Progressivism: Eco. Political, Social Reforms Flashcards
For all of theses cards, the “question” is the problem and the “answer” is the solution
Wealth was concentrated in the hands of a few
some progressives supported socialism(gov. ownership and operation of industry for the community as a whole)
trusts (giant coroperations dominated many industries)
sherman Anti-Trust act(gov. regulation of big buisness to prevent them from abusing power)
no control over railroads(RRs engages in price gouging,bribes…)
Interstate Commerce Commission(regulate economies,rates and transportation services between states); State railroad commission regulate rates chard to farmers;factories cannot bribe RRs into giving them unfair rates
long hrs in the workplace
1903-10hr workday requirement
lack of protection for workers
1902 Maryland passed the 1st law requiring employers to provide workman’s compensation insurance; 1916 two-thirds of states had workers’ compensation (hurt at work still get some ay if injuries prevented them from working)
inefficiency in gov(local gov. run by large, slow-moving city council)
Commission plan- city gov. divided into several dept. controlled by an expert commissioner; streamline gov. by reducing spending to cut the # of padded contracts given to friends, trim payrolls to reduce # of jobs available as favors
political machines and party bosses were powerful and influential
elect progressive mayors who would support reform; election of city council member at large rather than from each ward to reduce power of local ward boss, candidates run as individuals instead of party representatives; city commission form of gov. in which an elected city council hired a professional city manager
corruption in election procedures (party bosses were controlling state and senate elections; selecting candidates)
direct primary- party members vote for a candidate to run in the general election
secret ballot- citizens voted in a private booth and used an offical ballot
lack of control to introduce and pass bills in the legislature
INITIATIVE-enabled citizens to propose legislation and required legislature to vote on it; REFERENDUM-proposed legislation to be submitted to the voters for approval; RECALL allowed voters to demand a special election to remove an elected official from office before end of term.
women didnt have the right to vote
National American Woman siffrage Association(NAWSA) 1920-19th amendment granted women right to vote
African-Americans struggled for equality (segregation,discrimination,denied right to vote)
Tuskegee Institute-Vocational college for African-Americans in Alabama;National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP) FOUGHT TO END segregation and ensure voting rights
Urban livig conditions were crowded and unsanitary
Tenement house Act (1901) required new tenements to be built w/ a central courtyard and to have a bathroom in each apartment; Dept. of Street c leaning took charge of garbage collection
mistreatment of children by the criminal justice system
created a juvenile court system
children worked in sweatshops and couldnt attend school
national child labor committee formed and child labor laws passed; children under 14 could not work; limited number of hrs
children are not required to attend school
laws required children to attend school’progressives wanted immigrant children to be Americanized in schools
physical abuse due to intoxication
temperance movement to ban the sale and consumption of alcohol; 18th amendment passed (temperance)
no father/provider in the home
provided financial assistance to single parent families
women didnt have access to med. info. on birth control.death from abortions
1914 drive to inform women on birth control
consumers were taking medicines w/ no assurance of curing what it claimed and eating food w/ dangerous perservatives
MEAT INSPECTION ACT(established standards for cleanliness and fed. inspection of meat sold); PURE FOOD & ACT:prohibited manufacture,sale or shipment of impure or falsel labeled food and drugs.