wk10 - sweating Flashcards
What is normal sweat?
· sweating when hot
· sweating upon exertion
· no big odor
In general, what characterizes sweat abnormalities?
· too much sweat
· no sweat
What are some different types of sweat abnormalities?
· Abnormal Spontaneous Sweating · Night Sweats · Light Moist Skin Surface · Desertion Sweat · Cold Sweat · Sweat Block
What is Abnormal Spontaneous Sweating? When does it happen?
· sweating during the day & without effort or cause
What are Night Sweats? Is this mild sweating? Is the cause due to excess or vacuity?
· drenching
· happens at night
· is not mild
· could be excess or vacuity
What is Vacuity Sweat? Is the cause due to excess or vacuity?
· light moist skin surface sweating without effort
· happens at any time
· worse with minimal effort, exertion, or movement
· due to vacuity
What is Desertion Sweat (aka Expiry Sweat)?
· greasy or oily sweat
· refers to dangerous disease conditions when sweat is like pearls of oil emitted as dribbles & drips without cessation
What is the pathology of Desertion Sweat (aka Expiry Sweat)?
· desertion of substance (yang desertion or yin desertion)
· might see it in someone in shock
· Yin or Yang Collapse
What is Cold Sweat?
· fear of wind, cold limbs & sweating presenting at same time
What is the pathology of Cold Sweat?
· could be Yang Vacuity
· cold distinguishes Yang Vacuity from Qi Vacuity (since we think of Yang as having a warming fxn)
What is Sweat Block?
· absence of sweating in context where there should be sweat
· normal sweat fxn is blocked (not able to release the exterior
What is the pathology of Sweat Block?
· Damp – treatment involves draining damp
· Cold – treatment involves warming
Excessive Sweating is due to Heat of Excess Nature. What are the possible pathologies?
· externally contracted heat disease, esp. internal heat repletion patterns (“4 bigs”)
· bowel bind heat
· toxic heat
What is Vacuity Sweat?
· spontaneous sweating with little to no exertion
· could be lighter moisture or drenching sweat
Vacuity Sweat could present with lighter moisture or drenching sweat. What are the possible pathologies of each?
· lighter moisture would be early stage Qi or Yang Vacuity
· drenching sweat would be later stage Qi or Yang Vacuity
Explain the etiology of Vacuity Sweat. What are the underlying patterns?
1) KD or SP Yang Vacuity – yang has fxn of holding things up & in, securing the exterior
2) Qi Vacuity – qi also has fxn of holding things in & securing the exterior
3) Dual Qi & Yang Vacuity
What is Discolored Sweating & Staining in Armpits?
· unusual armpit sweating of a colorful nature
What is the pathology of Discolored Sweating & Staining in Armpits?
· HT pathology (excess or vacuity)
· LV pathology (excess)
What are the conditions supporting normal sweating?
Normal sweating occurs when:
· there is a balance of yin & yang
· the defense qi opens & closes the pores appropriately, thus protecting the balance of body fluids, qi & blood, yin & yang