Yellow Packet Quiz Flashcards
Cold War 2 points
1) State of war with no bloodshed
2) Icy Rivalry between US and USSR
What does communism control
Gov’t controls control of production, distribution, and exchange of goods
East European nations whose economies and societies are under soviet domination
Satellite nations
Neutral are that separates controlling forces
Buffer Zone
Kill and starve 40 million disloyal soviets and satellite leaders
Giving Aid to countries such as Greece and Turkey
$400 Million
Truman Doctrine
Turkey-> Truman
American aid in the form of money, supplies and machinery to help aid with Europe
Billions to West Europe
Marshall Plan
Provide aid to countries in the Middle East to combat communism
Military alliance among W. Allies designed to combat communism
Military alliance among soviets and their allies in response to NATO
Warsaw Pact
What is the status of Germany and Berlin following the war
4 Zones between USA, GB, France, USSR
Under who did the soviets close all highway trail routes into Berlin
How did Truman Respond in Germany (soviets close all highway trail routes into Berlin)
Bring in food every few minutes by plane
Operation Vittles
Under who did the soviets make the Berlin Blockade
How did Eisenhower respond in Germany? (Berlin Blockade)
Barrels through the blockade
What is Brinkmanship?
to brink the country to the brink of war without going to war
Under who did the Soviets create the Berlin wall to sever Germany in 1/2?
What did Kennedy do in Germany? (Soviets create the Berlin wall to sever Germany in 1/2)
Sent troops but could do little because the Wall was built on Soviet territory
What is the status of Japan’s Military after the war?
Military disbanded; US military still provides protection today
Who was in command of US forces in Japan?
General Douglas MacArthur