Vietnam War Flashcards
4 solutions: raise taxes, cut programs, end war, borrow money
Guns vs. Butter
Johnson’s blank check to do what he needs to to stop further aggression in the region
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
site of massacre by US soldiers on women and children. resulted in US soldiers being called baby killers
My Lai Massacre
guerrilla warfare, hit and run, fighting at night
VC tactics
battle where the French were defeated by the Vietnamese
Dien Bien Phu
US battleship attacked which sparks US involvement in Vietnam
Gulf of Tonkin Incident
US military base which was under attack for 77 days during the Tet Offensive
Khe Sanh
US intense bombing of North Vietnam
Operation Rolling Thunder
South Vietnamese refugees who escaped to America
boat people
peace treaty with North Vietnam. Release of POWs
Paris Peace Accords
long hair, drug use, tie dye clothing, evaded the draft, Marched on Washington
Counter culture
1st televised war which influences public opinion
impact of TV
anti-war protest by 10,000
1968 Democratic National Convention
supporters of the war
opposes the war
anti-war protest where 4 students were killed
Kent State
3 day rock concert
against going to war for moral or religious beliefs
conscientious objector
to intentionally injure a fellow soldier to teach him a lesson