wk3 - pulses - 3 deep & 4 fast Flashcards
3 pulses defined by deep depth
- deep
- hidden
- confined
deep pulse – description
- found at or near bone
- not found with light pressure; ONLY found with heavy pressure
- may be either forceful or forceless (depending upon whether excess or deficient condition)
deep pulse – pathology
if forceless due to underlying vacuity:
- Qi + Blood vacuity
- vacuity cold (aka Yang deficiency)
if forceful due to underlying repletion:
- excess cold (aka Yin repletion)
- could also be water swelling / edema (accumulation of fluids pushes pulse down to deep level) (water swelling sometimes defined as excess over vacuity)
hidden pulse – description
- found IN the bone
- not found with light pressure; ONLY found with heavy pressure
- may be either forceful or forceless (depending upon whether excess or deficient condition)
hidden pulse – pathology
pathology is deep in body; generally more chronic in nature:
- if forceful: intense cold + pain (e.g. woman doubled over with severe menstrual cramps)
- if forceless: sudden turmoil + other pathologies that deplete patient (SX incl. diarrhea + vomiting) (e.g. cholera outbreak)
- heat evil / toxin that’s really deep – in which case, pulse may be forceful or forceless (but more likely forceful at least early on)
- rapid if heat pathology; slow if cold pathology
confined pulse – description
- EXCESS ONLY; always forceful (rageful, angry)
- not found with light pressure; ONLY found with heavy pressure
- always large
- long
- string-like, lacks contour
- hard
- (when drawing, color in the pulse bc it’s always forceful)
confined pulse – pathology
- cold pain
- masses / growths
4 pulses defined by fast rate
- rapid
- uber rapid
- spinning bean / stirred
- slippery
rapid pulse – description
- 90 to 110 beats per minute (normal is 70 to 90)
- 6 or more beats per breath (4 is normal, 5 is fast, 6 is pathological)
rapid pulse – pathology
generally heat condition:
- excess heat (forceful)
- vacuity heat (forceless)
uber rapid pulse – description
- 120 to 140 beats per minute
- 7 or 8 beats per breath
uber rapid pulse – pathology
- lots of heat (could be forceful or forceless bc could be excess or deficient)
- yang vacuity / deficiency cold (forceless) (e.g. Heart Yang vacuity leading to atrial fibrilliations)
spinning bean / stirred pulse – description
- found primarily in the guan position
- sense of urgency
- rapid (90 to 110 beats per minute)
- forceful (excess)
- (it’s a very distinct pulse; has a regular rhythm; LV/SP pulsations are very distinct)
spinning bean / stirred pulse – pathology
generally counterflow conditions:
- labor + delivery room
- fear + fright / trauma (e.g. war zone)
- serious pain
- disregulation of Chong + Ren (blood accumulation, counterflow)
slippery pulse – description
- in fast category bc due to its slippery nature, it feels fast (but probably less than 90 bpm)
- smooth + even in texture
- arrives and departs smoothly
- has an oily quality (slides underneath your fingers)
- classical description is “pearls on a porcelain plate”
- (when drawing, fill it in with color bc this pulse is full + abundant)
slippery pulse – pathology
- abundance + health (e.g. later stages of pregnancy)
- accumulation of phlegm + damp (with underlying SP Qi vacuity, which presents as an abundance of phlegm + damp)
- food accumulation / stagnation