White/Epston, Narrative Flashcards
Narrative Family Therapy: Themes
White, Epston
Collaborative approach - clients experts
Freedom from oppression of their problems!
We develop narratives about our life and then ID ourselves with anything that confirms that narrative - becomes a theme. Overly focus on what fits, disregard what doesn’t. “I’m a failure” - won’t notice when succeed.
Therapeutic Letters
Narrative Epston White
Therapist may write client letter after discharged to sow positive growth they had
Clients As Consultants
Epston White
Therapist invite clients back after termination to serve as consultant on new cases. Reinforce growth.
Unique Outcomes (Sparkling Events)
Epston White
Exploring times when prob wasnt’ a prob
Landscape of Meaning Questions
White Epston
Once preferred narrative is ID’d - help to explore meanings within preferred narrative. “How does your narrative of spending more quality time with family reflect upon you as a person?”
Externalizing Questions
Epston White
Questions that help externalize the problem.
I feel depressed. Vs. the presence of depression
Subjugated Story
White, Epston
entails a time when problem did not have power over - or times when individual was able to deal with problem. It’s more positive than the prob-saturated version of them
Therapeutic Certificates
Narrative, Epston White
Get a certificate to honor growth during therapy
Narrative Family Therapy: WHO, HOW LONG, GOALS
WHO? Will work with whoever is willing to come
HOW LONG? Therapy continues until it’s done
GOALS: Alter problem saturated story, better reflect the preferred narrative
Preference Questions
Epston White
Is the discourse of therapy congruent with what you hoped for?
Narrative Family Therapy: Assessment & Diagnosis
White, Epston
No structured assessment.
3 Domains of Early Sessions
1) Knowing the Person apart from the Problem - allows us to externalize the problem, expands client’s sense of self
2) Identifying Unique Outcomes - Intentional attention to times when prob wasn’t prob. Hx, present, future.
3) Mapping Effects: how has the prob affected the client? how has the client affected the prob?
no objective pathological or system diagnoses
Constitutionalist Self
White, Epston
Concept of the self is fluid
Deconstruction Questions
White, Epston
Unravel stories - see from different perspective, do you want to continue identifying with it?
Collaborative Case Notes
Narrative Epston White
Write case notes w/client to make sure getting everything right
Narrative Family Therapy
White, Epston
Subjective, lived reality of each individual
No absolute reality
Reality is a social construct
-Reflect on narratives they have constructed about themselves, ID life experiences that influence them, create new narratives
Externalizing the Problem
Epston White
Separate the problem from the person. Personify problem like it is it’s own thing. Client’s own language, lived reality
Relative Influencing Questioning
Epston White
Helps externalize problem through mapping influence of problem & person
Narrative Metaphor
White, Epston
Primary tool used to make sense of lives.
Landscape of Action Questions
Epston White
Expore situations and efforts that are congruent w/preferred narrative
Problem-Saturated Stories
White, Epston
when clients ID a narrative that is a big prob throughout time - influencing past, present, future. Externally influenced, repress the authenticity of the individual
Preferred Narrative
White, Epston
Prob-saturated story is deconstructed, then make new preferred narrative
Mapping the Influence of the Problem
Epston White
Role prob has had in the life
Mapping the Influence of the Person
Role person has had on problem