amer bin loii
Who was she married to?
She was married to her cousin sakran bin amar and then married the prophet on his death
What was SAUDAH and sakrans sons name?
Where did her and her first husband migrate to 1st?
Abbysinnia. Then after a considerable period of time return to Mecca.
What was her dream and what were the responses?
She had a dream that the profit entered her house and court hold of her by the name of her neck when she told her husband he said it meant that after his death, she would marry Mohammed.I
What was her other dream?
Sometime later she had another dream. She saw the moon descending into her. She told her husband about this dream and he interpreted for her. His death was about to happen and she would marry Mohammed a few days later he felt ill and passed away. She was lonely.
What did her friend khawlah do
Do she she visited Mohammed and said that he was living a very lonely and sad life with the responsibility of bringing up his Vaughters and his wife he replied that she was right and that Kia had been a good lady. She told him that he should get married asked who he could marry. She replied she had someone in mind and if he agreed she would ask when he found out who it was he agreed she was very happy that his suggestion was accepted. She then went to go tell her the good knees she was very happy had friends suggested that she asked her elderly he was going like and her father was very happy with his daughter getting married then her friend went back and told him the good news
How much was there dowry
400 Durhams
How did her brother behave on their marriage?
Abdullah had not converted yet and was very upset by the news. He was very un civilised and threw dust on his head later when he converted he understood his mistake
What had happened when ruqaya visited Mecca?
They received her with sadness and happiness happiness because they were fight their meeting again and sadness because they’ve met for the first time after their mothers death the second mum hugged her
When Allah Mohammed migrate to Medina, how did that happen?
The conditions in mecca are very bad because of the ruler najashi so Mohammed set out on his journey with abu bakr and once reaching Medina they stayed at the house of abu ayyub ansari
But they were settled in Medina who did he send out?
Zaid bin harithah and abu rafia she with some camels and 500 deer ham to bring all the members of his family. They reached there and immediately left for Medina with saudah ruqayyah umm kulthum add fatima. Umm aiman his wife and his son Osama were also part of the caravan
Who did Mohammed married at his stay in mecca
Ayesha then Hafsah then zainab bint jahsh and umm salamah and others
When she became old, what was her fear
That he would divorce her and a settlement be made on this surah Anisa was revealed
Describe her
She was too healthy women with a good sense of Heima one time she was offering night prayer behind Mohammed the next morning she told him how he’s very long prayer made her say that her nasal vein would burst and her nose would bleed. She said that whilst in a bowling position and held onto her nose, this was very funny and made Mohammed laugh too. She was very warm and simple, she had a lump of her
Story about her and dajjal
She first heard about DAJJAL from Mohammed she was terrified it became a hobby for others to try scare her about it and laugh one time ayesha and hafsah we’re talking about it in front of her she was so scared she ran into a dark room full of cobwebs to hide when Mohammed walked in. He found them too laughing. He asked what was funny and being told her to come out as there was no monster.
Story about ayesha Mohammed and her was sitting together and chatting
The format special dish and offered it to the latter but she declined ayesha was a lively young person and threatened to force feed her and when she continue to remain serious she splashed it all over her face. This lighthearted comedy was very much part of his household, there was no jealousy or evil.
How was Mohammed when thecall to prayer was made?
Immediately rise and leave for the mosque as if he did not know the family members scouting around him
What was the story about her brother in law
So after the victory in the battle of badr the victory Muslim army was on its way back to Medina with many prisoners among them was sohail ibn amr and the brother of sakran on the way he told the army that he needed to pee and he then escaped when Mohammed found out he told the army that when he be found he be shot or captured they went to go find him and they found him hiding behind a tree his hands were then tied together to his neck and entered the state in the city when SAU DAH saw him, she said she should have died enable death rather than live to see such a shameful day not realising Mohammed heard her. He told her that she was making him and Mohammed the one who is against. Allah. Is Noble? She was ashamed and apologised. She said she was very loyal and a beat it to and him and was sorry if she was offensive. He replied with the smile and announced that all the prisoners should be treated with consideration they fed the prisoners that eat themselves because of this treatment many of them converted.
Name a time when she was generous
Umar sent her a bag full of dirhams and when she asked what it was she said it was money and was very surprised and said it was like date to be impact in a bag. She then gave the money to the pool and needy.
Some hadiths she narrated
She narrated Halloween when one of their goats died. They used to use the skin until it got worn out is that it is if it is permissible to use the skin of a dead animal another one that a man came to Mohammed and asked if it was possible to perform HAJJ for his old father, he could not do it. He asked if he was able to pay his father‘s debt and if he did, this was acceptable. The man replied that it would then Mohamed told him that I was the most forgiving and he could.
What age did she pass?
Who is Khalif and where was she buried?
Umar and jannatul baqee