Imm. Urbanization, Reform study guide Flashcards
define nativism
preference for native born people over the opinions od immigrants
explain the US immigration policy during the early 1900s
biggest main inspection: ellis island as main inspection site
explain the diff. betwen push and pull factors
push-why they left: military force, famine, war religious persecution
pull- why they came: good ed., better life, freedom of religion
what probs. existed in urban areas that led to a need for reform
crime, pollution major/minor crime fire polution sanitation political corruption
defien political machine. how did political machines impact democray in the US?
infromal party group that produced essentials to city dwellers in exchange for their vote. Eventually reforms were made to have a smoother running democracy, that wasnt just based on voted. Buissness began to be regulated
who’s jane adams and what is she known for
anti-imperilist that established settlement houses, opened “hull house” in chicago
whats the gilded age. give exof positive and neg. of gilded age
time of growth but really poverty and crie underneath
positive: new jobs, better standard of living
neg: politicial corruption, sanitation
social darwinism
belief that the people who are the best at wha they do should be rewarded
muckrakers, give ex
someone who exposes the truth about america’s issues.
ex: idk find somes
goals of progresive movement
uncover corruption,exposing unfair practices, gov. concentrated on social probs
impact of progressive
Political parties hold direct primaries to nominate candidates for office.
• The Seventeenth Amendment calls for the direct election of senators.
• Federal regulation of food and drugs began in this period.
allowed a group of citizens to introduce legislation and required legislature to vote on it
allowed proposed legislation to be submitted to voters for approval
allowe voters to demand a special election to remove an elected official from office
what was the prob. initiative, referendum and recall was aimed at correcting
the lack of contol to introduce and pass bills in legislature
whats the legacy of the progressive movement
by then end, Americans looked to the gov. to play an active role in reg. the econ. and slowly social probs. in 1905 black leaders met to demand fun political rights and responsibilites and end recall and discrimination
Sherman anti-trust
gov. restores comp. by breaking up the business
temperance movement
called for moderation/elimination of alcohol
interstate commerce
created gov. agencies to reg. big comp. goods and prevent them from abusing their power
income tax
direct tax on the earnings of idndivisuals and corporations
president wilsoon asked congress to create the fed. trade commission to do what
monitor american buisness
generally what did progressives believe
idustrialiism and urbanization created many social. probs. argred that go. should take more active role in solving society’s probs
who were amoung the first to articulate progresive ideas
crusading journalist, eho were muckrackers
what did robert la folletee pressure wisconsin leg. to do
require each party to hold a direct primaryy; which all party members could vote 4 a candidate to run in the general election
what reform fif progressives push through at the fed. level
direct election of senators
why did the suffrage movement get to a slow start
wommen sufragist were accused of being unfeminine and immoral. some where physically abused attaked, others were abolitionist
what were the 2 reasons the suffrage movement started making significant gains around 1910
nationl women sufrage assoc and american woman suffrage assoc. combined to form national american woman suffrage assoc.
why did many progressives believe that wealth was concentrated
what were some contributions of the social welfare progressives
anti-child labor
what new laws came into effect because of writting like “the bitter cry of children”
states passed complex laws
what were pres. taft’s view on tarrifs
limited competition and hurt consumers
what was the diff. between roosevelt and taft regarding the relationship between the president and congress
openly active taft was methodical
how did roosevelt’s and wilsons views on trust differ
roosevelt thought they could help but needed reg. wilson thought they were evil
what new fed. agency increased the gov. power to reg. the econ
fed. reserve aact: raised intrest rates and stimulate econ. by lowering rates
name 3 political probs
innefficeny in gov, political machines and party bosses were powerful and influential
corruption in election procedures
name 3 social probs
physical abuse due to intoxication
no father/provider in the home
women didnt have acsess to med. info
name 3 econ. probs
wealth was concentrated in the hands of few
trusts dominated industries
no controll over RR
what was the solution to inefficency in gov
commission plan- city gov. divided into several depts. controlled by an expert commisioner; streamline gov. by reducing spending to cut the number of padded contracts given to friends,trim pay rolls to reduce number of jobs available as favors
what was the solution to political machines and party bosses who were powerful an infuential
elect progressive mayors who would support reform, election of city council member ar large rather than fom each ward to reduce power of local ward boss, candidates run as indivisuals instead of party representatives, city commision fov’ city, manager form of gov in which an elected city council hierd a professional city manager
solution to corruption in election procedures
direct primary- party mem. vote for a candiate to run in gen. election
secret ballot- citicens voted in a private booth and used an offical ballot
solution to physical abuse due to intoxication
temperance movement
solution to no father/provider in house
provided financial assistance to single parent
soulution to women didnt have accsess to med. info
1914 drive to inform women on birth control
solution to: wealth was concentrated in the hands of few
progressives supported soocialism(gov. ownership and operation of industy for the community as a whole)
solution to trusts dominated industries
Sherman Anti-trust Act
reg. of big business to prevent them from abusing power
solution to no control over RR
interstate commerce commision- reg. economies rates and transportation services between states; state railroad commision- regulate rates charged to farmers;factories cant bribe RRs into giving them unfair rates