Globalisation and crime Flashcards
What is the definition of globalisation
Increase interconnectedness of the world
What are the four types of globalisation
Economic, political, cultural, technological
Who spoke of the Global Economy
Held et al
What is the globel economy
There has been a globalisation of crime.
Globalisation has encouraged spread of legitimate and illegitimate activities - easier for info, goods and people to move quickly and cheaply
Increased transnational organised crime - crime and criminal networks across nation boaders
How much did Castells say the global criminal economy is worth
£1 trillion per year in 1998
What are some examples of new crime which globalisation has created
Trafficking, cybercrime, voilent hate crimes, green crime, smuggling illegal immegrants
What is one evaluation of globalisation increasing crime
Globalisation des not always increase crime - it can decrease it
What is meant by the supply and demand of the global criminal economy
Reason for the scale of transnational organised crime = demand from rich west but it would survive without a supply side of the crime - supply is provided due to globalisation
What is the Columbia case study for the supply and demand of the global criminal economy
Poor see opportunitiy as attractibe in the drug business as does not require alot of money
In columbia 20% of the population depend on cocaine production for their livelihood
What is meant by ‘Glocal’
Crime is locally based but with global connections
- drugs smuggled from Colombia to UK (global)
- and then distrubuted in the uk (local)
What is the effect of crime on a globalised world
Reduce power of nation state: disputes over whos responsibility it is to tackle crimes that are committed in one country but have effects in another - internet fraud
New ‘Global risk consciousness’ - Increase awareness and fear of global crimes
Media - exaggerate the dangers and create a moral panic
How has globalisation impacted social control
Increased risk consciousness - more harsher punishments and social control, increased boarder control, Rwanda asylum plan
What does Taylor argue about for capitalism and crime
Globalisation has intensified capitalism, spread inequality worldwide and increased crime at both ends of social class spectrum
How has globalisation increased crime for the WC end of the social class spectrum
TNC move to UK and exploit workers, state welfare decreases, increases in unemployment and poverty - causes non-utilitarian and utilitarian crime through relative deprivation, marginalisation, individualsation: frustration and poverty
How has globalisation increased crime for the RC end of the social spectrum
Globalisation made it easier for the rich to commit tax evasion - offshore accounts
Also resulted in a breach of labour laws - health ans safety
What is one evaluation point for the social class spectrum
Deterministic - not all poor or rich commit crime
How many Vs of trafficking are there
21 million
How many contries convicted fewer than 10 traffickers
What is Crimes of globalisation - Rothe and Friedrich
Global politicial institutions such as IMF (International monetary Fund) dominated by western capitalist countries loan money to porer countries and inturn impose ‘structural adjustment programmes’.
What are ‘structural adjustment programmes’ from Rothe and Friedrich (FINISH THIS CARD)
Poorer countries cut spending on welfare and invest in areas which the donating country wishes - most often TNCs or capitalist companies
What is meant by the McMafia - Glenny
After society union fell in Russia, prices for natural resources did
The rich bought them for cheap and sold them on for huge sums
Became rich and pay criminal organisations such as McMafia to protect their wealth - involved voilence and fraud
What is the Madagascar example of a structural adjudgment programme
Gained inderpendence in 1960s and wnated to be socialist
Economy went into decline and by 1922 the authorities forced to do structural adjustment programme by IMF
World Bank estimated 92% of madagascar live on less than $2 per day