WK 7 Personality 2 Flashcards
Object Relations Theories
place importance on early relationships in the development of mental representations of the self
organisation of representation of self, others, and self in relation to others
attachment theory
models of attachment styles in adult romantic relationships:
- secure
- ambivalent (insecure, needy)
- avoidant (distrustful)
- fearful (being hurt)
6 types of psychoanalytic testing
- word-association test
- life-history methods (interview)
- projective tests (ink blots)
- analysis of transference
- hypnosis
- dream interpretation
Social-Cognitive theory
learned behaviours and emotional reactions become stable part of personality
Neural networks
when we experience something, cluster of neurons (nodes) is set aside to recognise it again, and when we do, the node becomes activated
What happens when nodes are activated together
they are wired together (e.g. pleasure, blood, rose smell all associated)
same sequence of events plays out often enough, becomes script, which plays out the same way whenever triggered
mental outline of some aspect of experience, based on prior experience. provides mental glasses through which we see the world.
Schema in terms of neural networks
group of nodes with strong associative links
Activation of schema
any node within schema will activate whole schema network, then schema will reach threshold (become fully activated)
When schema reaches threshold
influences persons thoughts, feelings and behaviour
if schema is activated but does not reach threshold it is said to be
schema therapy
personality disorders therapised by changing entrenched schemas
Humanistic Approaches
focus on aspects of personality that are distinctly human