de Shazer/Berg, Solution-Focused Flashcards
Solution-Focused Therapy
Subjective, lived reality of experiences, new ways of interpreting experiences.
Brief, few interventions - like MRI, but solution vs problem focused.
Clients already have the strength and knowledge to solve their own problems. Our job is to help them ID their strengths. through questions and reframe.
What are they already doing that works for them?
Solution-Focused Therapy: WHO, HOW LONG, GOALS
WHO: work with whoever shows up.
HOW LONG: Brief. Terminate as soon as therapy is done
Goals: Collaborative with clients - they initially define the goals, therapist helps tweak them.
1) ID specific preferred behaviors/interactions
2) Increase how often these things happen
Measurable, easily attainable
Solution-Focused Therapy: Treatment Phases
de Shazer, Berg
Early: 1st session is joinig, listening to complaints, and complimenting present/pas strengths.
- Define problem in family’s language, assess unexplored solutions
- ID exceptions, explore further
- Establish goals as exceptions are ID’d.
—-Formula First Session Task, Miracle Question
Middle: 2nd session, Goal setting, collaboratively ID how problem will be solved, how will they know when problem is solved.
-Scaling questions, Exception questions, Compliments throughout rest of therapy
Late: Inquire about positive patterns, encourage intentionally engaging in what’s working. If no positive pattern, explore more.
Termination happens when problem is resolved.
Solution & Future Focus
de Shazer/Berg
Therapist doesn’t need to know the problem - solution is often unrelated. Future focus brings relief!
Strengths & Resources
Solution-Focused, de Shazer, Berg
Assessment/throughout therapy - therapist focus on strengths/resources bc they will be component to solving problem.
Beginner’s Mind
Therapist stance in Solution Focused (de Shazer, Berg).
Open mind for possibilities - do not exert expertiese.
Change is Constant
Solution Focused, de Shazer, Berg
Change is inevitable, constant. Client’s situation is always in flux, although changes go overlooked.
Language & Meaning
Solution Focused, de Shazer, Berg
Attending to client’s language/meaning gives therapist understanding of their specific lived reality.
Solution Focused, therapist maintains hope that things will get better.
Commitment to Change: Visitor
Solution Focused, de Shazer, Berg
Agreeable to attend, not willing to put forth effort
Commitment to Change: Complainant
Solution Focused, de Shazer, Berg
Will acknowledge problem, unwilling to acknowledge their role - focus on others.
Commitment to Change: Customer
Solution Focused
Will acknowledge problem, willing to accept role, willing to be engaged.
Formula First Session Task
Solution Focused
Shift attention toward overlooked positive aspects of situation. Illuminate when problem is not present. Explore strengths/resources. This is how we shift from prob focused to solution focused.
Miracle Question
Solution Focused
What would your life look like without the problem? What would be different/how would they know the problem no longer was present?
Exception Questions
Solution Focused
When were problems not present? When was problem not a problem?
Scaling Questions
Solution Focused
10 point scale. Emphasis toward positivity. Depression at a 3, the therapist will celebrate it not being 2.
Solution Focused
Intentionally, consistently compliment clients throughout therapy.
Solution-Focused: Assessment & Diagnosis
Brief exploration of problem. Fam already knows solution so don’t need much exploration. Then intervention.