WW2 Final Study Guide Flashcards
how did the end of Worl Woad I contribute to the start of WWII. Hint: The seeds of WWII were sown at the peace of WWI
- After Germany lost WWI, the winning nations drafted a treaty to address territorial adjustment issues and reparations, ament restrictions.
- Treaty punished germany and left bitter feelings.
- Germany forced to accept the blame for the war and pay millions to Britian and France. Italy was disappointed it was denied territory by France.
identify the dictatorships and political parties in germany that began post WWI
Hitler. Nazi party goal: create “master race”
identify the dictatorships and political parties in italy that began post WWI
Benito Mussolini
goal: create fascist gov., believed nation was more important than the individual.
what led to the dictatorships in italy
fascist government that glorifies the state, one leader and one party, all aspects of society, one controled by the government
what led to the rise of dictatorships in Germany
-Depression, unemployment, and hard times led to dramatic increase in votes for Hitler’s nazi party
Define Appeasement. What was decided at ht emUince Conference (Muinch Pact)?
Appeasement: Accepting demands in order to avoid conflict.
Terms: Czechoslovakia should be given up to satisfy Hitler. European leaders believed they could appease if avoided another brutal conflict, Germ. speaking regions in Europe unified, assumed Nazis were interested in peace after acquiring territory. Britain and France realize appeasement failed when German troops broke up Czechoslovakia and Germans invaded Poland.
what were the groups persecuted in the holocaust
jews, gays, gypsies, slavic people, those who owed debts
Nuremberg laws
Took citizenship away from Jewish Germans and banned marriage between Jews and Germans
Ex:- German jews deprived of rights of Germany
- led to Jews prohibited from voting
- 1/2+ of jews jobless by 1936
- banned Jews from practicing law and med.
Final Solution
Plan to kill Jews since other methods proved to be inefficient. Rounded up Jews and other “undesirables” from Nazi-controlled Europe to concentration and extermination camps
—Ghettos were set up to segregate Jews from the rest of the population.
—They were designed to be temporary; some lasted only a few days or weeks, others for several years.
—The vast majority of ghetto inhabitants died from disease or starvation, were shot, or were deported to killing centers
Living conditions in the Lodz ghetto were extremely harsh. Very few people had access to running water, and there was no sewage system.
The German authorities controlled the supply of food. Anyone found trying to supplement their rations by smuggling was in danger of death. However, in order to stay alive, the inmates of the ghetto would often try to obtain extra food to support themselves and their family at any cost.
Extermination & Concentration camps
Concentration: where Jews would slave over work until they died.
Extermination: Specifically for killing jews, with gas chambers, ovens
How many were killed
6 mill
“lightning war” sudden violent, offensive attacks by Germans
us, great britian, france
axis powers
germany, italy, japan
Date for invasion of english Channel in 1944
Nuremberg Trials
Took citizenship form Jewish Germans and banned marriage between Jews and other Germans
How did the U.S. respond to the Jap’s aggression in the Pacific
Island hopping
Doolittle raid
Suicide pioliots who’s mission was to crash into it’s target
Island Hopping
MIlitary strategy employed by Allies in Pacfic war against Japan
Doolittle Raid
Plan to launch B-25 bombers from aircraft carriers bw 450-650mi from Japan. Plan would bomb selected targets and fly another 1,200mi to airfiled in China
What events led to the unconditional surrender of the Japs
1) Kamikaze attacks
2) Gen. Mac Arthur-Roosevelt responded to the threat by freezing all Japanese assets in the United States and reducing the amount of oil shipped to Japan.
He also sent General MacArthur to the Philippines to build up American defenses there.
American Commander, General Douglas MacArthur, decided to take his badly outnumbered troops and retreat to the Bataan Peninsula.
3) Doolittle Raid-Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle was put in command of the mission that bombed Japan on April 18.
Doolittle’s attack on Japan made Japanese leaders change their strategy.
3) we bombed them, twice
What was the policy of the US post WWI? What factors contributed to this policy?
Factors: WWI treaty of Versalie, the economy, some countries still owed the US money
Congress passed the Neutrality Act of 1937, which continued the ban of selling arms to countries at war and required warring countries to buy nonmilitary supplies from the United States on a “cash and carry” basis.
President Roosevelt used a loophole in the Neutrality Act of 1939 and sent 50 old American destroyers to Britain in exchange for the right to build American bases on British-controlled Newfoundland, Bermuda, and Caribbean islands.
stated that the United States could lend or lease arms to any country considered “vital to the defense of the United States” ; Congress passed the act.
What was the U.S.’s policy prior to WWI to when their interests were threatened?
Prior to WWI, the U.S. foreign policy went form ISOLOATIONISM to interventionism/internationalism when their interest were threatened.
Which event challeneged the US neutrality and brought them into WWII
Japan attacked pearl harbor
How were Japanese Americans treated during WWII
sent to internment camps, Japanese in Japan’s actions made people affiliate japanese Americans to the Japs their going to war against
How were women treated during WWII
Finally allowed into the “war effort” most jobs were clerical. Eventually there were lots of nurses in the military, still no combat position. Their mere purpose was the “relieve a man to go to war”
How did WWII impact the economy of the US
Economy in the US shifted to the war effort and providing war supplies like tanks, rifels, etc. 200,000 companies converted to war production
Giving out scarce items on a limited basis
War Bonds/Victory Bonds
Debt securitites by gov. to finance military operations and open expenditure in the times of war
Persuasive media to persuade the audience to the creator’s point of view
United Nations
International gov. org. to operate international co-operation to live w/o war
What was Pres. Harry Truman’s justification for dropping the atomic bomb
He had to end the war, make a clear statement to the Japanese, who were showing no signs of surrender
What kept the continential US from being attacked during WWII
Geography, the Atlantic ocean