WWI and Imperialism - Sheet1 Flashcards
to use dollars not bullets to achieve your goal (Taft’s policy)
Dollar Diplomacy
Secretary of State who signed the Open Door Notes
John Hay
Slavs in the Balkan Region was to be free and independent
Slavic Nationalism
The year the US entered WWI
Admiral who claimed we needed a strong navy to achieve imperialism
Alfred Mahan
tanks, machine guns, airplanes, poisonous gas
Weapons of WWI
note by Spanish Ambassador calling McKinely “weak”
DeLome Letter
Spanish prison camps where Cubans died of disease and malnutrition
re-concentration camps
One of the Big 4. He is from France
George Clemenceau
Wife of President Woodrow Wilson; ran the government when her husband had a stroke.
Edith Wilson
to remove the missionaries but keep the products flowing into China
Second Open Door Notes
Treaty that ended WWI on the Western Front
Treaty of Versailles
Wilson’s plan for peace following WWI
Fourteen Points
nickname for the Spanish American War
Splendid Little War
the draft
Selective Service Act
Spanish controlled and center of the Spanish American War
Study the big ones like, Britain, Germany, France, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Serbia

harsh because of trench foot, trench mouth, disease, shell shock
Trench Warfare Video
ship sunk killing 260 seamen. Yellow journalists blame the Spanish.
USS Maine
goal to connect the ocean, many die of disease, TR backs a Panama revolt against Columbia, example of the Big Stick Policy
Panama Canal
tariff that removed duty free sugar subjecting Hawaii to the same tariff as Cuban sugar therefore losing its price point advantage
McKinley Tariff of 1890
Admiral who defeated the Spanish Fleet at the beginning of the Spanish American War
George Dewey
One of the Big 4. He is from Italy
Vittorio Orlando
German’s promise to warn ships and allow them to surface before sinking them. This was intended to keep Wilson in office
Sussex Pledge
occurred because Serbia did not fulfill any of their demands
Austria-Hungary’s declaration of war
Alaska was purchased from Russia for 7.2 million dollars
organization that supports Serbian independence; Gavrilo Princip is a member of this
Black Hand
German submarine
Treaty that ended WWI on the Eastern front
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
exaggerated stories designed to evoke an emotional response
Yellow Journalism
Austria-Hungary, Germany and Italy
Triple Alliance
France, Britain, Russia
Triple Entente
Roosevelt’s troops made up of cowboys and former soldiers
Rough Riders
Yellow Journalism headline to push for support of the war
Remember the Maine
coined the phrase, White Man’s Burden promoting American cultural superiority
Rudyard Kipling
One of the Big 4. He is from Great Britain
David Lloyd George
Total years of WWI
annexed to gain duty free sugar and secure our Naval Base there
policy of expanding colonies and building empires
Pineapple King who led the corporate overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani
TR’s policy to speak softly but carry a big stick. Negotiate first and then use the military to get what you want
Big Stick Policy
One of the Big 4. He is the American President
Woodrow Wilson
Leader of Russia who promised their people Land, Bread and Peace
Peace keeping organization designed to create long lasting world wide peace. # 14 of Wilson’s 14 point plan. Never ratified by the Senate so US was never a part of it.
League of Nations
an extension of the Monroe Doctrine preventing European colonization in Latin America and the Caribbean
Roosevelt Corollary
Chinese militant group that worked to get rid of foreign influence
Boxer Rebellion
US General in charge of WWI
John J. Pershing
fought in segregated units and could not join the Marine Corp.
African Americans in WWI
son of the king of Austria-Hungary who was murdered in Bosnia
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassin. He is a member of the Black Hand
Gavrilo Princip
When one country controls the economic development of another
Sphere of Influence
First the governor of the Philippines and later President
British liner sunk by a German U-boat where 128 Americans died
Note written by German foreign minister to Mexico promising Mexico Texas, New Mexico and Arizona if they join the war against America
Zimmerman Note
bought for 20 million as part of the Treat of Paris ending the Spanish American War
Women’s Army Corp. Women joined the army as nurses and support staff
Germany’s plan to avoid a two front war by taking out France quickly and then turning all their attention to Russia. Failed because of the Belgium resistance. (6 days to 18 days)
Schlieffen Plan
treaty to end the Spanish American War
Treaty of Paris
President who warned us against entangling alliances. Used as part of the Isolationist argument.
policy signed by Secretary of State John Hay to open trade in China
Open Door Notes
nickname for the American soldier in WWI
issued by America to remain neutral when the war broke out
Neutrality Proclamation
President McKinley’s assassin
Leon Czolgosz
2 American holdings gained following the Spanish American War
Guam and Puerto Rico
President who supported imperialism and was shot 6 months into his second term
Region that many European nations wanted to control as part of Imperialism
The Balkans