WOP Lecture 7: Team Dynamics Flashcards
team =
groups of 2 people or more who exist to…
- achieve goals
- work interdependently
- perceive to be a team
- influence each other
why informal groups?
- innate drive to bond
- social identity
- emotional support
- achieve personal goals (coalitions: tegen org. negatieve dingen)
team characteristics:
- permanence
- skill variety
- authority dispersion
low dispersion =
centralized, één baas bijvoorbeeld
departmental karakteristieken
P: H
self-directed karakteristieken
P: L
dus korte samenvatting verschillende soorten departments
permanence - skill variety - authority dispersion:
departmental: high naar low
self-directed: alles high
task-force: low - high medium - medium
successfactors for self-directed teams
- responsible for whole process
- interdependent, independent van andere teams
- support waar nodig (tech, communicatie)
- autonomy to organize and coordinate work
- job enrichment
virtual teams success factors
- members characteristics (tech savvy, 5 C’s)
- high task structure
- meeting face to face
- goede tech
advantages of team work
- more knowledge and expertise
- more perspectives
- synergy & creativity
- legitimacy of processes and acceptance of solutions
wat leidt tot
- better decision making
- higher motivation
- information sharing and coordination
3 redenen waardoor mensen higher motivation hebben binnen in een team
- drive to bond
- accountability to team
- benchmarks van collegues
2 disadvantages of a team
- process losses (door resources die uitgaan naar team building)
- social loafing
brookes law
meer mensen adden is minder productivity
social loafing
people exert less effort in a team
social loafing more likely if…
- individual performance is hidden
- low motivation
- individual characteristics
- team dynamics undermine employee motivation
4 onderdelen team effectiveness model
- org & team environment
- team design
- team processes
- team effectiveness
org. + team environment
- rewards
- physical space
- communication
- org. design
- org. leadership
team design: team effectiveness model
team processes
team effectiveness
accomplish tasks
satisfy needs
maintain survival
minimize social loafing
- make individual performances more visible
- measure
- smaller teams
- specialize tasks - increase motivation
- rewards
- job enrichment
- awareness social loafing and obligations
- select motivated employees
best environment for teams
- supportive resources
- communication (bv door tech)
- team based rewards
- inspiring leader
- external motivating forces
ideal tasks for teamwork
- high complexity tasks -> highly specialized roles
- high/good structure
- high task analyzability
- higher task interdependence
- low task variability
levels of task interdependence
pooled - sequential - reciprocal
best team size
- least process losses
- higher cohesion -> beter kennen
- faster development
- feel responsible for teams success
team diversity voor en nadelen
+ creativity
+ perspectives
+ representation
+ knowledge
+ problem solving
- slower development
- faulty decisions
5 C’s model
effective team member behaviours:
- coorporation
- conflict handling
- coordinating
- communicating
- comforting
task work=
behaviours that complete the task
team work =
behaviours that effectively make a team
2 steps of team development
- social identity: see team as part of personal identity
- competence development: coordinating routines, sharing mental models
Team Development Model
forming - storming - norming - performing - adjourning
- sharing resources
- accomodate others
- share info freely
- listen
conflict handling
- diagnose conflict
- use best handling strategy
learn about each other
evaluate membership
compete for roles
influence goals
establish norms
roles are clear, mental models, cohesion, consensus
efficient coordination, coorporation, trust, team identity
disbanding, shift from task to relationship focus
wanneer is formal role assignment
wanneer is informal role assignment
gedurende het hele process. ligt ook aan karaktereigenschappen.
wat is de beste vorm van team building
goal setting & role clarification / adventure program
how do norms develop within a team
- Initial team experiences
- Critical events in team’s history
- Experience and values members bring to the team
preventing dysfunctional team norms
- aangeven normen tijdens formation
- select members met die normen
- leader changes norms
- team based rewards: voor goed gedrag
- discuss slechte norms
- break up teams with bad norms
team cohesion is strong and fast when
- difficult entry
- high success
- veel interactie
- external competition and challenges
- small team size
- high similarity among coworkers
high cohesion teams perform faster because…
- Motivated to stay in team & achieve team objectives
- Share information more frequently
- Better social support (minimizes stress)
- Resolve conflict more swiftly and effectively
particulary when:
* Task interdependence is high
* Team norms consistent with organizational objectives
three levels of trust
calculation based
knowledge based
identification based
brainstorming research evidence
*Tends to be effective, according to field studies & creative industry, if facilitator & supportive culture (more creative ideas, less evaluation apprehension when learning orientation, strengthens decision acceptance & team cohesiveness, sharing positive emotions encourages creativity)
* Not effective, according to lab studies using students (in many groups production blocking & evaluation apprehension)
- dus… wel effectief in field studies en creatieve industrie, niet zo in lab studies.
4 brainstorming criteria
- speak freely
- dont judge
- provide as many ideas as possible
- build on each others ideas
evidence is niet echt favorable voor…
tasks requiring idea generation
wat is de beste vorm van teams
hybrid: teams work independent for some time, and then also not
-> more and more high quality ideas
without conversation
-> meer creatieve ideeen, minder production blocking
electronic brainwriting
brainwriting op computer
-> lower production blocking, evaluation apprehension, conformity
nominal group technique
hybrid: brainwriting with a verbal component
better than brainstorming but still some constraints
production blocking =
maar 1 iemand kan tegelijkertijd spreken
time constraints of teams
- production blocking
- time to organize
evaluation apprehension
het gevoel hebben dat anderen je evalueren
self-presentation: daardoor reluctant om ideeen te sharen
4 constraints on team decision making
- time constraints
- evaluation apprehension (bij amsta)
- peer pressure to conform
- overconfidence
3 factoren waardoor overconfidence ontstaat
self enhancement
external threats
which teams are more overconfident?
highly cohesive teams
want: high tendency in highly cohesive teams to value consensus over decision quality
groupthink komt door twee dingen
- avoidance of reevaluation
- not taking expert advice into account
avoiding group think
- allow criticizing
- allow expression of opinions
- external evaluation
- devils advocate
- reevaluation
- expert advice
- ad hoc teams
avoiding social loafing: 2 aspecten + hoe doen?
- keep track of individual performance
- smaller teams
- specialized tasks
- measure performance - increase motivation
- rewards
- job enrichment
- awareness of social loafing, and obligations
- select motivated employees
team effectiveness model ezelsbruggetje
- team&org environment: kan iedereen zien/opzoeken
- team design: kan je zien als je het team bij elkaar ziet, op meetings
- team processes: internal things, kan je niet zien, echt naar vragen
- team effectiveness: kan je deels zien, deels ook niet