X GI: Accessory Organs (Ms Si, Burke Chp 27) Flashcards
Digestive Track
Mouth - Esophagus - Sm Intestines (DJI) - Lg Intestines - Rectum - Anus
Is the liver a part of the digestive tract?
No, it’s an accessory organ
Accessory Organs to digestion
- Liver
- Gall Bladder
- Pancreas
- Biliary Tract (made of biliary ducts)
biliary tree
a system of vessels that directs Bile from the liver, gallbladder and pancreas through a series of ducts into the duodenum. The exit hole into the duodenum is called the papilla of Vater. (hepatic duct, cystic duct, common bile duct)
Liver facts
- largest glandular organ
- located - RUQ below diaphragm, over Gall Bladder. RT lobe larger than L.
- can NOT palpate from outside body. If you can, there is a problem.
What is the largest organ?
The Skin. Liver is the largest GLANDULAR organ
Construction of Liver
- 2 Lobes
- thousands of lobules per Lobe
- lobules made of hepatic cells.
Functions of the Liver
- Metabolic
- Hematologic
- Digestive
- Produces: Bile/Cholesterol
- Converts: Glucose –> Glycogen
- Regulates: BG
- Filters: blood; remove drugs/ETOH
- Stores: Glucose, ADEK (fat sol vits)
Function of Liver (Michael Linares, Simplenursing.com)
(People Drink So Much) Produce: (Albumin, Bile, Clot Fac) Detox Storage (glycogen) Metabolize (NH3 --> Urea)
How does liver react to BG? Hi or Lo
BG UP - liver stores glucose
BG LO - liver converts glycogen to glucose when pancreas secretes Glucagon to stimulate liver to do so.
What is BILE? Where made and stored?
- fluid made by liver, stored in GB.
- It emulsifies fat
Bile made of
H20, E, cholesterol, bile pigments, bile salts
What are bile pigments?
they give stool color. from breakdown of RBCs.
- Bilirubin
- Biliverdin
How much Bile does Liver secrete?
700 - 1200ml/day
Bile salts are made from?
What is the digestive Fx of Bile
- fat digestion
- absorption of fat soluble vits
Statins stimulate the liver’s production of what? What is the overall effect?
Bile salts,
LO cholesterol, by using up cholesterol
Pravachol (pravastin)
How much bile does the Gall Blader store?
How much bile does the Liver produce?
- 50ml
- 700 - 1200ml
muscle cramping. s/e of taking statins
Gall Bladder, Def and Fx
sac that stores bile
The Biliary Tract ducts connect what?
Liver, GB, Duodenum
What bile ducts are in the Biliary Tract?
Hepatic bile duct, Cystic duct, Common Bile Duct (CBD)
see pic
Fx of Hepatic Bile Duct
receives bile from liver lobules
Fx of Cystic Duct
carries bile from GB
Fx of Common Bile Duct (CBD)
Hepatic duct merged w Cystic duct into CBD, to empty into duodenum
What type of gland is the Pancreas?
Endocrine and Exocrine
- Exocrine - secrete into ducts (Amylase, Lipase, Protease digestive enzymes)
- Endocrine - secreted into blood (i.e. insulin)
where is Pancreas located?
behind stomach
What does the pancreas secrete?
ENZYMES for digestion (Amylase, lipase, Protease)
HORMONES to reg BG (Glucagon (+BG), Insulin (-BG))
GASTRIN (stim secretion of gastric acid)
***Where do the CBD and Pancreatic Duct meet?
Ampulla of Vater (see pic)
***What does the Spinchter of Oddi do, where is it?
at base of CBD and pancreatic duct. It regulates the amount of bile released into the duodenum (see pic)
(GB) (Bladder) (inflam)
Chole cyst itis
- Inflammation of the GB
- 90% caused by cholelithiasis
Presence of gallstones, in ductal system or in GB itself.
What are most cases of Cholecystitis caused by?
Cholelithiasis (Gall Stones)
Types of Gallstones
- Cholesterol (75% of stones)
- Pigment (Black and Brown)
What secretes Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is secreted by the liver into Bile.
Detergents secreted by liver to dissolve the cholesterol in bile
Why does the liver secrete detergents?
to dissolve the cholesterol in bile.
What ‘detergent’ does the liver produce?
Bile Acids, Lecithin.
to dissolve cholesterol
Causes of Cholesterol Gall stones
1) UP Cholesterol, normal detergent
2) Lo detergent, normal cholesterol
Undissolved chol in GB becomes fat, sticky, forms into stones.
What does the Spleen do?
breaks down RBC and filters blood
BILE PIGMENT: process of forming bile
RBC broken down in Spleen (Hemoglobin) –> Globin (protein) + Heme (iron) –> Biliverdin (pigment) –> Indirect Bilirubin (unconjugated) –> Indirect Billirubin travel to Liver –> joins w Glucuronide molecules –> forms Direct Bilirubin (conjugated)
If you have problems with Indirect Biliruben, where does the problem lie?
If you have problems with direct Biliruben, where does the problem lie?
2 types of Pigment Gall Stones?
Black pigment
Brown pigment
How are Black Pigment GS formed?
excessive bilirubin in Bile. w UP destruction of RBCs, more bilirubin is produced.
