Why do Men commit crime more Flashcards
What is hegemonic masculinity and what are some traits
Most valued and dominant type of masculinity in society
Traits: tough, physical, strong, independent, respected
Where do boys learn masculinity
Family, media, school, community
What are the most common vs from crime commited by men
What study was done by Winlow
Postmodernity, masculinity and crime
What is the Postmodernity, masculinity and crime study by Winlow
Globalisation has moved society into a post/late modern society
Deindustrialisation has led to decrease manual jobs = chance to prove masculinity through earning money by physical labour
In postmodern society = 2 ways to be masculine
1) Paid work in nightclubs - control customers and earn money
2) Criminal subculture - illegal drug opportunities
Ways to achieve masculinity in a postmodern society has changed but it still involved crime
What is ‘body capital’ from the Postmodernity, masculinity and crime study by Winlow
Looking physically strong and using voilence provides status and opens opportunity in illegal activity
What key sociologist is behind the ideas of masculinity
How is masculinity a social contruct
Masculinity is an accomplishment and are constantly working on it
Constrantly constructing and presenting to others
What is normative/hegemonic masculinity
Socially approved idea of a ‘real man’ that most people value and want to achieve
-independent, respected, feared, strong, tough, breadwinner, subordination to women
How does hegemonic masculinity and achieveing it link to crime
Men may use crime to achieve hegemonic masculinity and avoid subordinate masculinity
Mens position in society = different types of crime committed
What is the relationship with Black WC youths and masculinity
Decreased chance to get reasonable job due to institutional racism = express masculinity by:
Non-utilitarian crime = gang membership and voilence
Utilitarian crime = theft for wealth - gain money primarily then gain status from it
What is the relationship with White WC youths and masculinity
Decrease chance of educational success = oppositional masculinity in and out of school
-Sexist attitudes, tough, oppose authority
-Similar to the lads in Willis study
= gain status
What is the relationship with White MC youths and masculinity
At school = accomodating masculinity
- subordinate themselves to teachers to achieve success in school
Out of school = oppositional masculinity
-Drinking, pranks, vandalism, non-utilitarian crime to gain status
Which feminist and theory can be used to show Black and White WC youths stating their masculinity
Ansleys ‘takers of shit’
Frustration from men taken out on women - shows masculinity
What are 3 criticism of the Ideas of masculinity from Messerschmidt
Circular arguement: masculinity an explanation of male crime or just a description of male criminals?
Striving to be more masculine cannot explain all crime - little link to achieving masculinity to drug usage
Over emphasises masculinity: some men may not strive to achieve hegemonic masculinity - eg the new man