Work&Money Flashcards
- C2 spending too much money, or using too much of something:
the extravagant lifestyle of a movie star
It was very extravagant of you to buy strawberries out of season.
He rarely used taxis, which he regarded as extravagant. - extreme and unreasonable:
The product does not live up to the extravagant claims of the advertisers.
Careful when using money or food
a frugal lifestyle
a frugal meal of bread and soup
Excise duty
a tax on some types of goods such as alcohol, cigarettes, or petrol paid to a national or state government:
excise duty/tax on sth a 5% excise duty on cigarettes
Motorists can save about two thirds of the vehicle excise duty by choosing a cleaner car.
To pick up a bargain!
something sold for a price that is lower than usual or lower than its value:
We got tickets to the show at half-price, a real bargain.
(of prices and demands) much too large:
The hotel charges were exorbitant
Potential global market
The potential global market is enormous
Building society
a business that lends you money if you want to buy a house, or pays you interest on the money you invest there
a draft or withdrawal of money in excess of the credit balance on a bank or building-society cheque account
To run up a huge overdraft
To come into a lot of money
To inherit lot of money
Tax rebate
an amount of money that is paid back to you if you have paid too much tax:
More than 2 million taxpayers will receive checks totaling $1 billion because of the federal tax rebate program.
Uneven distribution of wealth
Unemployment benefit
hoghoghe bikari
حقوق بازنشستگی
You can buy it outright
بی درنگ
Inheritance tax
مالیات بر ارث
Disability allowance
کمک هزینه معلولیت
to cause something to continue:
Increasing the supply of weapons will only perpetuate the violence and anarchy.
The aim of the association is to perpetuate the skills of traditional furniture design.
The movie perpetuates stereotypes of small-town life.
Upwardly mobile equity
Able to move to a higher social class
Negative equity
when the liability amount is greater than the amount of assets
Good jobs with good PROSPECTS
Materialistic society
I was a materialistic person, very career-oriented, with a large ego.
So have we become a self-centred society, preoccupied with materialism?
eager to own and collect things:
We live in an acquisitive society that views success primarily in terms of material possessions.
- in a very great hurry and often in a state of excitement or confusion:
Inside, decorators worked frantically to solve last-minute problems.
STRUGGLING FRANTICALLY - with extreme emotion, esp. anxiety or fear:
With his heart pounding, Maurin frantically hollered through his two-way radio to a co-worker inside the building.
A suitable rate of interest
نرخ بهره
Affluent society
جامعه ثروتمند
Modern industry deliberately sets out to create new markets.
ایجاد بازارهای جدید
built-in/planned obsolescence
The fact that a product is intentionally designed and made so that it will not last for a long time
stocktaking the counting of all the goods, materials, etc. kept in a place such as a shop
inventory obsolescence
the situation in which a company’s supply of goods or materials is too old to be sold or used:
One of the risks associated with long manufacturing cycles is inventory obsolescence.
از رواج افتادگی
Goods are made to be discarded
دور انداختن
Wage packet
the money that you earn, especially when it is given to you in notes and coins in an envelope:
cash a monthly/weekly wage packet
She got £25 in cash in her first wage packet.
Fringe benefits
مزایای اضافی
something useful you get because of your job in addition to your pay:
Fringe benefits here include health insurance, three weeks’ vacation, and tuition reimbursement
Highest bidder
پیشنهاد کننده
someone who offers to pay a particular amount of money for something:
In an auction, goods or property are sold to the highest bidder
Brain drain
The process by which highly skilled ppl offer their services to the highest bidder
The wealthier nations deprive their poorer neighbors of their most able citizen
mahroom kardan
digital currency
Hidde, secret, mysterious
Legal tender
The official money that can be used within a country
Youth unemployment
around the world remains at the crisis level
Years spend in higher education have brought no careers
many young graduates are forced to take part-time unskilled jobs
دوره کار آموزی
A bleak picture
A situation described as pessimistic
established firmly so that it cannot be changed:
An entrenched bureaucracy stalled Gorbachev’s efforts to modernize Soviet society.
You made redundant
downsizing the company
People who are redundant have become unemployed because they are no longer needed at their place of work.
one of a series of increases:
You will receive annual salary/pay increments every September.
Unsocial hours
saate gheire kaari
Steady job
secure job
Adverse working condition
hard and undesirable condition
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
Work-related upper-limbed disorder
Sick building syndrome
Problems caused by bad iar of the building
Generous incentive scheme
طرح انگیزشی بزرگ
blue-collar workers
To wield power
To have and use the power
Clashes with the authority
Young ppl are ambitious
are equipped with a fine education and are understandably impatient to succeed as quickly as possible
control over how much money is spent:
Retailers are hoping that American consumers will loosen their purse strings next year.
in due course
at a suitable time in the future:
You will receive notification of the results in due course.
gigantic conspiracy
توطئه غول پیکر
To break through
Some young ppl do manage to break through the barrier despite the restrictions
give/allow sth full rein also give/allow full rein to sth
to allow something to happen freely and completely:
This is a post which will give your talents full rein.
It’s a task that requires you to allow full rein to your imagination.
Mankind is deprived of a youthful leader
having strong opinions that you feel free to express:
She’s seven years old and she’s already pretty opinionated.
Good career prospect
cheshmandaze mosbat
Technical course
Vocational training
Career advancement
His early career advancement was unremarkable
Lucrative career
Profitable career
Process of trial and error
azmoon o khata
Concerted effort
Authorities have to make a concerted effort to raise the standards of education.
Mental exertion / Taghalla ya Talaashe fekri
Physical exertion
To keep motivated
It is vital for a company to keep its employees motivated
Tedious work
Gruelling exam/ work
khaste konande
To further your career
by taking courses
A dry subject
Could be tedious
Broadening my knowledge
to further my knowledge
To make s.o employable
technical courses rather than degree ones
Jobs that offer a living wage
Carpenter / Solar-panel installer
There are some new jobs on the list
Labor market
Blue -collar
manual labor
Office workers
Technician in various fields
Work with clean energy or in environment
New career path
Conventional career path
Post-secondary education
Vocational or technical education
Constantly evolving careers
involve several different fields
Post-retirement job
after retirement career
Have an encore career
A kind of job that is pursued as much for its public purpose and a sense of fulfillment
Older candidates
bring a wealth of experience to work
It is illegal to adopt a mandatory retirement age for companies.
Forced retirement
Forced age-based retirement
age discrimination