Society Flashcards
Power struggle
Between men and women, niether side will win
Weaker sex
some believe that women are the weaker sex
Male chauvinist
A person who believes in his superiority
Sex object
A person who is able to do a number of different jobs at the same time
Ppl who are seeking equality in society
Militant feminist
active, determined, and often willing to use force:
a militant group/leader
also known as a sex role, is a social role encompassing a range of behaviors and attitudes that are generally considered acceptable, appropriate, or desirable for people based on their actual or perceived sex.
upbringing of a child
Battle of the sexes
power struggle
Social convention
are those arbitrary rules and norms governing the countless behaviors all of us engage in every day without necessarily thinking about them
Role division
Also called specialization of labor.
Gender roles
Are not shared by most ppl
Gender roles are merging and disappearing
Prone to
likely to suffer from an illness or show a particular negative characteristic:
I’ve always been prone to headaches.
He was prone to depression even as a teenager.
She’s prone to exaggerate, that’s for sure.
Tantrums// The weaker sex prone to extreme emotions and temper tantrums
a sudden period of uncontrolled anger like a young child’s:
Charlie had/threw a tantrum in the shop because I wouldn’t buy him any sweets.
If she doesn’t get her own way she has temper tantrums.
After watershed
after 9 pm
Nuclear family
a couple and their dependent children, regarded as a basic social unit.
Turbulent/ آشفته
Turbulent upbringing
convalescence/ recovery
a period in which you convalesce
Convergence/ همگرائی
the fact that two or more things, ideas, etc. become similar or come together:
a convergence of interests/opinions/ideas
Formative years
relating to the time when someone or something is starting to develop in character: She spent her formative years in Africa. a formative experience. a formative period.
A dependant is a person who is dependent on someone else. (For example, a child is dependent on its parents. Therefore, a child is a dependant of its parents.)
The word dependent is an adjective meaning contingent on, relying on, supported by, or addicted to.
I am dependent on the weather for a safe crossing.
Juvenile delinquency
illegal or unacceptable behavior:
efforts to combat juvenile delinquency
Authoritarian parents
demanding total obedience to those in positions of authority:
an authoritarian ruler/parent
well-adjusted kids
well behaved and manner
Over-protective parents
Won’t let the child go around and experience
Different and distinct stages of development
of all these teenage years are the most difficult
play truant
to be regularly absent from school without permission:
Most parents are horrified when they discover their children have been playing truant from school.
a child who is regularly absent from school without permission:
Police reports showed that the vast majority of crime committed by children was carried out by truants.
Truancy is a serious problem in many schools.
Astonishing/ Overwhelming
Hereditary jobs
like being a king or queen
to prevent someone from being part of a group because you dislike the person or disapprove of something the person has done:
She was ostracized by fellow officers after bringing charges against her partner.
the killing of someone who is very ill to end the person’s suffering
~The question of euthanasia raises serious moral issues
مشهور است
A ripe old age is a very old age:
My grandmother lived to the ripe old age of 95.
Robust individual
Strong ppl
get into your stride
to become familiar with and confident at something you have recently started doing
weak and in poor condition, esp. from age or long use:
The town had two decrepit fire trucks that were constantly breaking down.
Devoid of
Someone or something is devoid of something when it is completely lacking:
He seems to be devoid of any feeling for his parents.
to cause worry, pain, or difficulty to someone or something over a period of time:
Financial problems have been plaguing their new business partners.
My shoulder’s been plaguing me all week.
a person on radio or television who describes and discusses news events, sports, books, or other subjects
using words in an amusing and intelligent way; full of wit:
a witty remark
I think she’s one of the wittiest comics on television.
having the habit of talking a lot, esp. about unimportant things:
I had talked too much about myself and felt like a garrulous old fool.
too proud of yourself and your actions and abilities:
Without wishing to sound conceited, I am the best salesperson in the company.
Likely to forget
Obstinate/ لجباز
unwilling to change your opinion or action despite argument or persuasion; stubborn:
an obstinate two-year-old
To be really on time
having or using good judgment; reasonable:
She was sensible and easy to deal with.
The only sensible thing to do is recycle.
having strong, unreasonable beliefs and disliking other people who have different beliefs or a different way of life:
She’s so bigoted that she refuses to accept anyone who doesn’t think like her.
A female dog
Utterly devoid of humor
Lack of
to cause worry, pain, or difficulty to someone or something over a period of time:
Financial problems have been plaguing their new business partners.
My shoulder’s been plaguing me all week.
plunge in/plunge into sth
to suddenly start doing something actively or enthusiastically:
Two months before his exams, he suddenly plunged into his studies.
He took a deep breath and plunged into his speech.
to lose hope or be without hope:
Don’t despair – things will improve.
He began to despair of ever finding a job.
Satirical accounts
حساب های طنز
a humorous way of criticizing people or ideas to show that they have faults or are wrong, or a piece of writing or a play that uses this style:
The play is a satire on corporate culture.
Sombre political events
serious, sad, and without humour or entertainment:
a sombre atmosphere/voice/face
The funeral was a sombre occasion.
to correct a wrong:
Affirmative action to help minorities is intended to redress wrongs.
Pompous politicians