Right Realism - Causes of crime Flashcards
What do Realists believe
See crime as REAL and the statistics are true
Use stats to argue crime has increased
Say other theories fail to offer realistic solutions
Focus on practical ways to solve crime
What are the three causes of crime according to Right realists
Biological differences
Socialisation and the Underclass
Rational Choice Theory
What is Biological differences as a cause of crime
Wilson and Hernstin
Crime is caused by biological and social factors
-Personality traits = some people have innately more predisposed to commit crime (aggressive, risk-taking)
-Low intelligence = main cause
What are the 4 main evaluation points for the biological differences at a cause of crime
Overemphasis on biological factors
Rational Choice Theory - contradictory to this as it is a choice but also biological?
Studies show intelligence does not significantly impact likelihood of offending - IQ accounts for less than 3% in difference of offending
Cannot explain WCC with high intelligence needed
What is Socialisation and the Underclass as a cause of crime
Charles Murray
Matriarchal single parent families are increasing - due to overly generous welfare system - offers perverse incentive which is negative
Created an underclass - single parent families cannot socialise children (unlike nuclear family) - results in a lack of respect for law, poor education, work shy attitude
Absent fathers - boys lack sufficient role model
Turn to delinquent subculture - replace role models and gain status
What is one positive of the socialisation and the underclass as a cause of crime
Explains WC crime and non utilitarian but doesn’t specific which
What are 2 evaluation points for socialisation and the underclass as a cause of crime
Only explains WC - not crime of the powerful, Marxists argue are more damaging
Feminists: women can socialise and discipline boys effectively
What is the Rational Choice Theory
We have free will to commit a crime or not- crime is a conscious choice based on calculation of the consequences
Reward outweigh the consequences = more likely to offend
Argue that punishments being lenient or little chance of getting caught creates crime
What are 2 evaluation points for rational choice theory
Overexaggerates rationality - only explains utilitarian crime which is thought of in advanced not impulsive non-utilitarian crime
Contradictory to the biological difference causes of crime
What are 2 overall evaluation points for Right realism
Marxism: RR ignore wider structural causes of crime - poverty
Contradictory: idea of having low IQ causes crime contradicts criminals being rational actors and socialised into crime