Functionalism - Hirschi Social Control Theory Flashcards
What is Hirschis Social Control Theory
Crime increases when social institutions lose control over individuals and bonds attaching people to society weaken
What are some examples of weak institutions
Non traditional families (NR would agree)
Lack in trust in government policies and police
What are the Bonds of attachment - CABI
What is meant by Commitment as a Bond of attachment
What have we got to loose? A good job?
Committing crimes puts what we have to loose at risk
What is meant by Attachment as a Bond of attachment
How much do we care about what others think?
We might care about what out spouses of children think of us if we were to commit crime
What is meant by Belief as a Bond of attachment
To what extent do we believe in obeying the law?
Strength of moral and this may dictate if we commit crime
What is meant by Involvement as a Bond of attachment
How involved are we in society/ the community with hobbies or leisure
If people volunteer to be apart of the community, they are less likely to commit crime against it
What is one positive of Hirschis social control theory
It introduces the ideas of how to prevent crime and how to achieve social order - has influenced social policy
What are two negatives of Hirschis social control theory
Cannot explain all crime: corporate/ white collar crime - these people have a lot of bonds and connections and a lot to loose yet still commit crime
Marxism - capitalism is to blame, it deliberately encourages WC people to be alienated to go on and commit crime - Hirschi ignores this