Traffic and Transportation Flashcards
Ppl enjoy the mobility that owning a car gives them
physical design and other measures to improve safety for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists. It aims to encourage safer, more responsible driving and potentially reduce traffic flow.
~Traffic-calming measures are becoming increasingly common throughout the country.
~Specially-built obstacles are one of which
~Bollards and speed bump
Traffic-free zone
no car is allowed
Dominate the road
big cars dominate the road
Accident risk
young drivers higher the accident risk
Public transportation is heavily subsidized
Black spot
a lot of accidents happen there
Transport strategy
The city council needs to adopt an effective transport strategy for ppl to get into, around and out of the city
Pedestrian’s injury
is very severe and has to go to the hospital
is a serious offense and will ban you from driving
Pedestrian crossing
you should stop at a pedestrian crossing
Highway code
the set of official rules, published in a small book, that have to be obeyed by drivers in the UK
Heavy fine
and six points on my license
driving fast and dangerously for pleasure, especially in a stolen vehicle
Joyriding has increased and I am urging everyone to think twice before they get involved in this activity
Higher fatalities on roads make us think twice on regulations and impose heavy fine
Cycle lane
It is safer for cyclists
“Park and Ride”
Ppl leaving their cars in designated areas outside a city and catching a bus into the city center
Traffic-related accidents
Has increased over the past decade
Built-up area
In the UK Highway Code, a built-up area is a settled area in which the speed limit of a road is automatically 30 mph (48 km/h). These roads are known as ‘restricted roads’ and are identified by the presence of street lights.
Plagued (by)
To cause suffering
A city plagued by congestion and pollution caused by traffic
famous for something bad:
one of Mexico’s most notorious criminals
The company is notorious for paying its bills late.
a road that connects to other roads:
I live right on the main thoroughfare.
Horribly mutilated
exteremly heart or in some cases paralyzed due to traffic-related accidents
Steer wheel
When a man is sitting behind his steering wheel his car becomes the extension of his personality
Charecteristics of a bad driver
Willful as a two-years-old/ utterly selfish/ ill-mannered/ aggressive
in a very kind manner
To excuse
1. to ignore or accept behavior that some people consider wrong:
I don’t condone such rude behavior.
2. to accept or allow behavior that is wrong:
If the government is seen to condone violence, the bloodshed will never stop.
Desecrate/ بی حرمت کردن
to damage or show a lack of respect toward something holy or respected:
Vandals desecrated the monument.
lacking care, attention, or control; not severe or strong enough:
Security at the airport seemed lax.
Some countries laws are notoriously lax and even the strictest are not strict enough
All vehicles should be put through stringent annual tests for safety
extremely limiting or difficult; severe:
Members of the organization have to be willing to abide by the stringent rules.
The city has stringent fire-safety standards.
to damage or weaken something so that it is less effective:
Lack of sleep impaired her ability to think clearly.
Inordinately harsh
Annual toll of human life
Mean streets
an area of a city where the poor or socially deprived live or work, or an area that is noted for violence and crime.
“the mean streets of the South Bronx”
A millitary unit
In droves
In large numbers
Abreast/پهلو به پهلو
We were running/swimming two abreast.
The motorcyclist came abreast of her car and shouted abuse at her.
keep abreast of sth
to make sure you know all the most recent facts about a subject or situation:
I try to keep abreast of any developments.