WOP Lecture 8: Communication and Power Flashcards
communication =
the process by which information is transmitted and understood between people
dus info = transmitted AND understood
importance of communication
- coordinating tasks
- sharing info
- well-being
- changing behaviour
- decision making
effective communication
- transmitting intended meaning
- takes 2
- accurately deciphered by the receiver
4 factors of effective communication
- similar codebooks
- sender is experienced in encoding
- sender + receiver have motivation and ability to use communication medium
- shared mental models
digital written communication steeds meer door:
- generational preferences
- meer opties -> emerging workplace communication platforms
welke communication channels meest gebruikt
- email, maar daalt
- steeds meer chatten
digital written communication benefits
- quick
- many people
- search engines
- preferred for sending well defined information for coordinating work
- increases upward communication
- reduces status differences beetje
- reduces stereotyping and prejudice, but only if the sender is aware of this
nadelen digital written communication
- geen emoties
- informeel of rude
- inefficient for ambiguous situations
- information overload!!!!
verschil verbal and nonverbal communication
- less bound
- mostly automatic, nonconscious
emotional contagion
Nonconscious process of sharing another person’s emotions by mimicking that person’s facial expressions and other nonverbal behavior
3 functies van emotional contagion
- gives feedback
- improves meaning making of others emotion -> begrijpen
- drive to bond
synchronous channel
communicate at the same time -> hoorcollege, bellen
asynchronous channel
communicate at different time -> email
which medium (asynchronous/synchronous) depends on:
time urgency
complexity of process
cost of synchronous comm
do you need time to reflect
social presence
Extent that the channel creates psychological closeness to others, awareness of their humanness, and appreciation of the interpersonal relationship
wanneer heb je social presence nodig
als je empathie moet hebben of influence
social acceptance
extend to which others support the use of that medium
social acceptance depends on
team norms
individual preferences
symbolic meaning of the channel
media richness
The channel’s data-carrying capacity is the volume and variety of information that can be transmitted during a specific time
high media richness =
- Conveys multiple cues
- Allows timely feedback
- Allows customized message
- Permits complex symbols
overloaded zone
medium provides too much data-carrying capacity
oversimplified zone
meidum provides too little data carrying capacity
which is the most ambiguous en meest rich
face to face
welke is meest routine en lean medium
financial statements
waarom is het media richness theory niet goed voor digital channels
- je kan multicommunicaten via lean channels
- more varied proficiency levels
- lean channels have less social distraction than do media rich channels
barriers in communication
perceptual processes
information overload
information overload
Job’s information load exceeds person’s information
processing capacity
oplossing information overload
increase capacity
reduce information
cross cultural communication
voice intonation differences
different meaning of silences
nonverbal differences
differences men and women: women
deferential conversation style
apologize more
nonverbal beter opmerken
differences men and women: men
dominant conversation style
apologize less often
less sensitive for nonverbal
get your message across
use timing effectively
be descriptive
3 aspects active listening
sensing, evaluating, responding
the capacity of a person/team/org to influence others
3 aspecten van power
- based on targets perception that powerholder controls a valuable resource
- unequal dependence
- requires a minimal level of trust
person A =
power holder
person A heeft…
resources that help or hinder persons Bs goals
countervailing power =
the capacity of a person, team, or organization to keep a more powerful person or group in the exchange relationship
5 power sources
contingencies of power
legitimate power
power because of their position, they can request behaviours from others. het is logisch dat zij iets vragen
legitimate power 3 aspects
- zone of indifference: what u are willing to do
- norm of reciprocity
- information control: right to control info others receive
expert power
door knowledge or skills that you have, that they value
what is an important form of expert power
managing uncertainties
coping with uncertainties:
- org. operate better in predictable environments
- people gain power by using their expertise to: prevent, forecast and absorb environmental changes
reward power
control rewards, remove negative sanctions
coercive power
apply punishment
referent power
capacity to influence others through respect. heeft te maken met charisma
power increases with…
- resources have few sources
- resources have few substitutes
increasing nonsubstitutability
differentiate the resource
controll access to the resource
develop a personal brand
interdependence with power holder, how and how many others are affected by you?
