Crisis Flashcards
3 Characteristics Associated with Crisis
1) Balance between thinking/emotion disturbed
2) Usual coping mechanisms fail
3) Evidence of impairment
Crisis Intervention
Temporary, active, supportive
Roberts’s 7-Stage Crisis Intervention Model
1) Plan & conduct thorough biopsychosocial, lethality/imminent danger assessment
2) Make psychological contact, rapidly establish rapport
3) Identify major problems precipitating crisis
Why do they need help? Prioritize accordingly. Coping style.
4) Encourage exploration of feelings
5) Generate & explore alternative coping strategies
6) Restore functioning through implementation of action plan –> leads to crisis resolution
7) Plan follow-up, booster sessions
Break confidentiality for suicide?
Requires a plan, access to plan, and intent to follow through.
Duty to Warn
Tarasoff vs Regents
Always evidence of IMMINENT risk.
If potential of death is NOT imminent (like HIV risk), do not break confidentiality.