WOP Lecture 10: Organizational change Flashcards
How many % of the change objectives are not
3 phases of change
force field analysis model
super easy
van current conditions -> desired conditions
before, during and after change
en dan pijlen tijdens before and after even groot: restraining and driving forces
en dan during change: driving forces groter dan restraining forces
forms of resistance
complaints, absenteeism, passive
view resistance as a resource
- Symptoms of deeper problems in the change
process - A form of task conflict – may improve change
decisions - Form of voice – procedural justice
6 reasons people resist change
- negative valence of change
- fear of the unknown
- not-invented here syndrome
- breaking routines
- incongruent team dynamics
- incongruent organizational systems
negative valence of change
negative cost benefit analysis, people will lose out.
fear of the unknown
- people assume the worst when the future is unknown
- perceive no control
not invented here syndrome
- staff oppose the change to show that their ideas were better
- sucessful change threatens self esteem
breaking routines
- cost of going out of comfort zone
- takes time and effort to learn new routines
incongruent team dynamics
norms are different than the desired change
incongruent organizational systems
Rewards, information systems, patterns of
authority, career paths, selection criteria, and other systems and structures are both
friends and foes of organizational change. When properly aligned, they reinforce
desired behaviors. When misaligned, they pull people back into their old attitudes and
behavior. Even enthusiastic employees lose momentum after failing to overcome the
structural confines of the past.
voorbeeld driving force
new competitors or technologies, evolving
workforce expectations, or a host of other environmental changes
resistance forces
to keep the status quo, gewoon hetzelfde willen blijven
2 things organizational change requires
- enlarging urcency
- minimizing resistance
3 ways you can enlargen urgency for change
- inform employees about the driving forces
- customer-driven change -> Adapting to changing customer expectations.
Human element energizes employees
Reveals problems and consequences of inaction - sometimes need to create urgency to change without external drivers, but this requires persuasive influence!!! use positive vision rather than threats.
- Highest priority and first strategy for
change - Generates urgency to change
- Reduces uncertainty (fear of
problem with communication
- time consuming
- costly
- provides new knowledge or skill
- includes coaching
- helps break old routines, form new ones
problems learning
- potentially time consuming and costly
- employees participate in change process
- helps saving face -> reduces not invented here syndrome and fear of the unknown
- includes task forces, future search events
involvement problems
- time consuming
- soms conflict
stress management
- when other strategies do not minimize stress enough
benefits of stress management
- motivation to change
- less fear of the unknown
- fewer direct costs
problems stress management
- time consuming
- does not help everyone
- influence by change
- employees lose something, so something else is offered to make up for this loss. otherwise they would not support the change
problems negotiation
- expensive
- gains compliance (toegeving, oke dan maar) not commitment dus minder motivatie
when all other things fail!!!
- assertive influence
- radical form of unlearning
problems coercion
- reduces trust
- may create resistance
- encourage politics -> in order to protect jobs
dus de 6 manieren om restraining forces te reducen
- communication
- learning
- employee involvement
- stress management
- negotiation
- coercion
importance of refreezing
When you are leading for
growth, you know you are going
to disrupt comfortable routines
and ask for new behavior, new
priorities, new skills… Even when
we want to change, and do
change, we tend to relax and the
rubber band snaps us back into
our comfort zones.”
change agent =
possesses knowledge and power to guide and facilitate the change effort
wat voor soort leadership hoort bij change agents
transformational leadership
strategic visions and change:
- Provides a sense of direction
- Identifies critical success factors to valuate change
- Links employee values to the change
- Minimizes employee fear of the unknown
- Clarifies role perceptions
coalitions =
people with influence
waardoor worden coalitions increased
social networks
diffusion of change =
beginnen als pilot project, uitproberen
effective diffusion door:
mars model!
motivation -> pilot projects employees are rewarded, which motivates others to adopt this pilot project also
ability -> trainings to adopt pilot project
role perceptions -> translate pilot project to new situations
situational factors -> provide resources to implement pilot project elsewhere
4 approaches for change
- Action research approach
- Appreciative inquiry approach – Four-D model
- Large group interventions
- Parallel learning structure approach
action research approach
action -> to achieve goal of change
research -> testing application of concepts
action research principles (3)
- open systems perspective
- highly participative process
- data-driven, problem-oriented processes
action research process model
- form client-consultant relations
- diagnose need for change
- introduce intervention
- evaluate/stabilize change
- disengage consultant’s services
Appreciative Inquiry Approach
frames change -> focus on positive and possible future, not problems
5 principles of appreciative inquiry approach
- positive principle
- constructionist principle: conversations shape reality
- simultaneity principle: inquiry and change are simultaneous
- poetic principle: we can choose how we perceive situations (glass half full)
- anticipatory principle: people are motivated by desirable visions
Four_D model of Appreciative Inquiry
what is the best?
forming ideas about what might be
engaging in dialogue about what should be
developing objectives about what will be
dus de 4 Ds vragen
discovery: what is best
dreaming: what might be
designing: what should be
delivering: what will be
large group interventions
future search
open space
large group sessions
may last a few days
high involvement with minimal structure
limitations of large group interventions
limited opportunity to contribute
risk that few people will dominate
focus on common ground may hide differences
generates high expectations about future (misschien niet haalbaar)
parrallel learning structure approach
highly participative social structures
members representative across the formal hierarchy
sufficiently free from firms constraints
develop change solutions, then applied back into the organization
= action-research approach
cross-cultural concerns
linear and open conflict assumptions -> these are different from values in some cultures
ethical concerns
privacy rights
management power
self esteem of employers
what could reduce the not invented here syndrome
employee involvement
welke strategieen kosten veel tijd
employee involvement
stress management
welke strategieen zijn duur