bv merken ze het als je niet op school/werk komt
gaat echt om dat je hen ziet. holder of valued resource, social interation, power symbols
bv: Many professionals display their educational diplomas and awards
on office walls to remind visitors of their expertise. Medical professionals wear white coats
with stethoscopes around their necks, which symbolize their legitimate and expert power in
hospital settings. Other people play the game of “face time”—spending more time at work
and showing that they are working productively.
freedom for judgement, rules limit discretion
consequences of power
type a: feeling empowered
type b: power over others
empowered = en voor en nadelen
= perceived power over themselves, freedom from others
+ motivation
+ performance
- less mindfull thinking
- less empathy
- more stereotypes
power over others = en voor en nadelen
= produces sense of duty/responsibility
+ less stereotyping
+ more empathy
+ more mindful over how actions affect others.
dus welke is beter van de twee soorten power
type b, power over others
influence =
Any behavior that attempts to alter another person’s attitudes or behavior.
Individuals and work units are more powerful when they are nonsubstitutable. Employees,
work units, and organizations reduce substitutability by controlling tasks, knowledge, and
labor, by differentiating themselves from competitors, and by developing a personal brand—
a unique combination of knowledge, skills, and experience that are valuable to
current or prospective employers.
A second contingency is centrality. People have more power when they have high
centrality, which means that many people are quickly affected by their actions. The third
contingency, visibility, refers to the idea that power increases to the extent that a person’s or
work unit’s competencies are known to others. Discretion, the fourth contingency of power,
refers to the freedom to exercise judgment. Power increases when people have the freedom to
use their power.
8 influence tactics
silent authority, assertiveness, information control,
coalition formation, upward appeal, impression management, persuasion, and exchange
silent authority
power holders request or mere presence influences behaviour.
(ook wel heel subtle use of legitimate power)
- vocal authority: reminding, checking, bullying
- active use of legitimate or coercive power
information control
manipulating others’ access to information to change their attitudes or behaviour
wheel formation of power
een persoon veel macht
all-channels formation of power
alle mensen hebben individueel weinig power
coalition formation
pooling members’ resources and power to influence others
3 functions of coalition formation
- pools power and resources
- symbolizes that issue is legitimate or important
- influences through social identity
upward appeal
claiming higher authority support or showing evidence of that support
- logical arguments,
emotional appeals - effects of persuader, message, channel, audience
impression management
actively shaping someones perception/attitude of us
- self presentation
- personal brand
- ingratiation (je wil dat mensen je aardiger vinden)
exchange of resources for desired behaviour
used in persuasion, social networks, en reciprocity
soft influence tactics
impression management
hard influence tactics
silent authority
upward appeal
coalition formation
information control
the appropriate influence tactics are based on…
influencers power base
organizational position of influence target
personal, org., cultural values and expectations
organizational politics
using influence tactics for personal gain at perceived expense of others and organization
minimizing org. politics:
- enough resources
- clarify resource allocation rules
- manage change effectively
- discourage political behaviour
welke source of power hoort bij norm of reciprocity
legitimate power!!
contingencies of power (4)
welke aspecten van power worden increased door social networks
- expert power: meer info
- referent power
- visibility: mensen denken sneller aan je
social network =
people connecting through interdependence
welke twee functions van social networks
- instrumental
- expressive
social capital =
Sharing knowledge, opportunities, and other resources in a social network
welke aspecten horen van social capital
Mutual support, trust, reciprocity, coordination to facilitate resource sharing
what happens when you have strong social network ties
Close-knit relationships.
Offer resources more quickly/plentifully, but less unique
what happens when you have weak network ties
Offer unique resources, but more slowly
what happens when you have many ties
Resources increase with number of ties.
Information technology helps, but still a limit
social network centrality=
a persons importance within a network
3 factors in centrality
- Betweenness: connected between others.
- Degree centrality: number of connections.
- Closeness: stronger connections.