WK 8 L2 psychological disorders Flashcards
extra DSM Categories
somatic disorders, feeding and eating disorders, elimination disorders, sleep wake disorders, sexual dysfunctions, gender dysphoria, disruptive impulse control, substance related disorders and neurocognitive disorders
DSM categories
neurodevelopment, schizophrenia and psychoses, bipolar disorders, depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, OCD’S, trauma and stressor disorders, dissociative disorders
Neurodevelopmental disorders
difficulty focusing attention, impulsiveness and hyperactivity-
3 types of ADHD
primarily hyperactive and impulsive, primarily inattentive and a combination
challenges with social, emotional and communication skills
umbrella term for numerous psychotic disorders- gross disturbance and loss of touch with reality
4 aspects of schizophrenia symptoms
thought, perception, affect and language
Positive symptoms
signal the presence of something not usually or previously there
Negative symptoms
signal the absence of function
Theories of schizophrenia
Diathesis-stress model and dopamine hypothesis
Diathesis-stress model- in relation to schizo
schizo develops in people with an underlying biological vulnerability that is compounded by stress
Dopamine hypothesis
schizo reflects elevated level of dopamine in the brain
Bipolar disorder
characterised by disturbance in emotion and mood- alternating episodes of mania, hypomania and or depression
an excessive degree of happiness and a belief the person can do anything with significant impairment
similar to mania but without significant impairment
Bipolar 1
manic episode with or without hypomanic episode plus depressive episode
Bipolar 2
hypomanic episode plus depressive episode
Depressive disorders
characterised by disturbance in emotion and mood
Major depressive episode
a long-term episode of intense sadness, loss of appetite and difficulty in or excessive sleeping
Persistent depressive episode disorder (dysthymia)
lower intensity type of depression where symptoms are evident at least 2 years- short intervals of normal mood
Seasonal affective disorder
depressive syndromes that occur during particular seasons (generally when less sunlight)
bio and enviro factors of depression
heritability, neural transmission, negative life events
cognitive theories of depression
negative triad and cognitive distortions
Negative triad
Aaron beck- negative outlook on world, self and future
Cognitive distortions
negative transformations of positive or neutral info
Psychodynamic theory of depression
motivations, negative reel’s and personality structure
Anxiety disorders
experience frequent or continuous, intense and irrational anxiety or apprehension
Generalised anxiety disorder
persistent anxiety at a moderate but disturbing level and excessive and unrealistic worry about life circumstances
irrational fear of an object or situation
Social anxiety disorder
a fear of being in a specific social or performance situation
panic disorder
intense attacks of fear and terror that are not justified by the situation
a fear of being in places or situations from which it might by difficult to escape
obsessive compulsive disorder
recurrent obsessions and compulsions that cause severe distress and interfere with daily life
persistent, irrational thoughts and ideas that a cause distress
intentional behaviours performed in response to an obsession that reduce stress
flashbacks and recurrent thoughts of a psychologically distressing event outside the range of usual human experience
PTSD symptoms
nightmares and flashbacks, deliberate efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings and reminders of that event, diminished responsiveness and psychological numbness, hypervigilance
Dissociative disorders
individuals experience disruptions in consciousness, memory , sense of ID or perception- usually a response to psychological pain
Dissociative identity disorder
marked by the existence of at least 2 or more distinct persona’s within the same person
Somatic disorders
complaints of pain, suffering or illness accompanied by distress with no physical explanation
Conversion disorder
loss or significant change inn physical function in the absence of physical diagnosis
Illness anxiety disorder
previously hypochondria- preoccupation with having or acquiring an illness or ailment, with no or little medical evidence to support that belief
Anorexia nervosa
an eating disorder in which individuals starve themselves, exercise excessively or eliminate food in intentional ways, until they are at least 15% below their ideal body weight
Bulimia nervosa
an eating disorder characterised by a binge- purge pattern
Binge eating disorder
binge eating without compensatory behaviours
Binge eating
eating abnormal amount with sense of less control
Compensatory behaviours
can include purging, by vomiting, restricted eating and excessive exercise
Conduct disorder
characterised by persistent violation of societal norms and rights of others
Conduct disorder symptoms
physical aggression, vandalism, lying stealing, chronic fighting
Alcohol dependence
most common substance related siorder
factors influencing substance related disorders
both genetics and enviro
general vulnerability
enviro and genetics conspire to create general risk for substance abuse
Personality disorders
chronic and severe disturbances that inhibit someones capacity to work and love