Food&Diet Flashcards
Allergic to nuts
they physically react very badly
Genetically modified
Altering composition of cells to change certain characteristics
Organic vegi
cultivated naturally, no chemical fertilisers or pesticide
Battery chicken
they spend their life confined in a small cage
Free range meat
animals were given enough space to express their natural behavior
residane miveh
Terrible scarcity of food
there was not enough food to feed everyone affected by the disaster
Outbreak of sth
There has been an outbreak of salmonella, listeria and other food poisonings.
balanced diet
Sufficient quantities of different food groups.
Fast food
they lack essential vitamins and minerals which are essential for health and growth
Childs end up suffering from malnutrition since they eat too much of a wrong sort of food
In the wake of natural disaster
which ruin corps and some times totally destroy the annual harvest
can not be digested by the body like salad
Walls of arteries
blood vessels
Fattening food
chagh konande
Mere dieting
rezhime sakht
Diet-mongers have convinced us that there is a mystique about losing weight, and it is not for amateurs.
جذبه و شهرت معنوی
a style or activity that suddenly becomes popular but which usually does not stay popular for very long:
Chronic malnutrition
Soe taghzie shadid
Combination, composition
all the horrible concoctions they eat instead of food leave them permanently dissatisfied.
Harmful emissions could be reduced
By cutting out meat and animal products from our diet
Emissions are the gases produces by an activity or a living thing
greenhouse gas emission, farming emissions, factory emissions…
A way of living which excludes, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals.
These days
In this day and age
Rearing livestock
like cows and pigs they produce a lot of harmful methane gas
nomadic lifestyle
خشک شده1. The desert is so arid that nothing can grow there
2. Unsuccessful:
After several arid years, the company has started to become successful.
3. Not interesting and showing no imagination:
I found his writing extremely arid.
processed foods
full of food additives (chemicals added to food) that contribute to weight gain and heart problems.
To eat in moderation
portion sizes (how much food you take).
home-cooked meal
ghazaye khonegi
hearty stew
(a thick soup with lots of flavors and ingredients) that was full of beans and vegetables
healthy appetite
(the capacity to eat a lot)
a second helping
(a second portion)
light meals
ghazaye sabok
spoil her appetite
eating food earlier, and then not being hungry for a meal later
There may be risks involved in the genetic engineering of foods.
GM crops might change whole ecosystems
Food chains could be broken if crops are resistant to predators
Organic foods are produced without chemicals or genetic modification
Organic farming may be slower and more expensive
However, the environment is not damaged by fertilizers or pesticides.
Farmers can produce crops that grow bigger and faster
Some GM crops are more resistant to disease or insects
This could be important for food production in developing countries
Faster growing cereals, fruit and vegetables will mean more profit
GM foods can be modified to look perfect
They may be more attractive to customers