Fiqh book 6 Flashcards
How many wajib acts are there in salah?
2 for the whole of salah
5 of qiraah
5 from qawmah to Salam
2 wajibat for specific salahs
What are the 2 wajibats of salah?
To perform every action in order
To perform, every action calmly
5 wajibat of qirah
To recite surah Fatiha
Recite surah fatiha before any other surah
To recite a surah or atleast one long ayah or 3 short ayahs in the first 2 rakats of fardh salah
To recite a surah or atleast one long ayah or 3 short ayahs in all rakat of wajib sunnah nafl
Imam to recite out loud in fair, jummah, tarawih, Witr in Ramadan, Eid salah and first two rakat of Maghreb and Isha.
Quietly in zuhr, asr, last rakat of Maghreb and isha
5 wajibat of qawmah to salaam
Stand in qawmah (position after ruku)
Sit in jalsah (pause between 2 sajdahs)
Recite tashahud In the two qadahs
Sit in qadah ula (first sitting)
End salah with Salam
What does tadil arkan refer to?
Being still in the different postures of salah for at least the time of saying ‘subhana rabiyal ala’. It’s wajib
Delaying a rukn
Sajdah as sahw becomes fardh when a person delays from moving from one position to another.
What is a rukn
2 wajibat only for specific salahs
Do an extra takbir after the surah in the third rakat of witr and recite Dua qunut.
Make six extra takbirs in both Eid salahs.
Doubts in salah, what to do if your rarely get doubts and you are unsure of the number of rakats?
They should restart their salahs
What to do if a person has a doubt after prayer about the number of rakats they prayed?
They should not pay attention to the doubt and less certain that they have made a mistake
If a person keeps developing doubts every so often while in salah regarding the numbers offered, what should they do?
Then they should act up on what they think is most likely
If a person is unsure of which number they are on, what should they do?
They will assume it to be the letter of the two and sit in both rakats
What should they do after they finish the salon that had a doubt in it?
Sajdah as sahw
What should a person do if they forget to recite surah Fatiha in the first two rakat of fardh?
Perform sajdah sahw
What should a person do if they forget to recites surah Fatiha in a sunnah?
Sajdah as sahw
If someone misses qawmah and goes straight into sajdah what should they do
Sajdah as sahw
What does a person do if they forget to perform sajdah as Saha after finishing salah completely whilsitng facing the qiblah without Talking?
They can perform sajdah as sahw and complete the salah again?
What do they do if they remember they had not performed sajdah as sahw way later after finishing prayer/
If there is remaining prayer time they should complete it again, but if there’s not it should not be repeated.
What should you do when a person is passing away?
Make them face the qiblah if possible and recite the qalimah so the person can hear but don’t force them to.
Family members should recite surah yasin calmly.
What should be done the moment a person passes away?
Close their eyes close the jaw if left open and put the arms on the side and taste in preparing the deceased for burial
What should you not do during ghusl of the deceased?
Do not comb or cut their hair of the deceased or clip their nails
How should ghusl be done?
Cover the private area from chest to the knees with a cloth, then remove all the clothes including garments by cutting
During ghusl what should be blocked?
Block the nostrils I ears and mouth with cotton wool to prevent water entering
After you block the parts of the body what should be done next?
Wear gloves and without viewing massage the stomach gently and wash private parts wash any impurities that come out and perform whudu pouring water into the nostrils or mouth
What is the appropriate sequence to wash
First face
Then the arms to the elbows
Their head simply by performing masah
And last the feet up to the ankles
What should be done if the person passes away in a state of major impurity?
The mouth and nose need to be wetted by making use of pieces of wet cotton wool
What Should be done after whudu and how?
The head should be washed the body onto its left side and starting from the head for water and scrub with soap all along the body making sure that water reaches to the left hand undecided then till the body to its right side and do the same thing
After placing the wool in what should be done next
Using thick gloves, wash the private area with a cloth
After washing the head what’s next?
Raise the top half of the body into basically a sitting position and massage the summit stomach and if any waste comes to wipe it and wash it away there’s no need to repeat ghusl or whudu is whole prices from beginning to end should be done twice more
at the end of the showering what should be done?
Dry the body with a clean towel make sure the private part of the dead is covered at all times
What are the five cloths a women’s shroud consist of?
1 lifafah, outer sheet
2 khirqah, chest
3 izar, inner sheet
4 qamis, shirt
5 khimar, scarf
It is best to use a white shroud(kafan)
How should the body be put on the shroud?
Lower body gently onto the roll down the folded portion of the qamis (shirt) over the top part of the body up to the calves
Once the body is put on the shroud what is to be done next?
Remove the sheets to use for covering the body and rub camphor mixture on the places of sajdah (forehead, nose, palms of both hands and knees and underside of toes)
Once the mixture is rubbed on what is next
The hair should be divided into two parts and put onto the right and left shoulder of the shirt (qamis). Cover the head and hair with the scarf and do not fasten but tuck in properly.
After the scarf is put on, what do you put on next?
First fold the left flap of the izar and then the right over the shirt and scarf now fold the khirqah 9chest wrap) in the same manner as above
What is the last thing you do when enshrouding?
Fold the lifafah The left first, then the right lastly fasten the end of the lifafah at the side then the feet and then secure around the middle with the strips of cloth to complete the shroud in place
what’s the? Qamis/
what’s izar
Inner sheet
what’s khimar
what’s the? Lifafah
Outer sheet
what’s the? Kirqah
Chest wrap
How is janazah salah prayed?
The prayer is in reality a dua for the dead there is no ruku or sajdah there are four takbirat
Explain the first takbir
This is takbir tahrimah which is in the normal prayer to everyone will raise their hands to each level and say Allahuakabar each person present the recites quietly:
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك وتبارك اسمك وتعالى جدك وجعل ثناؤك ولا إله غيرك
What is done in the second takbir?
Say the second takbir DONT raise your hands then recite dhurud
what’s done in the third takbir?
Do not raise hands and say the third takbir and recite the janazah dua اللهم اغفر ل حي وميت دينا وشاهدين الغائبين وصغيرين وكبيرا وأنثى اللهم منحيته من نافع على الإسلام ومن توفيتته من فتتوفى على الإيمان
What done in the fourth? Takbir
Say takbir without raising the hands then say salam to the right and to the left as you would in any prayer
What does tadfin mean?
Where should the graveyard be?
The burial should take place at the nearest graveyard in the city and not be moved to another country or city
How should the body be carried?
It should be carried on the shoulders and taken into the graveyard
Who should lower the body in the grave?
It is desirable that the clothes relatives should
What are the two types of graves?
Lahad - countries where the ground is firm a small recess will be made allow the body to be placed inside it
Shiq - use countries with the ground soft a shallow trench is dug in the centre at the bottom of the grave
When lowering the body into the grave, what? Dua should be recited.
In the name of Allah and the faith of rasulullah
بسم الله وعلى ماتي رسول الله (bismillahi wa ala milati rasulullah)
What side should the body be in from
Put the body in from the qiblah side the whole body should be turned to face the prayer direction
What shape of the grave should it have?
The shape of the grave when field should be like the hump of a camel all types of enclosures and placing of flowers on around the grave are not allowed
What should we said whilst placing the soil in?
منها خلقناكم وفيها نعيدكم ومنها نخرجكم تارة أخرى from this dust we created you and in this we shall put you back and from this we shall raise you up once again (20;55)