Gilded Age - Sheet1 Flashcards
The people take an elected official out of office
A strike coming from the railroad industry. Railroad workers walked off on the job to protest a 50% wage decrease
Pullman Strike
Companies must accurately label ingredients in processed food items
Pure Food and Drug Act
Created the Incandescent lightbulb and the phonograph
Thomas Edison
The date that the 19th amendment (women’s suffrage) was passed
Place immigrants went through on West Coast to become U.S. citizens. More exclusive than Ellis Island
Angel Island
Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Alice Paul
Leaders of Women’s Suffrage
First major anti-trust court case. Roosevelt v. Morgan, Roosevelt won
Northern Securities Co. V. United States
Created political cartoons. His work led to Boss Tweed being convicted of embezzlement
Thomas Nast
When did the Progressive Era last?
Professional city manager hired to run each department and report directly to the city council
City Manager Plan
Created the airplane
Orville and Wilbur Wright
Someone through a bomb into the crowd at a meeting for laborers. A German was blamed and chaos ensued
Haymarket Riot
Belief that one’s native country and culture is superior to others
No competition, one person controls the entire market, can charge whatever they want, can pay workers whatever they want
Cons of Monopolies
California, Wyoming, Oregon, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Washington, Kansas, Arizona, Nevada, Montana, Arkansas, Michigan, South Dakota, and Oklahoma
States that Passed Suffrage rights before the 19th amendment
Owning every stage of production
Vertical integration
Inhaling coal, leather strap around hips made young girls die in childbirth, baskets on head caused bald spots. Children from the age of 5 and up had to work for 12 hours in the dark, surrounded by rats. If they fell asleep, the miners beat them up.
Problems in the mines
Illegally transporting alcohol
Created the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell
Experts ran different fields of the city
City Commissioner Plan
Direct election of Senators
17th Amendment
Outlawed creation of monopolies, unions are protected
Clayton Antitrust Act
Robber baron/captain of industry, excelled in the oil industry with the help of horizontal integration
John D. Rockefeller
Lots of money to give to charity, push technology for better products, provide lots of jobs, and can keep prices low
Pros of Monopolies