SP: Lecture Agression and Conflict Flashcards
agression definition SMC
behaviour whose immediate intent is to hurt someone
definition of agression from Geen
Aggression is the delivery of an aversive stimulus from one person to another, with the intent to harm and with an expectation of causing such harm, when the other person is motivated to escape or avoid the stimulus.
wat is het grootste verschil tussen de twee definities?
bij Geen is dit deel geincludeerd: “when the other person is motivated to
escape or avoid the stimulus”
Intergroup aggression
any behaviour intended to harm another person because he or she is a member of an out-group, the behaviour being viewed by its target as undesirable
2 types of aggression
- instrumental agression
- hostile aggression
instrumental agression =
= cold
Behaviour aimed at achieving a particular goal (hurting someone is a means to achieve an end), to control other people or obtain resources
hostile aggression =
= hot
Behaviour that is mainly aimed at hurting another person. Which is driven by
physiological arousal, hostile affect etc
dus globaal 2 typen aggression en wat is het
instrumental = cold = gewoon collateral damage
hostile = hot = echt het pijn doen van iemand
maar kritiek 2 soorten aggressie
people usually speak of a combination of both forms
waarom is deze definitie relevant
- 50 shades example
- But also estimates of exposure to violence in the media
operationalisations of aggression
- Aggression machine
- Hot sauce paradigm
- Competitive reaction time task
hot sauce paradigm =
Participants are asked to give a portion of hot sauce to another person (who they know hates hot sauce) and who will have to eat it all, ostensibly as part of a taste test.
hoe meer hot sauce in kopje, hoe meer aggressief iemand is.
aggression machine
machine that allows an experimenter to record a subject’s level of state aggression in terms of the duration and intensity of an electric shock that the subject is prepared to give an accomplice. No shock is actually given, but the accomplice behaves as if he or she has received a shock.
basically migram
competitive reaction time task
participants are led to believe they play a computerized reaction time game against another participant in an adjacent room. At the beginning of each round, both participants set the intensity (volume and/or duration) of a noise blast. Then, they have to react to a stimulus as quickly as possible by pressing a button, and the faster player is determined the winner. The loser of a round then is punished with a noise blast using the intensity settings made by the winner at the beginning of the round. The intensity settings are used as the measure for aggressive behavior.
participants select the duration and intensity of blasts to be delivered to the competitor.
conceptual replication =
researchers re-test the same theoretical idea or hypothesis repeatedly, but use different populations, different ways of manipulating variables, different ways of measuring variables, or using different study designs.
waarom is dit belangrijk bij aggression
omdat aggression op veel manieren bestudeerd kan worden, en is dus belangrijk om hier goed onderscheidt tussen te maken
Aggression has a clear biological basis, but biological factors alone are not
sufficient to understand aggression
Lorenz (1966) said…
man is an animal that always benefits from having a fighting instinct: for territory, women and food.
- According to Lorenz, aggression is a basic biological motive, as is hunger and thirst.
- Aggression then builds up as a kind of energy, until it can be released.
- A provocation then enables the organism to ‘let out’ the aggression.
aggression en evolutie
evolution -> mating goal. aggression could sometimes help, therefore it is a consequence of evolution
BUT it is not neccesary!
catharsis =
when aggressive feelings, motives and impulses are drained off via violent action
When a mating-goal is made salient, men are more aggressive towards other men, but not towards other women (Ainsworth & Maner, 2012).
* No effect on women
* But: effect disappears when this dominance can be confirmed in
another way
So aggression is not the only way to gain status and resources
* Such as being able to work together, form connections, learn from others, etc.
klopt catharsis?
nee, want aggressie leidt juist tot nog meer aggressie en boosheid. leidt niet tot een sense of relief, maar juist evenveel of meer motivatie voor aggressie
Aggression causes more aggression and anger, not less (Berkowitz (1966), Geen et
al (1975), in Geen (2001))
* Especially when focusing on the source of frustration violence further increases feelings aggression
* Usually, aggressing doesn’t lead to feeling better/sense of relief
* Less arousal, but still as much (or more) motivation for aggression
Evidence for hereditary base of aggression in research in animals and humans
warrior mice
–> dus heeft wel een genetische basis
welk gen is gerelateerd aan aggressie
Warrior gene (MAO-A) is related to aggression and delinquency in teenagers and young adults
but 34% of the white male population has this gene…
alcohol and aggression
more extreme domestic violence; alcohol is a factor in 2/3 of murder cases
alcohol myopia =
door alcohol geen goede assessment van consequences of behaviour.
- Focus on direct cues over more complex considerations
- Related reduced functionality of prefrontal cortex
maar de invloed van alcohol is ook deels uitgelegd door…
de expectations!! placebo effect
What people think they are drinking better predicts
aggression in a lab setting than what they are actually
difference fraternal and relative deprivation
fraternal = ingroup vs outgroup
relative = comparison of yourself and another person
general aggression model globaal
inputs: person - situation
routes: internal state -> affect/cognition/arousal
outcomes: appraisal and decision processes
thoughtful vs impulsive action
social encounter
Balancing the costs vs. the rewards of aggression
- Possibility of punishment can deter aggression
- Low perceived cost (e.g. strength, weapons)
- Perceived cost and benefit is relative: e.g. if violence is the only way to get wanted resources
self esteem and aggression
- People with low self esteem might lack the resources to cope with frustration
- People with high, but unstable/insecure self esteem are more likely to respond to social rejection with aggression
experiment violence en competitve reaction time task
louder sounds bij physical violence, daarna relational, en daarna control
Aggression of others can be a model for one’s own behaviour
* Also behaviour in movies, games etc
* In particular if an observer identifies with the model
Effect is stronger if the modelled behaviour is reinforced
* Lack of aversive effects
* Rewards