1930's Foreign Policy - Sheet1 Flashcards
President of the Germany
37 billion debt, no merchant fleet, no port of Danzig, no access to the Rhineland
economic restrictions
limited troops, navy limited to 10,000 tons, no cadet schools, no offensive weapons
military restrictions
inflation and destroys the middle class
impact of printing money
agreement between Russia and Germany to build weapons for Germany
pact with Russia
Hitler’s attempt to overthrow the government by force
Beer Hall Putsch
Hitler’s book
Mein Kampf
brainwashed and trained young children to be in the military
Hitler’s Youth
posters, films, star of David, businesses boycotted. Makes all German problems the fault of the Jew
Anti-Semitic Campaign
no kosher meat, no pets, no schools, curfew, no car, no phone
Jewish Restrictions
used to gain support and change the attitudes of the German people to support his cause
Hitler Propganda
northwest bulge of the Czechoslovakia which was given to Hitler at the Munich conference
US had no obligation to stop Hitler because he was violating a treaty we had never signed
US inaction
Rhineland, Austria, Sudetenland, rest of Czechoslovakia and finally Poland
Hitler’s Expansion
Agreement with Russia to not attack one another when Hitler invades Poland. Russia gets half of Poland and buys them some time to rearm.
Non-Aggression Pact
holds Germany’s industry and agriculture
Rhineland Importance
meeting with Germany, Britain and France to determine Hitler’s intentions. Agreed to appease Hitler if he would stop taking countries.
Munich Conference
to give in
ship carrying Jewish refugees that were rejected by Cuban and US officials
St. Louis