Sports Flashcards
A person who supervises a game
داوری Usually associated to tennis
where sports are held
(of an act) intending to hurt badly, or (of a person or animal) likely to be violent:
I don’t believe he is a vicious dog.
The few who disagreed became the targets of vicious written attacks on the Internet.
exquisite pleasure
لذت نفیس
to like or enjoy something:
I enjoyed our vacation, but didn’t relish the twenty-hour trip back home.
خوار شمردن
To feel a strong dislike for someone or something that you think is bad or worthless:
He adored his daughter, but despised his son.
کاهش یافته است
characteristic of people who have no experience of the habits and culture of modern life, and whose behavior you therefore consider strange
- Vicious people or actions show an intention or wish to hurt someone or something very badly:
a vicious thug
a vicious dog - used to describe an object, condition, or remark that causes great physical or emotional pain:
a large collection of vicious medieval torture instruments
a vicious lie/accusation/rumour
Tremendous technological progress
تحقیرآمیزexpressing or feeling a lack of respect:
As one of the senior members of the Senate, he was openly contemptuous of its junior members.
Prolonged torture
شکنجه طولانی مدت
Cooped up
kept inside, or kept in a place that is too small:
I hate being cooped up in the house all day long.
شلاق زدن
Exert yourself
to make a mental or physical effort:
I was too tired to exert myself.
- to use power or the ability to make something happen:
To cut costs, health-insurance plans are exerting tighter control over paying for medical care. - to cause yourself to make an effort:
She will have to exert herself a lot more if she wants to succeed in this business.
Vigorous exercise
tamrine ziad
Walk slowly
Brisk space
فضای پرانرژی
Exercise lowers the chance of developing illnesses such as
heart disease, cancer, and diabetes
To build that into your working day
jaa bedi dar barnamat
Sedentary lifestyle
Opp; hectic
To lead a sedentary lifestyle
To build exercise into your daily routine
varzesh o ezafe koni
Gradually growing in size
Some athletes take drugs in order to win at any cost
not good role models for children
Sports should be leisure activities rather than jobs
People should do sporting activities for enjoyment and health reasons
People should be able to use their talents to earn a salary
Sports stars entertain millions of people
Competition is a natural instinct in humans
Sports are a safe form of competition
Competition is healthy because it pushes us to give our best
Competitors and fans can release energy and aggression
Supporters of teams feel a sense of belonging to a community
They do not provide a vital service
Football players, for example, earn enormous salaries by simply kicking a ball
We could all live happily without professional football
Life would be difficult without doctors, engineers and other vital professionals.
Society does not seem to value these professions as highly as a professional sport
Sports salaries should be compatible with the wages most people earn
There is a large audience of sports fans
Sports on television attract many viewers
Sports stars have dedicated hours of practice to developing their fitness and skills
Only the most talented among them will reach the top
A sports career may only last 10 years
Sports fans are willing to pay to support their teams
Governments are involved in the hosting of sporting events such as the Olympics.
These events attract investment and create jobs.
The Olympic Games are an advertisement for the host nation
They attract huge numbers of visitors and sports fans
Wealthy countries tend to hold these events
Developing countries should be given the chance to become hosts
Play for team sports
you play soccer, play basketball, play tennis, play baseball, and play golf.
DO is used for more individual sports
Do yoga, do gymnastics, do martial arts, and do aerobics.
home game
Opp: Away game
tie the game
make a comeback
score points from a losing position – and take the lead, 4-3.
COMPETITION – a gymnastics competition, a martial arts competition, a surfing competition, an ice skating competition
sports where you go from one place to another – like running, biking, and swimming – in that case, we often call the event a race.
enhance their performance
with illegal substances such as steroids. But if they fail a drug test, they’ll be disqualified from participating.
break the world record
set a new world record
To withdraw from the competition
(voluntarily leave the competition).
Excellent form of physical exercise
Doing contact sports
Contact sports
Improves reactions and reflexes
Fighting sports
Teach you to defend yourself
Contact sport
Often requires strong focus
Fighting sport
Mental health