How are Brown Pigment GS formed?
bile stasis in GB combines w bacteria and calcium d/t
1) blockage in cystic duct or
2) stenosis of duct
an abnormal narrowing of blood vessel or other tubular organ or structure. aka stricture
aka Stenosis. Abnormal narrowing of blood vessel
Risk factors for Gall Stones
- sedentary lifestyles
- sex (female, 25% by 60yrs/50% by 75yrs)(estrogen)
- race (native/Hispanic American)
- Family Hx
- DM, Obesity, Pregnancy
- HRT (hormone replacement therapy)
- Angina
- Diet
Estrogen has what affect on the liver?
causes liver to remove cholesterol from blood and deposit into bile
SS of Cholecystitis/Cholelithiasis
- biliary colic (PRIMARY SYMPTOM, 80% pts)
- RUQ abd pain triggered by fatty meals
- referred R shoulder pain
- severe N/V
- Fever
- Leukocytosis
- Jaundice
- severe
What is the primary symptom of Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis?
Biliary Colic
in 80% of pts.
-Steady or intermittent pain, sever 15min - 5hr, severe N, RUQ Abd pain.
Cholelithiasis/Cholecystitis: Dx Tests
- Fecal study
- US/CT scan
- HIDA Scan
- Oral Cholecystogram
- IV Cholangiography
- Liver Enzymes
- Serum Bilirubin
Fecal Study produces what kind of stool?
Clay Colored Floaters, stool without bile. No bile means you wont digest fat. Clay color means no bile. Float because of HI fat content
Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis: Complications
- Necrosis/Gangrene (inflamed GB can develop abcess. Can lead to..)
- Fistula
- Pancreatitis
- Perforated GB (Peritonitis)
Tunnel formed btwn 2 structures. Inflamed GB sticks to nearby organs. i.e. SI
Inflamed pancreas d/t stone in CBD, The digestive enzymes back up into pancreas and eats away at it
r/t Perforated GB
-inflammation of the peritoneum, which is the membrane that lines
the wall of the abdomen and covers the abdominal organs.
-main cause of secondary peritonitis is the escape of pus from infected abdominal organ, including
.Perforated gall bladder – this small sac stores bile from the liver. A severe infection (cholecystitis) can cause the gall bladder to burst.
Cholelithiasis/Cholecystitis: Rx
- Cholecystectomy w T-tube (GB removal)
- MED: Ursodiol (oral dissolution therapy)
- Lithotripsy (sound waves to break up stones)
Cholelithiasis/Cholecystitis: Cholecystectomy
Removal of the Gall Bladder
Cholelithiasis/Cholecystitis: MED: Ursodiol
Cholelithiasis/Cholecystitis: Lithostripsy
sound waves to break up stones
-GS fragmentation (
Cholelithiasis/Cholecystitis: Oral Dissolution Therapy
- med Ursodiol, a naturally occurring bile acid (detergent) to dissolve sm cholesterol gall stones (1-1.5cm).
- Lowers cholesterol secreted into the bile
- 1-2yrs to take effect
- still will return after stopping Ursodiol
(i. e. 102 yrs old pt took this instead of sx.)
Cholesystectomy w T-tube
- purpose is to keep the CBD (common bile duct) open. Get rid of residual gall stones
- promotws flow of bile
- 4-6wks, external tube
- Scarring of Liver
- chronic degenerative disease
- –> End Stage Liver Disease
Cirrhosis: Pathos
- destruction of liver tissue
- separation of lobules by fibrous tissue
- dev of abnormal nodules
- abnormal vasculature
- repeated liver damage, r/t disease/chemicals
- repairs w Fibrous tissue –> nodular shape
- scar tissue restricts blood flow
- leads to UP pressure in Portal Venus System
- leads to port HTN
Portal HTN
Splenic + Sup Mesenteric veins dump into
Hepatic Portal Vein –> liver for purification –> thru hepatic vein to Inferior Vena Cava to Rt. Atrium of Heart. (SEE PIC)
Liver makes Clotting Factor to…
clot blood when injured.
Liver uses what to make Clotting Factor?
proteins (amino acids) from the digestive tract through Portal System.
Portal HTN
complication of cirrhosis
- blood backs up in portal vein –> UP pressure in vein
- affects all veins draining into Portal Vein
- veins not designed for hight pressure. Arteries are.
- vein w rupture –> massive hemorrhaging
Complications of Impaired blood flow
- Portal HTN –> though liver
- Ascites
- Esophageal Varices (like hemorrhoids)
Na+ follows H2O
Na+ follows H2O
Portal HTN –> Ascites. How?
Cirrhosis complications
altered vessel permeability + fluid leakage into abdomen
fluid follow protein
Liver CAN’T make Albumin –> fluid exits blood–> decrease in circulating volume (water is collecting in interstitial spaces) –> UP in Aldosterone (secreted by Adrenal gland r/t LO blood volume) –> kidneys retain Na + H2O –> UP press in vessels –> more Portal HTN –> upper body vein distension –> Esophageal Varices
Complications of Cirrhosis, Portal HTN (again)
- Portal HTN
- liver not making albumin
- fluid leakage into abdomen
- ascites
- body senses LO blood volume
- kidney retains fluid
- UP Blood Volume AND Interstitial fluid
Type of Cirrhosis
- Alchoholic Cirrhosis (Laennec’s)
- Post necrotic Cirrhosis
- Biliary Cirrhosis
- Cardiac Cirrhosis
Achoholic Cirrhosis
- PRIMARY cause of Cirrhosis in US
- results after 10yrs heavy drinking
- liver breaks down ETOH to Toxic substances –> inflammation –> liver cell destruction
Postnecrotic Cirrhosis
- necrosis of whole hepatic nodules w scarring
- cause: acute hepatitis, infections, hepatotoxins
Secondary Biliary Cirrhosis
- bile building up in liver
- liver bile duct destruction
- cause: unknown, gall stones, tumor
Cardiac Cirrhosis
- chronic R sided HF from Cor pulmonale
- hepatic congestion –> fibrosis
Cor Pulmanale
abnormal enlargement of the right side of the heart as a result of disease of the lungs or the pulmonary blood vessels.