Civil Wrights and Kennedy Assasination Flashcards
stated separate but equal WAS constitutional
Plessy vs. Ferguson
stated that in the field of education, separate but equal WAS NOT constitutional
Brown vs. Board of Education
equal access to public facilities, equal access to public accommodations, moved literacy tests to a 6th grade level and created the EEOC
Civil Rights Act of 1964
eliminated the literacy tests
Voting Rights Act of 1965
provides citizenship
14th Amendment
right to vote
15th Amendment
King’s organization in charge of the Birmingham March
organization that represented Linda Brown and Little Rock 9 and achieved change through the courts
in charge of the Sit Ins
in charge of the Freedom Rides
advocated for the separation of the races
Black Muslims
militant organization that assisted blacks in the ghettos
Black Panthers
Name given to Gandhi’s non-violent movement
non-violent, non-cooperation, constant persistence, economic impact, press
5 elements of Satyagraha
catch phrase by Stokely Carmichael to promote black pride
Black Power
tactic used by SNCC to integrate the lunch counters
Sit Ins
tactic used by CORE to for the Supreme Court to integrate federal bussing
Freedom Rides
March to support the proposed the Civil Rights Bill
March on Washington
tactic used to integrate public transportation in Montgomery following Rosa Parks incident
Montgomery Bus Boycott
101 Southern Congressional members openly denouncing Earl Warren’s decision to integrate the schools
Southern Manifesto
tactic used to promote the proposed Voting Rights Bill
Selma March
tactic used to integrate all aspects of Birmingham segregation
Birmingham March
children marching in Birmingham to continue the efforts started by adults
Children’s March
4 little girls die in a church bombing 18 days after the March on Washington
Birmingham Church Bombing
speech given by King at the March on Washington
I Have A Dream
site of rioting following a case of police brutality
Watts, CA
baseball player who broke the color barrier in professional baseball
Jackie Robinson
India leader who taught King the ways of non-violence
leader of the Civil Rights Movement
Martin Luther King Jr.
Supreme Court justice in the Brown vs. Board of Education case
Earl Warren
leader of the black muslims who inspired Malcolm X
Elijah Mohammad
the man who killed MLK
Jame Earl Ray
Olympic athletes who raised their fist symbolizing black power while on the podium to receive their medals
Tommy Smith and John Carlos
leader of CORE and in charge of the Freedom Rides
James Farmer
police commissioner who ordered fire hoses and dogs on the children of Birmingham
Bull Connor
leader of the black Muslims
Malcolm X
only senior of the Little Rock Nine
Ernest Green
9 students who were the first to integrate into an all white school
Little Rock Nine
14 year old boy brutality murdered for saying Bye Baby to a white woman in Mississippi
Emmett Till
new leader of SNCC who coined the phrase Black Power
Stokely Carmichael
first black to integrate an all white elementary
Ruby Bridges
attorney general who ordered federal protection for the freedom riders
Robert Kennedy
first black cabinet member of HUD
Robert Weaver
president during sit ins, freedom rides, Birmingham March and March on Washington
John F. Kennedy
refused to give up her seat on the bus sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks
NAACP lawyer for Linda Brown and the Little Rock Nine
Thurgood Marshall
Gov. of Arkansas who tried to stop the Little Rock Nine from entering Central High School
Orville Faubus
ordered 101st airborne paratroopers to protect the Little Rock Nine
King’s response to criticism that he is pushing too hard in Birmingham
Letter from Birmingham Jail
eliminates the poll tax
24th Amendment
Catholic, rich, served in both house and senate, war hero, womanizer, youngest elected president
John F. Kennedy
gave white house tour, made famous the pill box hat, protected her children
Jackie Kennedy
Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.
inaugural quote
VP from Texas who took over when Kennedy was killed
first televised debates. First time “looks mattered”
Impact of TV
shot JFK
Lee Harvey Oswald
Shot Lee Harvey Oswald
Jack Ruby
Governor of Texas who was also shot in the car in Dallas
John Connally
Police officer shot by Oswald
JD Tippett
filmed the Kennedy assassination
Abraham Zapruder
closest election ever
1960 election
Kennedy position when shot in the neck which kept him upright
Thornburn’s Position
Name to describe Kennedy’s presidency
the way Oswald got the gun into the Texas School Book Depository
Curtain Rods
Where many believe a second gunman was during the Kennedy assassination
Grassy Knoll
Location of the Kennedy assassination
Dealey Plaza
place where Oswald fired his shots from
Texas School Book Depository
rushed with many errors done by a man who had never done one before
date of the Kennedy assassination
location where Johnson was sworn into office
Air Force 1
innocent bystander who got hit by concrete when the first bullet hit the curb
James Tague